Wikipedia:Jewish Encyclopedia topics/I
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- I JE ...
- Ibis JE ...
- Ibn JE Arabic word (in Hebrew ) meaning "son," and having the shortened form "ben" or "bin" () when standing between the proper name...
- Samuel Ben Judah Ibn Abun JE ...
- Ibn Alfange JE Spanish author; flourished in the eleventh century. Nothing is known of his life except that he embraced Christianity in 1094...
- Abu Zakarya Yahya (r Judah) Ibn Bal'am JE Hebrew grammarian of Toledo, Spain, about 1070-90. In the introduction to his "Moznayim" Abraham ibn Ezra mentions Ibn Bal'...
- Abu Ibrahim IshaḲ Ibn Barun JE Spanish grammarian; lived in the eleventh and twelfth centuries, probably at Barcelona. He was a pupil of the grammarian Levi...
- David Ben Yom-Ṭob Ibn Bilia JE Portuguese philosopher; lived in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. Steinschneider believes him to have been the father...
- Saadia Ben Maimun Ben Moses Ibn Danan JE Lexicographer, philosopher, and poet; flourished at Granada in the second half of the fifteenth century. He exercised the...
- Ibn Daud Ha-levi JE ...
- Abraham Ben MeÏr (aben Ezra) Ibn Ezra JE Scholar and writer; born 1092-1093; died Jan. 28 (according to Rosin, Reime und Gedichte, p. 82, n. 6, 1167 (see his application...
- Isaac (abu Sa'd) Ibn Ezra JE Spanish poet of the twelfth century; son of Abraham ibn Ezra. He won fame as a poet at an early age, probably while still...
- Joseph Ben Isaac Ibn Ezra JE Oriental rabbi of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries; descendant of the Ibn Ezra family of Spain. Brought up in Salonica...
- Judah Ibn Ezra JE Son of Joseph ibn Ezra of Granada; Spanish state official of the twelfth century. He was raised by Alfonso VII. of Castileto...
- Moses Ben Jacob Ha-sallah (abu Harun Musa) Ibn Ezra JE Spanish philosopher, linguist, and poet; born at Granada about 1070; (died after 1138; relative of Abraham ibn Ezra and pupil...
- Solomon Ben Moses Ibn Ezra JE Rabbi of Venice; flourished in the second half of the seventeenth century. He was a disciple of Joseph Escapa and wrote a...
- Ibn Gabirol, Solomon Ben Judah (abu Ayyub Sulaiman Ibn Yahya Ibn Jabirul), JE Spanish poet, philosopher, and moralist; born in Malaga about 1021; died about 1058 in Valencia. He is called by Grätz...
- Isaac Ben Judah Ibn Ghayyat JE Spanish rabbi, Biblical commentator, philosopher, and liturgical poet; born at Lucena in 1038 (Graetz cites 1030); died at...
- Judah Ben Isaac Ibn Ghayyat JE Spanish Talmudist and Hebrew poet of the twelfth century. He was the author of a Hebrew translation, from the Arabic, of a...
- Aaron Ibn Hayyim JE ...
- Aaron B Abraham Ibn Hayyim JE ...
- Ibn Huacar JE ...
- Ibn Husain (abu Sulaiman) Daud JE Karaite liturgical poet; flourished in the first half of the tenth century. He compiled a prayer-book for the Karaites, entitled...
- Abu Al-walid Merwan Ibn Janah JE Greatest Hebrew philologist of the Middle Ages; born at Cordova between 985 and 990; died at Saragossa in the first half of...
- Jacob Ibn Jau JE Silk-manufacturer at Cordova, occupying a high position at the court of the calif Hisham; died about 1000. Amador de los Rios...
- Ya'Ḳub Ben Yusuf (abu Al-faraj) Ibn Killis JE Vizier to the calif of Egypt, Al-'Aziz Nizar; born at Bagdad 930; died at Cairo 990-991. His parents were Jews; and he...
- Isaac B Abraham Ibn LaṬif JE Spanish physician and cabalist; probably born at Toledo; died at Jerusalem, whither he had gone in indigent circumstances...
- Judah Ben Nissim Ibn Malkah JE Spanish philosopher; flourished either in Spain or in Africa in the middle of the fourteenth century. He was imbued with Neoplatonic...
- Judah Ben Solomon Ha-kohen Ibn MatḲah JE Spanish philosopher, astronomer, and mathematician; born at Toledo in 1215. On his mother's side he was the grandson of...
- Abraham Ben Isaac Ha-levi Ibn Migas JE Spanish physician and rabbinical scholar; lived at Constantinople in the sixteenth century. He was court physician to Sulaiman...
- Joseph Ibn Migas JE Spanish Jew of the eleventh century; ancestor of an important family of scholars. Joseph ibn Migas, greatly respected among...
- Joseph (jehosef) Ben MeÏr Ha-levi Ibn Migas JE Spanish rabbi and head of a school in Lucena; born 1077; died in Lucena 1141. His birthplace was probably Seville, where his...
- MeÏr Ibn Migas JE Spanish rabbi, and president of the bet ha-midrash of Seville; flourished in the eleventh century. He was the son of Joseph...
- Ahub Ben MeÏr Hanasi Ibn V06p538003jpg Ibn Muhajar JE Spanish-Arabian poet of the twelfth century; probably a brother of the poet Joseph ben Meïr and of Abraham b. Meï...
- Jacob Ibn NuÑez JE Physician to King Henry IV. of Castile and his chief judge ("juez mayor"); also rabbi, as he calls himself. In 1474 hewas...
- Ibn Palquera JE See Falaquera (Palaquera), Shem-ṭob b. Joseph. This article is Rated: ...
- Isaac Ben Joseph Ibn Pulgar JE Spanish philosopher, poet, and controversialist; flourished in the first half of the fourteenth century. Where he lived is...
- Ibn Roshd JE ...
- Abu Al-hasan Ibn Sahl JE ...
- Abu Omar Joseph Ben Jacob Ibn Sahl JE Poet and scientist; died at Cordova 1124. He was a pupil of Isaac ibn Ghayyat, was rabbi at Cordova for nine years, and was...
- Ibn Seneh JE See Ẓarẓah, Samuel ibn Seneh. This article is Rated: 2...
- Hasdai Ibn Shaprut JE ...
- Ibn Shaprut (shafrut JE Spanish philosopher, physician, and polemic; born at Tudela in the middle of the fourteenth century; often confused with the...
- Isaac Ibn Shem-Ṭob JE Philosophical commentator of the fifteenth century; younger brother of Joseph ibn Shem-Ṭob, and a follower of Maimonides...
- Joseph Ben ShemṬob Ibn Shem-Ṭob JE One of the most prolific Judæo-Spanish writers of the fifteenth century; born in Castile; died 1480. He lived in various...
- Shem-Ṭob (ben Joseph?) Ibn Shem-Ṭob JE Spanish cabalist; a fanatical opponent of rationalistic philosophy; president of a yeshibah in Spain; lived about 1390-1440...
- Shem-Ṭob Ben Joseph Ben Shem-Ṭob Ibn Shem-Ṭob JE Spanish writer and philosopher; flourished about 1461-89; lived in Segovia and Almazan. He was a follower of Maimonides, even...
- Ibn Shoshan JE Spanish family of Toledo, which can be traced back to the twelfth century and which is known to have existed up to the seventeenth...
- Bishr (bashar) Ben Phinehas Ibn Shu'aib JE Oriental mathematician; lived at the end of the tenth century. According to Hottinger ("Promptuarium," p. 96), the Arabic...
- Joel Ibn Shu'aib JE Rabbi, preacher, and commentator of the fifteenth century; born in Aragon; lived also at Tudela. He wrote: "'Olat Shabbat...
- Joshua Ibn Shu'aib JE Preacher and cabalist; flourished about 1328. He was a pupil of Solomon ben Adret and the teacher of Menahem ibn Zerah. Together...
- Ibn Tibbon JE Family of translators that lived principally in southern France in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. On the name "Tibbon"...
- Joseph Ibn Verga JE Turkish rabbi and historian; lived at Adrianople at the beginning of the sixteenth century; son of Solomon ibn Verga, author...
- Judah Ibn Verga JE Spanish historian, cabalist, perhaps also mathematician, and astronomer, of the fifteenth century; born at Seville; martyred...
- Solomon Ibn Verga JE Spanish historian and physician; lived in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. His relationship to Judah ibn Verga can not...
- Hayyim Ibn Vives (vivas) JE Spanish translator; translated from Arabic into Hebrew for David ibn Bilia the farewell letter of Ibn al-Ṣa'igh...
- Juan Ibn Vives JE Grandson of one of the richest Jews of Valencia, and one of the most influential and respected of the citizens of that city...
- Joseph Ben Joshua Ibn Vives Al-lorqui (of Lorca) JE Spanish physician; died before 1372; father of Joshua ben Joseph ibn Vives al-Lorqui. He revised Tibbon's translation...
- Joseph Ben Joshua Ibn Vives Al-lorqui (of Lorca) JE Spanish physician; died before 1408; son of Joshua ibn Vives al-Lorqui. He translated from Arabic into Hebrew various books...
- Joshua Ben Joseph Ibn Vives Al-lorqui (of Lorca) JE Spanish physician; lived about 1400 in Alcañiz. In 1408, at the command of the rich and influential Benveniste ben Solomon...
- Joshua Ben Joseph Ibn Vives Al-lorqui (of Lorca) JE Spanish physician, anti-Semitic writer, and propagandist. As a Jew his name was Joshua ha-Lorki (from the name of his birthplace...
- Joseph Ben Abraham Ibn WaḲar JE Spanish cabalist and Talmudist; lived at Toledo in the fourteenth century. Moses Narboni, who began his commentary on the...
- Ibn WaḲar (waḲḲar, Huacar, Hucar, V06p553001jpg), Judah Ben Isaac Of Cordova JE Tax-collector for, and representative and traveling companion (about 1320) of, the infante Don Juan Manuel; the author of...
- Samuel Ibn WaḲar (huacar) JE Physician to King Alfonso XI. of Castile; astronomer and astrologer; flourished in the fourteenth century. A favorite of the...
- David Ibn Yahya JE Grammarian and philisopher; son of the martyr Don Joseph; born at Lisbon 1465; died 1543. He was a pupil of David ben Solomon...
- Joseph Ben David Ibn Yahya JE Italian exegete and philosopher; born at Florence 1494; died at Imola 1539. His parents were Spanish exiles who had lived...
- Baruch Ben Isaac Ibn Ya'ish JE Philosopher and translator of the fifteenth century; apparently a native of Spain, though he lived in Italy. Ibn Ya'ish...
- Zabarra Ibn JE Judæo-Spanish family-name, found as early as the twelfth century; derived perhaps from a place-name. In Spanish documents...
- Judah Ibn Zabarra JE Poet and theologian; flourished in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries; probably a native of Spain, where the surname...
- Ibn ẒarẒal JE ...
- The Israelite Ibrahim Ibn Ya'Ḳub JE Jewish merchant-traveler of the tenth century. The little that is known about Ibrahim ibn Ya'ḳub is from his own...
- Ibzan JE Judge of Israel for seven years after Jephthah; a native of Beth-lehem he had thirty sons and thirty daughters, and was buried...
- Ichabod JE Son of Phinehas and grandson of Eli. Born after the death in battle of his father and the tragic death of his grandfather...
- Iddo JE A seer (), or prophet (), whose prophecies were directed against Jeroboam (II Chron. ix. 29). In the Masoretic text his name...
- Proof Of Identity JE In criminal cases the witnesses were required to be certain of the identity both of the accused and of the victim, as well...
- Idi JE Name of several Babylonian amoraim who flourished from the middle of the second to the middle of the fifth century. In the...
- Idi B Abin Naggara JE Babylonian amora of the fourth period (about 350). His father, whose name ("Naggara"="carpenter") probably indicates his occupation...
- Idi Of CÆsarea JE ...
- Idi B Gershom (ada B Gershon) JE Babylonian amora of the tannaitic period (about 150); father of Idi b. Idi (Ḥul. 98a; comp. Yer. Ter. x. 10). There...
- Idi Of HuṬra JE ...
- Idi Ben Idi JE ...
- Idi B Jacob Ii JE Babylonian amora of the second period (about 250). Idi was a disciple of Johanan. The journey from Idi's home in Babylonia...
- Idiocy JE Mental deficiency, depending upon disease or imperfect development of the nervous system, and dating from birth or from early...
- Idit JE Name of an amora who is known only from a passage preserved by Naḥman (Sanh. 38b), the passage being a part of a controversy...
- Idolatry And Idols JE ...
- Idumea JE ...
- Lazar Elias Igel JE Austrian rabbi; born Feb. 28, 1825, at Lemberg, where his father was a second-hand bookseller; died at Czernowitz March 26...
- Iggeret JE ...
- 'iggul Of Rabbi Nahshon Gaon JE ...
- Iglau JE Mining-town in Moravia, Austria. While Jews settled at Brünn at a very early time, regulations concerning the Jews of...
- Ignatiev (ignatyev, Ignatieff), Count Nikolai Pavlovich JE Russian statesman; born 1832. He was one of the prime movers in the reactionary anti-Jewish legislation of the last quarter...
- Ignorance Of The Law JE Through the institution of Hatra'ah, warning by the witnesses before the crime was committed was made by the Rabbis a...
- Shemariah B Elijah Of Negropont IḲriṬi (v06p559001jpg) JE Italian philosopher and Biblical exegete; contemporary of Dante and Immanuel; born probably at Rome about 1275, the descendant...
- Il Progresso Ladino JE ...
- Henry Iliowizi JE American rabbi and author; born in Choinick, in the government of Minsk, Russia, Jan. 2, 1850. His father was affiliated with...
- 'ilish JE Babylonian scholar of the fourth century (fourth amoraic generation); contemporary of Raba (B. M. 96a). He and the daughters...
- Iliyer Manasseh JE ...
- Illegitimacy JE The state of being born out of lawful wedlock; in Jewish law, the state of being born of any of the marriages prohibited in...
- Jacob Di Illescos JE Bible commentator, probably of Italian origin; lived in the fourteenth century. He was the author of "Imre No'am," an...
- Illiberis JE ...
- Illinois JE One of the Central States of the United States of America; admitted to the Union Dec. 3, 1818. The Jewish pioneer of Illinois...
- Bernhard Illowy JE American rabbi; born at Kolin, Bohemia, 1814; died near Cincinnati, Ohio, June 22, 1871. He was descended from a family of...
- Illuminated Manuscripts JE ...
- Illustra Guerta De Historia JE ...
- Illustrating Of Hebrew Manuscripts JE ...
- Illustrirte Judenzeitung JE ...
- Illustrirte Monatshefte FÜr Die Gesammten Interessen Des Judenthums JE ...
- Illustrirte Wiener JÜdische Presse JE ...
- Images JE ...
- Naphtali Herz Imber JE Austrian Hebrew poet; born at Zloczow, Galicia, in 1856. After the usual Talmudic training he began his wandering life by...
- Imma Shalom JE Wife of Eliezer ben Hyrcanus and sister of Gamaliel II. Of her early life but little is known. She was probably brought up...
- Immanuel JE This name occurs only thrice in the Bible, in Isa. vii. 14 and viii. 8, 10 (in the last-cited verse the rendering "God is...
- Immanuel B Jacob Of Tarascon JE ...
- Immanuel Ben Jekuthiel Of Benevento JE Grammarian and corrector for the press at Mantua; lived in the second half of the sixteenth century. He was connected with...
- Siegmund (solomon Jacob) Immanuel JE German philologist; born at Hamburg Sept. 4, 1792; died at Minden Dec. 28, 1847. Educated at the gymnasium of Altona and later...
- Immanuel B Solomon B Jekuthiel JE Italian scholar, satirical poet, and the most interesting figure among the Jews of Italy; born at Rome c. 1270; died probably...
- Immigration JE ...
- Immortality Of The Soul JE The belief that the soul continues its existence after the dissolution of the body is a matter of philosophical or theological...
- Immovable Property JE ...
- Implied Contract JE ...
- Imprisonment JE Imprisonment as a punishment for crime is not known in Mosaic law. The few apparent cases mentioned in the Pentateuch (Lev...
- Impurity JE ...
- Incantation JE The invocation of magical powers. All peoples, civilized as well as savage, have believed and still believe in magical influences...
- Incarnation JE ...
- Incense JE An aromatic substance which exhales perfume during combustion; the odor of spices and gums burned as an act of worship. In...
- Incest JE Marriage or carnal commerce between persons of a close degree of consanguinity. Even in modern times the connotation of "incestuous"...
- Incunabula JE Works printed in the fifteenth century. Those of Jewish interest consist of (a) works printed in Hebrew and (b) works in other...
- Indemnity JE That by which a surety who has been compelled to pay the debt of his principal is reimbursed, either by the principal or from...
- The Independent Hebrew JE ...
- India JE An extensive region of southern Asia, comprising many countries, races, and sects. Including about 2,800 in the settlement...
- Indiana JE One of the Central States of the American Union; admitted 1816. The earliest Jewish congregation, the Achduth Vesholom congregation...
- Indianapolis JE ...
- Indictment JE ...
- Infamy JE ...
- Legal Aspect Of Infancy JE Infants, the deaf, and those of unsound mind are always named together, as not liable for torts, nor punishable for offenses...
- Infidelity JE See Unbelief. This article is Rated: 2.86 ...
- Informers JE See Moserim. This article is Rated: 2.7 ...
- Infratirea JE ...
- Feast Of Ingathering JE ...
- Inheritance JE Among the early Hebrews, as well as among many other nations of antiquity, custom decided that the next of kin should enter...
- Initials JE ...
- Injuries JE ...
- Ink JE The only passage in the Old Testament in which ink is mentioned is Jer. xxxvi. 18. It would evidently, however, be a mistake...
- Inn JE House of entertainment for travelers. In the Bible references are made to lodging-places ("malon") where caravans or parties...
- Innocent Iii (lothario Conti) JE Pope from 1198 to 1216; born at Anagni in 1161; elected June 8, 1198; died July 17, 1216. A Roman writer said of him, "Thy...
- Innocent Xi (benedetto Odescalchi) JE Pope from 1676 to 1689; born at Como in 1611; elected Sept. 21, 1676; died Aug. 12, 1689. That the Jews were not excluded...
- Innsbruck JE Capital of Tyrol, Austria. While Jews settled throughout Tyrol, especially in the southern part, as early as the beginning...
- Inquisition JE Court for the punishment of heretics and infidels, established as early as the reigns of the emperors Theodosius and Justinian...
- Insanity JE Mental disease. Among the Jews the proportion of insane has been observed to be very large. From statistics collected by Buschan...
- Inscriptions, Greek, Hebrew, JE ...
- Insects JE Under this head are treated the species not described in separate articles under their individual names, as Ant; Bee; Beetle...
- Inspiration JE The state of being prompted by or filled with the spirit of God. Bezaleel was "filled with the spirit of God" (Ex. xxxi. 3...
- Installation JE ...
- Institut Zur FÖrderung Der Israelitischen Literatur JE Society, founded by Ludwig Philippson, for the promotion of Jewish literature. The books published by the society were issued...
- Institutions JE See Taḳḳanot. This article is Rated: 2.91 ...
- Institutum Judaicum JE A special academic course for Protestant theologians who desire to prepare themselves for missionary work among Jews. The...
- Instrument JE ...
- Instrument JE ...
- Insurance JE ...
- Intelligencers JE Persons who supply intelligence or secret information; Stuart English for "spies." A number of crypto-Jews in London supplied...
- Intention JE An intelligent purpose to do a certain act. In criminal cases wrongful intent must accompany the wrongful act in order to...
- Interest JE ...
- Intermarriage JE Marriage between persons of different races or tribes. A prohibition to intermarry with the Canaanites is found in Deut. vii...
- Intermediate Days JE ...
- Intestacy JE ...
- Invocation JE A form of praise or blessing greatly in vogue in medieval Hebrew literature. In ancient times the invocation was an essential...
- Ionia JE ...
- Iowa JE One of the north-central states of the American Union. A part of the Louisiana Purchase (1803), it was incorporated successively...
- Ireland JE An island west of Great Britain, forming part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. The earliest mention of...
- Ir Ha-heres JE ...
- Irkutsk JE ...
- Iron JE The invention of the art of working in brass and iron is ascribed to Tubal-cain (Gen. iv. 22), and thus placed in prehistoric...
- Ir-shemesh JE A city of Dan, mentioned with Shaalabbin and Ajalon (Josh. xix. 41-42). Its parallel name in Judges (i 35, Hebr.) is "Har-Ḥ...
- Isaac JE Second patriarch; son of Abraham and Sarah. He was the child of a miracle, for at the time of his birth his mother, hitherto...
- Isaac JE Member of the embassy sent in 797 by Charlemagne to Harun al-Rashid, calif at Bagdad, probably as interpreter for the ambassadors...
- Isaac B Abba Mari JE French codifier; born in Provence about 1122; died after 1193 (in Marseilles ?). Isaac's father, a great rabbinical authority...
- Isaac Abendana JE ...
- Isaac Ben Abraham Ancona Al- ḲusṬanṬini JE Italian Talmudist; lived at Ancona in the first half of the eighteenth century. He carried on a scientific correspondence...
- Isaac Ben Abraham Ha-gorni JE Provençal poet; lived at Luc in the second half of the thirteenth century. He is known in Hebrew literature under the...
- Isaac Ben Abraham Of Neustadt JE Dutch cabalist; lived at Amsterdam in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. He was an assistant rabbi at Amsterdam, where...
- Isaac Ben Abraham Of Posen JE Polish rabbi and author; died in Posen 1685. He was the pupil of R. Jonah Teomim, author of "Ḳiḳayon de-Yonah...
- Isaac Of Acco JE ...
- Isaac Ben Asher Ii JE Tosafist, apparently of the beginning of the thirteenth century. He is quoted by Mordecai b. Hillel (M. Ḳ No. 504),...
- Isaac Ben Asher Ha-levi (riba) JE Tosafist; lived at Speyer in the eleventh century; son-in-law of Eliakim ben Meshullam and pupil of Rashi. His are the earliest...
- Isaac (abu Jacob) Bar Bahlul JE Karaite scholar; lived at the end of the eleventh, or at the beginning of the twelfth, century. Two decisions of his have...
- Abu Ibrahim Isaac Ibn Barun JE ...
- Isaac The Blind ( JE French cabalist; flourished in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. Isaac is considered the founder of the Cabala; or, rather...
- Isaac DẸ Castro JE ...
- Isaac Ben Eleazar Ha-levi JE German Talmudist and liturgical poet; flourished at Worms; died, according to Abraham Zacuto ("Yuḥasin ha-Shalem," p...
- Isaac Ben Eliakim Of Posen JE German moralist and author; lived in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. He was the author of "Leb Ṭob" (Prague...
- Isaac Ben Eliezer JE Ethical writer at Worms; flourished from 1460 to 1480. He attended the lectures of Moses ben Eliezer ha-Darshan (Zunz, "Z...
- Isaac Ben Eliezer Ha-levi JE Spanish grammarian of the fourteenth century. He was the author of "Sefer ha-Riḳmah," a grammatical treatise still extant...
- Isaac Ben Elijah Sheni (shani) JE Turkish rabbi; lived at Constantinople in the first half of the sixteenth century. The name "Sheni" is followed by the letters...
- Isaac Of Evreux JE French rabbinical scholar and Biblical commentator; flourished in the thirteenth century. His authority was invoked by Mordecai...
- Isaac Ibn Gabbai JE ...
- Abu Ibrahim Isaac Ibn Halfon JE Spanish poet of the eleventh century. According to Moses ibn Ezra's treatise on poetry (Neubauer, "Cat. Bodl. Hebr. MSS...
- Isaac Ben Hayyim Ben Abraham Ha-kohen JE Italian exegete; lived successively at Bologna, Jesi, Recanati, and Rome, in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. He was...
- Isaac Ben Hayyim Of Volozhin JE Russian Talmudist; born at Volozhin, government of Wilna; died at Ivenitz, government of Minsk, June 16, 1849. Isaac was a...
- Isaac Ben Isaac JE French tosafist of the second half of the thirteenth century; mentioned in Tos. Naz. 16b; identical, according to Gross and...
- Isaac Israeli JE ...
- Jacob Isaac (isachok) JE Court physician to King Sigismund I. of Poland; son of Abraham of Jerusalem; died at Kazimierz, a suburb of Cracow, about...
- Isaac (eisak) Ben Jacob Haber JE Rabbi at Tikotzyn and Suwalki, Poland; lived in the first half of the nineteenth century. He wrote: "Bet Yiẓḥaḳ...
- Isaac Ben Jacob Ha-laban JE Tosafist and liturgical poet; flourished at Prague in the twelfth century; the brother of the traveler Pethahiah of Regensburg...
- Isaac Ben Jacob The Levite JE Rabbi and cantor at Venice; born in 1621. He was the son of a cabalist and a grandson of Judah de Modena, whose "Bet Yehudah"...
- Isaac Ibn Jasos Ibn SaḲṬar JE Spanish grammarian; born 982; died at Toledo about 1057-58. He is identified by Steinschneider with the physician Isḥ...
- Johann Levita Isaac JE German professor of Hebrew; born 1515; died at Cologne 1577. At first a rabbi at Wetzlar, he was baptized as a Protestant...
- Isaac Ben Joseph Of Corbeil JE French ritualist; flourished in the second half of the thirteenth century. He was the son-in-law of R. Jehiel ben Joseph of...
- Isaac (eisak) Ben Joshua Ben Abraham Of Prague JE Physician and parnas of Prague in the sixteenth century. He was the author of "'Olat Yiẓḥaḳ" a collection...
- Isaac Joshua Ben Immanuel De Lattes JE Italian Talmudist and publisher: born at Rome at the end of the fifteenth century: died at Ferrara about 1570. He was the...
- Isaac Ben Judah JE Talmudist of the twelfth century; teacher of Solomon ben Isaac (Rashi). He was a native of Lorraine ("Ha-Pardes," 35a), but...
- Isaac Ben Judah Ha-levi JE French exegete and tosafist; lived at Sens, probably, in the second half of the thirteenth century. He was the pupil of Ḥ...
- Isaac Ben Judah LÖb JE Rabbi at Offenbach in the first half of the eighteenth century. He wrote "Be'er Yiẓḥaḳ," a commentary...
- Isaac Ben Judah Ben Nathanael Of Beaucaire JE Liturgic poet of the early part of the thirteenth century. Zunz credits him with thirty-eight synagogal hymns, most of them...
- Isaac Ha-kohen Of Manosque JE French Talmudist of the first half of the fourteenth century; rabbi at Manosque, in the department of Basses-Alpes. He is...
- Isaac Ha-kohen Of Narbonne JE French Talmudist; lived in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries; a disciple of Abraham ben David of Posquières. He was...
- Isaac Ha-kohen Of Ostrog JE Russian rabbi; lived in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. He was the author of a work entitled "Mattenot 'Ani,"...
- Isaac De Leon JE One of the last rabbis of Castile; lived at Toledo. He was a native of Leon, and a pupil of Isaac Campanton, and, like Moses...
- Isaac Leon Ben Eliezer Ibn Ẓur Sefardi JE Rabbi at Ancona in the first half of the sixteenth century. He belonged to a Spanish family which settled in Italy after the...
- Isaac Ben Levi Of Provence JE French liturgical poet; flourished in the twelfth century. Among the piyyuṭim for New-Year's Day contained in the...
- Isaac Ben Levi Ben Saul Of Lucena JE Spanish grammarian and liturgical poet; flourished in the first half of the eleventh century; a contemporary of Isaac Gikatilla...
- Isaac Ha-levi Of Worms JE ...
- Marc Jacob Isaac JE French educationist and writer; born March 10, 1828, at Niederhomburg, near Saargemünd, Lorraine. After attending the...
- Isaac B MeÏr Of Dueren JE ...
- Isaac Ben MeÏr Of Narbonne JE French liturgical poet of the first half of the twelfth century. He is mentioned as a liturgical poet by Joseph Ḳara...
- Isaac Ben Melchizedek Of Siponto JE Italian rabbi and Talmudist; lived about 1110-70; born in Siponto, a seaport of Apulia and an ancient seat of Jewish learning...
- Isaac B Menahem The Great JE French Talmudist; flourished in the second half of the eleventh century. Isaac, who lived at Orléans, was a pupil of...
- Isaac Ben Merwan Ha-levi JE French Talmudist; flourished in the first third of the twelfth century; elder son of Merwan of Narbonne. As highly respected...
- Isaac Ben Mordecai Gershon JE Talmudist of the fifteenth century. He was the author of "Shelom Ester," a commentary on the scroll of Esther (Constantinople...
- Isaac Ben Mordecai Ha-levi JE Rabbi of Lemberg; died in Cracow 1799. His father was chief of the yeshibah at Lemberg, and Isaac himself officiated as rabbi...
- Isaac Ben Moses Eli (ha-sefardi) JE Spanish mathematician of the fifteenth century; born at Oriola, Aragon. According to Steinschneider, he may have been one...
- Isaac Ben Moses Of Vienna JE German halakist, a descendant of a learned family; probably born in Bohemia; lived about 1200-70. He mentions as his teachers...
- Isaac Nathan Ben Kalonymus JE French philosopher and controversialist; lived at Arles, perhaps at Avignon also, and in other places, in the fourteenth and...
- Isaac Ben Noah Cohen Shapira JE Polish rabbi; lived in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries; grandson of Hirsh and teacher of Joel Sirkes. He received...
- Isaac Of Norwich (isaac b Eliab) JE English financier of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. He was among the Jews imprisoned by King John in 1210 ("Select...
- Isaac Pulgar JE See Ibn Pulgar (Polgar, Polkar), Isaac ben Joseph. This article is Rated: ...
- Isaac B Reuben Albargeloni (albarceloni) JE Spanish Talmudist and liturgical poet; born at Barcelona in 1043. He was a judge in the important community of Denia, where...
- Isaac Ben Samson Ha-kohen JE Bohemian Talmudist; died May 30, 1624, in Prague. He was assistant rabbi and magistrate of the community, and was son-in-law...
- Samuel Isaac JE Promoter of the Mersey Tunnel, near Liverpool, England; born at Chatham, England, 1812; died in London Nov. 22, 1886. He went...
- Isaac Ben Samuel Of Acre JE Palestinian cabalist; flourished in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. According to Azulai ("Shem ha-Gedolim,"s.v.)...
- Isaac Ben Samuel Ha-levi JE Polish rabbi; born at Vladimir, government of Volhynia, Russia, about 1580; died before 1646. He was the elder brother and...
- Isaac Ben Samuel Of Narbonne JE French scholar; flourished in the first half of the twelfth century. He is quoted in an anonymous commentary to Chronicles...
- Isaac Ben Samuel Ha-sefardi JE Spanish Biblical exegete; flourished in the eleventh and twelfth centuries. From his commentary, which is written in Arabic...
- Isaac Ben Samuel Ha-zaḲen JE French tosafist and Biblical commentator; flourished at Ramerupt and Dampierre in the twelfth century. He died, according...
- Isaac Ben Sheshet Barfat (ribash) JE Spanish Talmudic authority; born at Valencia in 1326; died at Algiers in 1408. He settled early in life at Barcelona, where...
- Isaac Ibn Sid (zag; Çag) JE Spanish astronomer; flourished at Toledo in the second half of the thirteenth century. From the surname "haḤazzan,"...
- Isaac Ben Solomon JE Liturgical poet; lived in Germany in the first half of the fourteenth century; author of the seliḥah "Ani hu ha-Geber...
- Isaac Ben Solomon Ha-kohen JE Biblical commentator; lived at Constantinople in the middle of the sixteenth century. He was the author of a commentary on...
- Isaac Ben Todros JE Spanish rabbi and Talmudist toward the end of the thirteenth century. He was the teacher of Shem-Ṭob ibn Gaon and Nathan...
- Isaac B Todros JE French physician at Avignon during the second half of the fourteenth century. In 1373 he was the pupil of the astronomer Immanuel...
- Isaac Tyrnau JE Hungarian rabbi and ritualist; flourished in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. He was a pupil of Abraham Klausner of...
- Abram Samuel Isaacs JE American rabbi, professor, and editor; born in New York city Aug. 30, 1852. He was educated at New York University (B.A. 1871...
- Sir Henry Aaron Isaacs JE Former Lord Mayor of London; born in that city Aug. 15, 1830. For a quarter of a century he labored in the best interests...
- Isaac A Isaacs JE Australian statesman and jurist; born at Melbourne, Victoria, Aug. 6, 1855; educated at Melbourne University, and admitted...
- Jacob Isaacs JE American inventor of the colonial and revolutionary period; died 1798. He was resident in Newport in 1755 ("Publications Am...
- Myer Samuel Isaacs JE American lawyer; born in New York city May 8, 1841; educated at the University of New York. He was admitted to the bar of...
- Nathaniel Isaacs JE African traveler; born in England 1808; died after 1840. He left England in 1822 for St. Helena, where his uncle was consul...
- Rebecca Isaacs JE English actress and singer; born in London June 26, 1828; died there April 21, 1877. Her father, John Isaacs, an actor and...
- Samuel Hillel Isaacs JE American calendarer; born 1825 at Raczek, Poland; educated under Judah Bacharach, Moses Leib of Kutna, and others; emigrated...
- Samuel Myer Isaacs JE Rabbi and journalist; born at Leeuwarden, Holland, Jan. 4, 1804; died in New York city May 19, 1878. His father, on the approach...
- Isabella I JE ...
- Isaiah JE The greatest of the Hebrew prophets of whom literary monuments remain. He resided at Jerusalem, and so contrasts with Micah...
- Book Of Isaiah JE Ch. i.: One of the finest specimens of prophetic rhetoric known. It is in its present form a general prophecy, full of edification...
- Ascension Of Isaiah JE Apocryphal book, consisting of three different parts, which seem originally to have existed separately; one is of Jewish,...
- Isaiah Ben Abba Mari JE French rabbi of the second half of the fourteenth century; famous for his controversies and for the divisions he caused among...
- Isaiah Ben Abraham JE Polish rabbi of the seventeenth century; author of "Be'er Heṭeb," a commentary on Shulḥan 'Aruk, Oraḥ...
- Isaiah Berlin JE ...
- Isaiah Menahem Ben Isaac JE Rabbi of Cracow; died Aug. 16, 1599. At first chief of the yeshibah of Szezebrscyn, government of Lublin, Poland, he was later...
- Isaiah (ben Elijah) Di Trani (the Younger) JE Italian Talmudist and commentator; lived in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. He was the grandson, on his mother'...
- Isaiah (ben Mali) Di Trani (the Elder; Rid) JE Prominent Italian Talmudist; born about 1180. He originated in Trani (Conforte, "Ḳore ha-Dorot," p. 15a), an ancient...
- 'isawites JE ...
- Iscariot JE ...
- Barbu (judah) Iscovescu JE Rumanian painter; born 1816 at Bucharest; died Oct. 24, 1854, at Constantinople. The son of a house-painter, he served his...
- Jose) Ben Judah Ise (isi JE Palestinian tanna of the second century; contemporary of Simeon ben Yoḥai and of R. Meïr. Bacher thinks it probable...
- IshaḲ Ibn 'ali Ibn IshaḲ JE Karaite scholar of the eleventh century. The "Chronicle" of Ibn al-Hiti contains a warm eulogy of the scholarly attainments...
- IshaḲ Ben Ya'Ḳub Obadiah Abu 'isa Al-isfahani JE Persian founder of a Jewish sect and "herald of the Messiah"; lived at the time of the Ommiad calif 'Abd al-Malik ibn...
- Ish-bosheth JE Fourth and youngest son of Saul, and, as the sole male survivor in direct line of descent, his legitimate successor to the...
- Ishmael JE Eldest son of Abraham by his concubine Hagar; born when Abraham was eighty-six years of age (Gen. xvi. 15, 16). God promised...
- Ishmael B Abraham Ha-kohen JE Talmudic scholar and author; chief rabbi of Modena; born 5484 (=1724); died 5571 (=1811). He was recognized as a profound...
- Ishmael Of Akbara JE Founder of the Jewish sect of Akbarites; flourished in the time of the calif Al-Mu'taṣim (833-841). He was a native...
- Ishmael B Elisha JE Tanna of the first and second centuries (third tannaitic generation). He was a descendant of a wealthy priestly family in...
- Ishmael B Johanan B BaroḲa JE Tanna of the second century (fourth tannaitic generation); contemporary of Simon b. Gamaliel II. These two rabbis are often...
- Ishmael B Jose B Halafta JE Tanna of the beginning of the third century. Ishmael served as a Roman official together with Eliezer b. Simon, and was instrumental...
- [[Ishmael Ben Ḳimhit (Ḳamhit [v06p650002jpg])]] JE High priest under Agrippa I.; probably identical with Simon, son of Κάμιθος (or Κά...
- Son Of Nethaniah Ishmael JE ...
- Ishmael Ben Phabi (fiabi) Ii JE High priest under Agrippa II.; not to be identified (as by Grätz and Schürer) with the high priest of the same name...
- Lazard Isidor JE Chief rabbi of France; grandson, on his mother's side, of Hirsch Katzenellenbogen, chief rabbi of Upper Alsace; born at...
- Isidorus Hispalensis JE Archbishop of Seville; flourished in the sixth and seventh centuries. He presided over the fourth Council of Toledo, called...
- Isis JE Egyptian deity, at whose instigation, it was alleged, the Jews were forced to leave Egypt. Cheremon, the enemy of the Jews...
- Islam JE Arabic word denoting "submission to God"; the name given to the religion of Mohammed and to the practises connected therewith...
- 'abd Al-haḲḲ AḲ- Islami JE Jewish convert to Islam; lived at Ceuta, Morocco, in the first half of the fourteenth century. He wrote an Arabic work against...
- Meyer Isler JE German philologist; born Dec. 14, 1807, at Hamburg; died there Aug. 19, 1888; studied philology at the universities of Bonn...
- Ispahan JE City in the district of Jabal, Persia, situated on the Zendarud. The Jews pretend to have founded Ispahan, saying that it...
- Israel JE ...
- Kingdom Of Israel JE In the article People of Israel the history of the Northern Kingdom in its wider relations is briefly set forth; here the...
- People Of Israel JE In the Bible "Israel" is the national name of the people who are known racially as "Hebrews." In the tribal condition no comprehensive...
- Israel JE First "Hochmeister" (chief rabbi) of Germany; lived at the beginning of the fifteenth century. He was called to this office...
- Israel JE An Eastern family of rabbis and authors whose members dwelt in Alexandria, Jerusalem, and Rhodes, where they held important...
- Israel Of Bamberg JE Tosafist; flourished about the middle of the thirteenth century. He was a pupil of Samuel of Bamberg, to whose rabbinate he...
- Israel Bruna Ben Hayyim JE German rabbi of the fifteenth century. He was at first rabbi of Brünn, and after the expulsion of the Jews from that...
- Edward Israel JE American arctic explorer; born July 1, 1859, at Kalamazoo, Mich.; died May 27, 1884; educated at the University of Ann Arbor...
- Hayyim Abraham Israel JE Italian rabbi of the eighteenth century; lived at Candia and Ancona. He wrote: (1) "Bet Abraham" (Leghorn, 1786), a casuistical...
- Israel Isser Ben Ze'eb Wolf JE Russian rabbi; lived at Vinnitsa, Podolia, in the nineteenth century. He wrote: "Sha'ar Mishpaṭ," novellæ on...
- Israel Isserlein JE ...
- Jacob Israel JE Russian rabbi and author; flourished 1623-78. He is said to have been born in Temesvar, and to have been rabbi in Belzyce...
- James Israel JE German physician; born at Berlin Feb., 1848; M.D. Berlin, 1870. Settling in the German capital, he became in 1875 assistant...
- Jedidiah Israel JE Rabbi at Alexandria, Egypt, from 1802 to 1827; died 1827; son of Israel Israel, who had held the rabbinate from 1773 to 1784...
- Israel Ben Jehiel Ashkenazi JE Italian rabbi; lived at the end of the fifteenth and in the early part of the sixteenth century. He was corrector of the edition...
- Israel Joshua Of Kutno JE Russian-Polish rabbi; died at Kutno, in the government of Warsaw, July 11, 1893, at an advanced age. He studied in the yeshibah...
- Israel Kohen Ben Joseph JE Polish scholar; lived in the second half of the sixteenth century. He edited the anonymous philosophical work "She'elot...
- Israel Of Krems JE Austrian rabbi; flourished in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. He was the great-grandfather of Israel ben Pethahiah...
- Israel Ben MeÏr JE Printer and author; lived at Prague in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. He was the author of a work entitled "Hanhagot...
- Israel B Moses JE Polish cabalist; lived at the end of the sixteenth century. He is known only through his book "Tamim Yaḥdaw," in which...
- Israel Ben Moses Ha-levi Of Zamosc JE Galician scholar; born at Boberka at the beginning of the eighteenth century; died at Brody April, 1772. His father instructed...
- Oskar Israel JE German physician; born at Stralsund Sept. 6, 1854; educated at the universities of Leipsic, Kiel, and Berlin (M.D. 1877)....
- Israel B Pethahiah JE ...
- Israel Salante JE ...
- Israel Ben Samuel Ashkenazi Of Shklov JE Talmudic casuist; born at Shklov about 1770; died at Tiberias May 13, 1839. One of a group of Talmudical scholars of Shklov...
- Israel Samuel Ben Solomon JE Polish Talmudic and halakic author of . About 1620 he lived in Cracow. His father, a physician, was of Spanish origin. Israel...
- Israel Ben Shabbethai Of Kozienice JE Hasidic rabbi, cabalist, and thaumaturge; born at Kozienice, government of Radom, Russian Poland, about 1745; died in 1815...
- Israel Ben Uri Shraga JE German tosafist of the thirteenth century; died before 1298. Little is known of his life or of his family. He was a pupil...
- Israel Of Valabregue JE French Talmudist of the first half of the fourteenth century. He lived apparently at Tarascon, and was among the small number...
- Isaac Ben Joseph (the Younger) Israeli JE Spanish astronomer; flourished at Toledo in the first half of the fourteenth century. He was a pupil of Asher ben Jehiel,...
- Isaac Ben Solomon (abu Ya'Ḳub IshaḲ Ibn Sulaiman Alisra'ili; Israeli JE African physician and philosopher; born in Egypt before 832; died at Kairwan, Tunis, in 932. These dates are given by most...
- Israel Israeli JE Spanish scholar; died at Toledo 1326; probably identical with Israel ben Joseph of Toledo, brother of the astronomer Isaac...
- Israelik JE ...
- Der Israelit JE Biweekly periodical published in Galicia since 1868. It is the organ of the Shomer Yisrael Association of Lemberg, of which...
- Der Israelit JE Formerly, a weekly, now a semiweekly journal published at Mayence, Germany. It was founded in 1860 by M. Lehmann and edited...
- Der Israelit Des Neunzehnten Jahrhunderts JE Periodical published in Germany in the first half of the nineteeth century. It first appeared, from Oct., 1839, up to Oct...
- Israelite-christians (izrailskiye Christiyanye) JE To encourage the conversion of Jews to Christianity, the Committee of Guardians for Israelite-Christians was established in...
- IsraÉlite FranÇaise JE ...
- Israelitisch-theologische Lehranstalt JE Rabbinical and teachers' seminary in Vienna, founded 1893 at the suggestion of Wilhelm and David von Guttmann and with...
- Israelitische Allianz Zu Wien JE Society for the promotion of Jewish interests, founded at Vienna in 1872 by Joseph Ritter von Wertheimer, and modeled on the...
- Israelitische Annalen JE Weekly journal; published in Frankfort-on-the-Main. The first number appeared Jan. 4, 1839; it discontinued publication Dec...
- Israelitische Bote JE ...
- Israelitische Gemeindeblatt JE ...
- Israelitische Gemeinde- Und Familienzeitung JE ...
- Israelitische Gemeinde- Und Schulzeitung JE ...
- Israelitische Gemeindezeitung JE ...
- Israelietische Jaarboekje JE ...
- Israelitische Lehrer JE ...
- Israelitische Lehrer Und Kantor JE ...
- Israelitische Lehrerzeitung JE ...
- Israelietische Letterbode JE ...
- Israelitische Merkur JE ...
- Israelietische Nieuwsbode JE ...
- Israelitische Schul- Und Predigermagazin JE Monthly periodical, published in Magdeburg by Ludwig Philippson. It first appeared in 1834, and continued up to the end of...
- Israelitische Schulzeitung JE ...
- Israelitische Volksblatt JE ...
- Israelitische Volkslehrer JE Monthly, published at Frankfort-on-the-Main. It was founded in 1851, and continued to 1862. It was edited by Leopold Stein...
- Israelitische Wochenschrift FÜr Die ReligiÖsen Und Socialen Interessen Des Judenthums JE Weekly journal, published at Breslau and later at Magdeburg. The first number appeared Jan. 5, 1870; the last toward the close...
- Israelitischer Haus- Und Schulfreund JE ...
- Israelitischer Lehrerbote JE ...
- Israelitischer Musenalmanach JE ...
- Israelitischer Neuigkeitsbote JE ...
- Israelitulu Romanul JE ...
- Abraham Hartog Israels JE Dutch medical historian; born at Groningen March 27, 1822; died at Amsterdam. Jan. 16, 1883; educated at the university of...
- Israel's Herold JE ...
- Joseph Israels JE Dutch genre painter; born at Groningen, Holland, June 27, 1824. It was his mother's desire that he should enter the rabbinate...
- Issa JE ...
- Issachar JE Ninth son of Jacob and fifth of Leah, born a considerable length of time after her other children (Gen. xxx. 17, 18; comp...
- Tribe Of Issachar JE A tribe of Israel, descended from Issachar. The numbers accredited to Issachar are: 54,400 in Num. i. 29; 64,300 in Num. xxvi...
- Issachar BÄr B Tanhum JE Russian rabbi; born (in Grodno ?) 1779; died at Wilna July 31, 1855. He became one of the "more ẓedeḳ" ("dayyanim")...
- Issachar Dob Ben Jacob Joshua JE Rabbi of Podhajee, Galicia; born at Lisko, Galicia, 1712; died in Berlin Oct. 28, 1744. His father was the author of "Pene...
- Issachar Ben Issachar Cohen Gersoni JE Bohemian printer and author; lived in Prague in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. In 1691 he was employed at Fü...
- Israel Ben Pethahiah Ashkenazi Isserlein (isserlin) JE The foremost Talmudic authority of Germany in the first half of the fifteenth century; born in the last decade of the fourteenth...
- Moses Ben Israel (rema) Isserles JE Polish rabbi, code annotator, and philosopher; born at Cracow about 1520; died there May 1, 1572. His father was a rich and...
- Issa) Issi (isi JE See Ise and Jose. This article is Rated: 2.77 ...
- Istria JE A small peninsula at the northern end of the Adriatic Sea, having about 320,000 inhabitants, of whom 285 are Jews. Ethnographically...
- Italy JE Kingdom of southern Europe, with a total population of about 32,000,000, in which there are about 34,653 Jews (1901). This...
- Ithamar JE Youngest son of Aaron by Elisheba (Ex. vi. 23). Together with his father and three brothers he was consecrated to the priesthood...
- Itil JE ...
- Itinerant Mendicant JE ...
- Itinerant Teachers JE ...
- Iturea JE Greek name of a province, derived from the Biblical "Jetur," name of a son of Ishmael (comp. Gen. xxv. 15, 16). The name of...
- Itze (isaac) Of Chernigov JE Russian scholar of the twelfth century, frequently consulted by his contemporaries on questions of Biblical exegesis. He is...
- Itzig JE Wealthy German family which did much in the eighteenth century for the development of modern culture among the Jews. Babette...
- Ivan Iii, Vassilivich, The Great JE Czar of Russia 1462-1505. His attitude toward the Jews was friendly. Under his reign the Jew Skhariyah (Zechariah), who arrived...
- Ivan Iv, Vassilivich, The Terrible JE When the Russian army occupied the flourishing Polish city of Polotzk, which at that time (1563) had a prosperous Jewish community...
- Ivisa JE See Balearic Islands.
- Ivory JE The Hebrew word for ivory, i.e., "shen" (= "tooth"), shows that the Israelites knew what ivory was. The other term used to...
- Iwre-teutsch JE ...
- Ixar (hijar) JE Town in Aragon, Spain, 62 miles to the northeast of Teruel. Here were printed by Eliezer Alantansi two parts of the Spanish...
- Iyyar JE The second month in the Jewish calendar, consisting always of twenty-nine days, and falling between the tenth of April and...
- Izates JE Proselyte; King of Adiabene; son of Queen Helena and Monobaz I.; born in the year 1 of the common era; died in 55. While in...
- Izban JE ...
- Izraelita JE Jewish weekly in the Polish language, published in Warsaw since 1865. It was the successor of the Jutrzenka. At the beginning...
- Izraelita KÖzlÖny JE ...
- Izraelita Magyar NÉptanitÓ JE ...