Wikipedia:Jewish Encyclopedia topics/I

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  1. I JE ...
  2. Ibis JE ...
  3. Ibn JE Arabic word (in Hebrew ) meaning "son," and having the shortened form "ben" or "bin" () when standing between the proper name...
  4. Samuel Ben Judah Ibn Abun JE ...
  5. Ibn Alfange JE Spanish author; flourished in the eleventh century. Nothing is known of his life except that he embraced Christianity in 1094...
  6. Abu Zakarya Yahya (r Judah) Ibn Bal'am JE Hebrew grammarian of Toledo, Spain, about 1070-90. In the introduction to his "Moznayim" Abraham ibn Ezra mentions Ibn Bal&#39...
  7. Abu Ibrahim IshaḲ Ibn Barun JE Spanish grammarian; lived in the eleventh and twelfth centuries, probably at Barcelona. He was a pupil of the grammarian Levi...
  8. David Ben Yom-Ṭob Ibn Bilia JE Portuguese philosopher; lived in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. Steinschneider believes him to have been the father...
  9. Saadia Ben Maimun Ben Moses Ibn Danan JE Lexicographer, philosopher, and poet; flourished at Granada in the second half of the fifteenth century. He exercised the...
  10. Ibn Daud Ha-levi JE ...
  11. Abraham Ben MeÏr (aben Ezra) Ibn Ezra JE Scholar and writer; born 1092-1093; died Jan. 28 (according to Rosin, Reime und Gedichte, p. 82, n. 6, 1167 (see his application...
  12. Isaac (abu Sa'd) Ibn Ezra JE Spanish poet of the twelfth century; son of Abraham ibn Ezra. He won fame as a poet at an early age, probably while still...
  13. Joseph Ben Isaac Ibn Ezra JE Oriental rabbi of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries; descendant of the Ibn Ezra family of Spain. Brought up in Salonica...
  14. Judah Ibn Ezra JE Son of Joseph ibn Ezra of Granada; Spanish state official of the twelfth century. He was raised by Alfonso VII. of Castileto...
  15. Moses Ben Jacob Ha-sallah (abu Harun Musa) Ibn Ezra JE Spanish philosopher, linguist, and poet; born at Granada about 1070; (died after 1138; relative of Abraham ibn Ezra and pupil...
  16. Solomon Ben Moses Ibn Ezra JE Rabbi of Venice; flourished in the second half of the seventeenth century. He was a disciple of Joseph Escapa and wrote a...
  17. Ibn Gabirol, Solomon Ben Judah (abu Ayyub Sulaiman Ibn Yahya Ibn Jabirul), JE Spanish poet, philosopher, and moralist; born in Malaga about 1021; died about 1058 in Valencia. He is called by Grätz...
  18. Isaac Ben Judah Ibn Ghayyat JE Spanish rabbi, Biblical commentator, philosopher, and liturgical poet; born at Lucena in 1038 (Graetz cites 1030); died at...
  19. Judah Ben Isaac Ibn Ghayyat JE Spanish Talmudist and Hebrew poet of the twelfth century. He was the author of a Hebrew translation, from the Arabic, of a...
  20. Aaron Ibn Hayyim JE ...
  21. Aaron B Abraham Ibn Hayyim JE ...
  22. Ibn Huacar JE ...
  23. Ibn Husain (abu Sulaiman) Daud JE Karaite liturgical poet; flourished in the first half of the tenth century. He compiled a prayer-book for the Karaites, entitled...
  24. Abu Al-walid Merwan Ibn Janah JE Greatest Hebrew philologist of the Middle Ages; born at Cordova between 985 and 990; died at Saragossa in the first half of...
  25. Jacob Ibn Jau JE Silk-manufacturer at Cordova, occupying a high position at the court of the calif Hisham; died about 1000. Amador de los Rios...
  26. Ya'Ḳub Ben Yusuf (abu Al-faraj) Ibn Killis JE Vizier to the calif of Egypt, Al-'Aziz Nizar; born at Bagdad 930; died at Cairo 990-991. His parents were Jews; and he...
  27. Isaac B Abraham Ibn LaṬif JE Spanish physician and cabalist; probably born at Toledo; died at Jerusalem, whither he had gone in indigent circumstances...
  28. Judah Ben Nissim Ibn Malkah JE Spanish philosopher; flourished either in Spain or in Africa in the middle of the fourteenth century. He was imbued with Neoplatonic...
  29. Judah Ben Solomon Ha-kohen Ibn MatḲah JE Spanish philosopher, astronomer, and mathematician; born at Toledo in 1215. On his mother's side he was the grandson of...
  30. Abraham Ben Isaac Ha-levi Ibn Migas JE Spanish physician and rabbinical scholar; lived at Constantinople in the sixteenth century. He was court physician to Sulaiman...
  31. Joseph Ibn Migas JE Spanish Jew of the eleventh century; ancestor of an important family of scholars. Joseph ibn Migas, greatly respected among...
  32. Joseph (jehosef) Ben MeÏr Ha-levi Ibn Migas JE Spanish rabbi and head of a school in Lucena; born 1077; died in Lucena 1141. His birthplace was probably Seville, where his...
  33. MeÏr Ibn Migas JE Spanish rabbi, and president of the bet ha-midrash of Seville; flourished in the eleventh century. He was the son of Joseph...
  34. Ahub Ben MeÏr Hanasi Ibn V06p538003jpg Ibn Muhajar JE Spanish-Arabian poet of the twelfth century; probably a brother of the poet Joseph ben Meïr and of Abraham b. Me&#239...
  35. Jacob Ibn NuÑez JE Physician to King Henry IV. of Castile and his chief judge ("juez mayor"); also rabbi, as he calls himself. In 1474 hewas...
  36. Ibn Palquera JE See Falaquera (Palaquera), Shem-ṭob b. Joseph. This article is Rated:&nbsp...
  37. Isaac Ben Joseph Ibn Pulgar JE Spanish philosopher, poet, and controversialist; flourished in the first half of the fourteenth century. Where he lived is...
  38. Ibn Roshd JE ...
  39. Abu Al-hasan Ibn Sahl JE ...
  40. Abu Omar Joseph Ben Jacob Ibn Sahl JE Poet and scientist; died at Cordova 1124. He was a pupil of Isaac ibn Ghayyat, was rabbi at Cordova for nine years, and was...
  41. Ibn Seneh JE See Ẓarẓah, Samuel ibn Seneh. This article is Rated: 2...
  42. Hasdai Ibn Shaprut JE ...
  43. Ibn Shaprut (shafrut JE Spanish philosopher, physician, and polemic; born at Tudela in the middle of the fourteenth century; often confused with the...
  44. Isaac Ibn Shem-Ṭob JE Philosophical commentator of the fifteenth century; younger brother of Joseph ibn Shem-Ṭob, and a follower of Maimonides...
  45. Joseph Ben ShemṬob Ibn Shem-Ṭob JE One of the most prolific Judæo-Spanish writers of the fifteenth century; born in Castile; died 1480. He lived in various...
  46. Shem-Ṭob (ben Joseph?) Ibn Shem-Ṭob JE Spanish cabalist; a fanatical opponent of rationalistic philosophy; president of a yeshibah in Spain; lived about 1390-1440...
  47. Shem-Ṭob Ben Joseph Ben Shem-Ṭob Ibn Shem-Ṭob JE Spanish writer and philosopher; flourished about 1461-89; lived in Segovia and Almazan. He was a follower of Maimonides, even...
  48. Ibn Shoshan JE Spanish family of Toledo, which can be traced back to the twelfth century and which is known to have existed up to the seventeenth...
  49. Bishr (bashar) Ben Phinehas Ibn Shu'aib JE Oriental mathematician; lived at the end of the tenth century. According to Hottinger ("Promptuarium," p. 96), the Arabic...
  50. Joel Ibn Shu'aib JE Rabbi, preacher, and commentator of the fifteenth century; born in Aragon; lived also at Tudela. He wrote: "'Olat Shabbat...
  51. Joshua Ibn Shu'aib JE Preacher and cabalist; flourished about 1328. He was a pupil of Solomon ben Adret and the teacher of Menahem ibn Zerah. Together...
  52. Ibn Tibbon JE Family of translators that lived principally in southern France in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. On the name "Tibbon"...
  53. Joseph Ibn Verga JE Turkish rabbi and historian; lived at Adrianople at the beginning of the sixteenth century; son of Solomon ibn Verga, author...
  54. Judah Ibn Verga JE Spanish historian, cabalist, perhaps also mathematician, and astronomer, of the fifteenth century; born at Seville; martyred...
  55. Solomon Ibn Verga JE Spanish historian and physician; lived in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. His relationship to Judah ibn Verga can not...
  56. Hayyim Ibn Vives (vivas) JE Spanish translator; translated from Arabic into Hebrew for David ibn Bilia the farewell letter of Ibn al-Ṣa'igh...
  57. Juan Ibn Vives JE Grandson of one of the richest Jews of Valencia, and one of the most influential and respected of the citizens of that city...
  58. Joseph Ben Joshua Ibn Vives Al-lorqui (of Lorca) JE Spanish physician; died before 1372; father of Joshua ben Joseph ibn Vives al-Lorqui. He revised Tibbon's translation...
  59. Joseph Ben Joshua Ibn Vives Al-lorqui (of Lorca) JE Spanish physician; died before 1408; son of Joshua ibn Vives al-Lorqui. He translated from Arabic into Hebrew various books...
  60. Joshua Ben Joseph Ibn Vives Al-lorqui (of Lorca) JE Spanish physician; lived about 1400 in Alcañiz. In 1408, at the command of the rich and influential Benveniste ben Solomon...
  61. Joshua Ben Joseph Ibn Vives Al-lorqui (of Lorca) JE Spanish physician, anti-Semitic writer, and propagandist. As a Jew his name was Joshua ha-Lorki (from the name of his birthplace...
  62. Joseph Ben Abraham Ibn WaḲar JE Spanish cabalist and Talmudist; lived at Toledo in the fourteenth century. Moses Narboni, who began his commentary on the...
  63. Ibn WaḲar (waḲḲar, Huacar, Hucar, V06p553001jpg), Judah Ben Isaac Of Cordova JE Tax-collector for, and representative and traveling companion (about 1320) of, the infante Don Juan Manuel; the author of...
  64. Samuel Ibn WaḲar (huacar) JE Physician to King Alfonso XI. of Castile; astronomer and astrologer; flourished in the fourteenth century. A favorite of the...
  65. David Ibn Yahya JE Grammarian and philisopher; son of the martyr Don Joseph; born at Lisbon 1465; died 1543. He was a pupil of David ben Solomon...
  66. Joseph Ben David Ibn Yahya JE Italian exegete and philosopher; born at Florence 1494; died at Imola 1539. His parents were Spanish exiles who had lived...
  67. Baruch Ben Isaac Ibn Ya'ish JE Philosopher and translator of the fifteenth century; apparently a native of Spain, though he lived in Italy. Ibn Ya'ish...
  68. Zabarra Ibn JE Judæo-Spanish family-name, found as early as the twelfth century; derived perhaps from a place-name. In Spanish documents...
  69. Judah Ibn Zabarra JE Poet and theologian; flourished in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries; probably a native of Spain, where the surname...
  70. Ibn ẒarẒal JE ...
  71. The Israelite Ibrahim Ibn Ya'Ḳub JE Jewish merchant-traveler of the tenth century. The little that is known about Ibrahim ibn Ya'ḳub is from his own...
  72. Ibzan JE Judge of Israel for seven years after Jephthah; a native of Beth-lehem he had thirty sons and thirty daughters, and was buried...
  73. Ichabod JE Son of Phinehas and grandson of Eli. Born after the death in battle of his father and the tragic death of his grandfather...
  74. Iddo JE A seer (), or prophet (), whose prophecies were directed against Jeroboam (II Chron. ix. 29). In the Masoretic text his name...
  75. Proof Of Identity JE In criminal cases the witnesses were required to be certain of the identity both of the accused and of the victim, as well...
  76. Idi JE Name of several Babylonian amoraim who flourished from the middle of the second to the middle of the fifth century. In the...
  77. Idi B Abin Naggara JE Babylonian amora of the fourth period (about 350). His father, whose name ("Naggara"="carpenter") probably indicates his occupation...
  78. Idi Of CÆsarea JE ...
  79. Idi B Gershom (ada B Gershon) JE Babylonian amora of the tannaitic period (about 150); father of Idi b. Idi (Ḥul. 98a; comp. Yer. Ter. x. 10). There...
  80. Idi Of HuṬra JE ...
  81. Idi Ben Idi JE ...
  82. Idi B Jacob Ii JE Babylonian amora of the second period (about 250). Idi was a disciple of Johanan. The journey from Idi's home in Babylonia...
  83. Idiocy JE Mental deficiency, depending upon disease or imperfect development of the nervous system, and dating from birth or from early...
  84. Idit JE Name of an amora who is known only from a passage preserved by Naḥman (Sanh. 38b), the passage being a part of a controversy...
  85. Idolatry And Idols JE ...
  86. Idumea JE ...
  87. Lazar Elias Igel JE Austrian rabbi; born Feb. 28, 1825, at Lemberg, where his father was a second-hand bookseller; died at Czernowitz March 26...
  88. Iggeret JE ...
  89. 'iggul Of Rabbi Nahshon Gaon JE ...
  90. Iglau JE Mining-town in Moravia, Austria. While Jews settled at Brünn at a very early time, regulations concerning the Jews of...
  91. Ignatiev (ignatyev, Ignatieff), Count Nikolai Pavlovich JE Russian statesman; born 1832. He was one of the prime movers in the reactionary anti-Jewish legislation of the last quarter...
  92. Ignorance Of The Law JE Through the institution of Hatra'ah, warning by the witnesses before the crime was committed was made by the Rabbis a...
  93. Shemariah B Elijah Of Negropont IḲriṬi (v06p559001jpg) JE Italian philosopher and Biblical exegete; contemporary of Dante and Immanuel; born probably at Rome about 1275, the descendant...
  94. Il Progresso Ladino JE ...
  95. Henry Iliowizi JE American rabbi and author; born in Choinick, in the government of Minsk, Russia, Jan. 2, 1850. His father was affiliated with...
  96. 'ilish JE Babylonian scholar of the fourth century (fourth amoraic generation); contemporary of Raba (B. M. 96a). He and the daughters...
  97. Iliyer Manasseh JE ...
  98. Illegitimacy JE The state of being born out of lawful wedlock; in Jewish law, the state of being born of any of the marriages prohibited in...
  99. Jacob Di Illescos JE Bible commentator, probably of Italian origin; lived in the fourteenth century. He was the author of "Imre No'am," an...
  100. Illiberis JE ...
  101. Illinois JE One of the Central States of the United States of America; admitted to the Union Dec. 3, 1818. The Jewish pioneer of Illinois...
  102. Bernhard Illowy JE American rabbi; born at Kolin, Bohemia, 1814; died near Cincinnati, Ohio, June 22, 1871. He was descended from a family of...
  103. Illuminated Manuscripts JE ...
  104. Illustra Guerta De Historia JE ...
  105. Illustrating Of Hebrew Manuscripts JE ...
  106. Illustrirte Judenzeitung JE ...
  107. Illustrirte Monatshefte FÜr Die Gesammten Interessen Des Judenthums JE ...
  108. Illustrirte Wiener JÜdische Presse JE ...
  109. Images JE ...
  110. Naphtali Herz Imber JE Austrian Hebrew poet; born at Zloczow, Galicia, in 1856. After the usual Talmudic training he began his wandering life by...
  111. Imma Shalom JE Wife of Eliezer ben Hyrcanus and sister of Gamaliel II. Of her early life but little is known. She was probably brought up...
  112. Immanuel JE This name occurs only thrice in the Bible, in Isa. vii. 14 and viii. 8, 10 (in the last-cited verse the rendering "God is...
  113. Immanuel B Jacob Of Tarascon JE ...
  114. Immanuel Ben Jekuthiel Of Benevento JE Grammarian and corrector for the press at Mantua; lived in the second half of the sixteenth century. He was connected with...
  115. Siegmund (solomon Jacob) Immanuel JE German philologist; born at Hamburg Sept. 4, 1792; died at Minden Dec. 28, 1847. Educated at the gymnasium of Altona and later...
  116. Immanuel B Solomon B Jekuthiel JE Italian scholar, satirical poet, and the most interesting figure among the Jews of Italy; born at Rome c. 1270; died probably...
  117. Immigration JE ...
  118. Immortality Of The Soul JE The belief that the soul continues its existence after the dissolution of the body is a matter of philosophical or theological...
  119. Immovable Property JE ...
  120. Implied Contract JE ...
  121. Imprisonment JE Imprisonment as a punishment for crime is not known in Mosaic law. The few apparent cases mentioned in the Pentateuch (Lev...
  122. Impurity JE ...
  123. Incantation JE The invocation of magical powers. All peoples, civilized as well as savage, have believed and still believe in magical influences...
  124. Incarnation JE ...
  125. Incense JE An aromatic substance which exhales perfume during combustion; the odor of spices and gums burned as an act of worship. In...
  126. Incest JE Marriage or carnal commerce between persons of a close degree of consanguinity. Even in modern times the connotation of "incestuous"...
  127. Incunabula JE Works printed in the fifteenth century. Those of Jewish interest consist of (a) works printed in Hebrew and (b) works in other...
  128. Indemnity JE That by which a surety who has been compelled to pay the debt of his principal is reimbursed, either by the principal or from...
  129. The Independent Hebrew JE ...
  130. India JE An extensive region of southern Asia, comprising many countries, races, and sects. Including about 2,800 in the settlement...
  131. Indiana JE One of the Central States of the American Union; admitted 1816. The earliest Jewish congregation, the Achduth Vesholom congregation...
  132. Indianapolis JE ...
  133. Indictment JE ...
  134. Infamy JE ...
  135. Legal Aspect Of Infancy JE Infants, the deaf, and those of unsound mind are always named together, as not liable for torts, nor punishable for offenses...
  136. Infidelity JE See Unbelief. This article is Rated: 2.86 ...
  137. Informers JE See Moserim. This article is Rated: 2.7 ...
  138. Infratirea JE ...
  139. Feast Of Ingathering JE ...
  140. Inheritance JE Among the early Hebrews, as well as among many other nations of antiquity, custom decided that the next of kin should enter...
  141. Initials JE ...
  142. Injuries JE ...
  143. Ink JE The only passage in the Old Testament in which ink is mentioned is Jer. xxxvi. 18. It would evidently, however, be a mistake...
  144. Inn JE House of entertainment for travelers. In the Bible references are made to lodging-places ("malon") where caravans or parties...
  145. Innocent Iii (lothario Conti) JE Pope from 1198 to 1216; born at Anagni in 1161; elected June 8, 1198; died July 17, 1216. A Roman writer said of him, "Thy...
  146. Innocent Xi (benedetto Odescalchi) JE Pope from 1676 to 1689; born at Como in 1611; elected Sept. 21, 1676; died Aug. 12, 1689. That the Jews were not excluded...
  147. Innsbruck JE Capital of Tyrol, Austria. While Jews settled throughout Tyrol, especially in the southern part, as early as the beginning...
  148. Inquisition JE Court for the punishment of heretics and infidels, established as early as the reigns of the emperors Theodosius and Justinian...
  149. Insanity JE Mental disease. Among the Jews the proportion of insane has been observed to be very large. From statistics collected by Buschan...
  150. Inscriptions, Greek, Hebrew, JE ...
  151. Insects JE Under this head are treated the species not described in separate articles under their individual names, as Ant; Bee; Beetle...
  152. Inspiration JE The state of being prompted by or filled with the spirit of God. Bezaleel was "filled with the spirit of God" (Ex. xxxi. 3...
  153. Installation JE ...
  154. Institut Zur FÖrderung Der Israelitischen Literatur JE Society, founded by Ludwig Philippson, for the promotion of Jewish literature. The books published by the society were issued...
  155. Institutions JE See Taḳḳanot. This article is Rated: 2.91 ...
  156. Institutum Judaicum JE A special academic course for Protestant theologians who desire to prepare themselves for missionary work among Jews. The...
  157. Instrument JE ...
  158. Instrument JE ...
  159. Insurance JE ...
  160. Intelligencers JE Persons who supply intelligence or secret information; Stuart English for "spies." A number of crypto-Jews in London supplied...
  161. Intention JE An intelligent purpose to do a certain act. In criminal cases wrongful intent must accompany the wrongful act in order to...
  162. Interest JE ...
  163. Intermarriage JE Marriage between persons of different races or tribes. A prohibition to intermarry with the Canaanites is found in Deut. vii...
  164. Intermediate Days JE ...
  165. Intestacy JE ...
  166. Invocation JE A form of praise or blessing greatly in vogue in medieval Hebrew literature. In ancient times the invocation was an essential...
  167. Ionia JE ...
  168. Iowa JE One of the north-central states of the American Union. A part of the Louisiana Purchase (1803), it was incorporated successively...
  169. Ireland JE An island west of Great Britain, forming part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. The earliest mention of...
  170. Ir Ha-heres JE ...
  171. Irkutsk JE ...
  172. Iron JE The invention of the art of working in brass and iron is ascribed to Tubal-cain (Gen. iv. 22), and thus placed in prehistoric...
  173. Ir-shemesh JE A city of Dan, mentioned with Shaalabbin and Ajalon (Josh. xix. 41-42). Its parallel name in Judges (i 35, Hebr.) is "Har-&#7716...
  174. Isaac JE Second patriarch; son of Abraham and Sarah. He was the child of a miracle, for at the time of his birth his mother, hitherto...
  175. Isaac JE Member of the embassy sent in 797 by Charlemagne to Harun al-Rashid, calif at Bagdad, probably as interpreter for the ambassadors...
  176. Isaac B Abba Mari JE French codifier; born in Provence about 1122; died after 1193 (in Marseilles ?). Isaac's father, a great rabbinical authority...
  177. Isaac Abendana JE ...
  178. Isaac Ben Abraham Ancona Al- ḲusṬanṬini JE Italian Talmudist; lived at Ancona in the first half of the eighteenth century. He carried on a scientific correspondence...
  179. Isaac Ben Abraham Ha-gorni JE Provençal poet; lived at Luc in the second half of the thirteenth century. He is known in Hebrew literature under the...
  180. Isaac Ben Abraham Of Neustadt JE Dutch cabalist; lived at Amsterdam in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. He was an assistant rabbi at Amsterdam, where...
  181. Isaac Ben Abraham Of Posen JE Polish rabbi and author; died in Posen 1685. He was the pupil of R. Jonah Teomim, author of "Ḳiḳayon de-Yonah...
  182. Isaac Of Acco JE ...
  183. Isaac Ben Asher Ii JE Tosafist, apparently of the beginning of the thirteenth century. He is quoted by Mordecai b. Hillel (M. Ḳ No. 504),...
  184. Isaac Ben Asher Ha-levi (riba) JE Tosafist; lived at Speyer in the eleventh century; son-in-law of Eliakim ben Meshullam and pupil of Rashi. His are the earliest...
  185. Isaac (abu Jacob) Bar Bahlul JE Karaite scholar; lived at the end of the eleventh, or at the beginning of the twelfth, century. Two decisions of his have...
  186. Abu Ibrahim Isaac Ibn Barun JE ...
  187. Isaac The Blind ( JE French cabalist; flourished in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. Isaac is considered the founder of the Cabala; or, rather...
  188. Isaac DẸ Castro JE ...
  189. Isaac Ben Eleazar Ha-levi JE German Talmudist and liturgical poet; flourished at Worms; died, according to Abraham Zacuto ("Yuḥasin ha-Shalem," p...
  190. Isaac Ben Eliakim Of Posen JE German moralist and author; lived in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. He was the author of "Leb Ṭob" (Prague...
  191. Isaac Ben Eliezer JE Ethical writer at Worms; flourished from 1460 to 1480. He attended the lectures of Moses ben Eliezer ha-Darshan (Zunz, "Z...
  192. Isaac Ben Eliezer Ha-levi JE Spanish grammarian of the fourteenth century. He was the author of "Sefer ha-Riḳmah," a grammatical treatise still extant...
  193. Isaac Ben Elijah Sheni (shani) JE Turkish rabbi; lived at Constantinople in the first half of the sixteenth century. The name "Sheni" is followed by the letters...
  194. Isaac Of Evreux JE French rabbinical scholar and Biblical commentator; flourished in the thirteenth century. His authority was invoked by Mordecai...
  195. Isaac Ibn Gabbai JE ...
  196. Abu Ibrahim Isaac Ibn Halfon JE Spanish poet of the eleventh century. According to Moses ibn Ezra's treatise on poetry (Neubauer, "Cat. Bodl. Hebr. MSS...
  197. Isaac Ben Hayyim Ben Abraham Ha-kohen JE Italian exegete; lived successively at Bologna, Jesi, Recanati, and Rome, in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. He was...
  198. Isaac Ben Hayyim Of Volozhin JE Russian Talmudist; born at Volozhin, government of Wilna; died at Ivenitz, government of Minsk, June 16, 1849. Isaac was a...
  199. Isaac Ben Isaac JE French tosafist of the second half of the thirteenth century; mentioned in Tos. Naz. 16b; identical, according to Gross and...
  200. Isaac Israeli JE ...
  201. Jacob Isaac (isachok) JE Court physician to King Sigismund I. of Poland; son of Abraham of Jerusalem; died at Kazimierz, a suburb of Cracow, about...
  202. Isaac (eisak) Ben Jacob Haber JE Rabbi at Tikotzyn and Suwalki, Poland; lived in the first half of the nineteenth century. He wrote: "Bet Yiẓḥa&#7731...
  203. Isaac Ben Jacob Ha-laban JE Tosafist and liturgical poet; flourished at Prague in the twelfth century; the brother of the traveler Pethahiah of Regensburg...
  204. Isaac Ben Jacob The Levite JE Rabbi and cantor at Venice; born in 1621. He was the son of a cabalist and a grandson of Judah de Modena, whose "Bet Yehudah"...
  205. Isaac Ibn Jasos Ibn SaḲṬar JE Spanish grammarian; born 982; died at Toledo about 1057-58. He is identified by Steinschneider with the physician Is&#7717...
  206. Johann Levita Isaac JE German professor of Hebrew; born 1515; died at Cologne 1577. At first a rabbi at Wetzlar, he was baptized as a Protestant...
  207. Isaac Ben Joseph Of Corbeil JE French ritualist; flourished in the second half of the thirteenth century. He was the son-in-law of R. Jehiel ben Joseph of...
  208. Isaac (eisak) Ben Joshua Ben Abraham Of Prague JE Physician and parnas of Prague in the sixteenth century. He was the author of "'Olat Yiẓḥaḳ" a collection...
  209. Isaac Joshua Ben Immanuel De Lattes JE Italian Talmudist and publisher: born at Rome at the end of the fifteenth century: died at Ferrara about 1570. He was the...
  210. Isaac Ben Judah JE Talmudist of the twelfth century; teacher of Solomon ben Isaac (Rashi). He was a native of Lorraine ("Ha-Pardes," 35a), but...
  211. Isaac Ben Judah Ha-levi JE French exegete and tosafist; lived at Sens, probably, in the second half of the thirteenth century. He was the pupil of &#7716...
  212. Isaac Ben Judah LÖb JE Rabbi at Offenbach in the first half of the eighteenth century. He wrote "Be'er Yiẓḥaḳ," a commentary...
  213. Isaac Ben Judah Ben Nathanael Of Beaucaire JE Liturgic poet of the early part of the thirteenth century. Zunz credits him with thirty-eight synagogal hymns, most of them...
  214. Isaac Ha-kohen Of Manosque JE French Talmudist of the first half of the fourteenth century; rabbi at Manosque, in the department of Basses-Alpes. He is...
  215. Isaac Ha-kohen Of Narbonne JE French Talmudist; lived in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries; a disciple of Abraham ben David of Posquières. He was...
  216. Isaac Ha-kohen Of Ostrog JE Russian rabbi; lived in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. He was the author of a work entitled "Mattenot 'Ani,"...
  217. Isaac De Leon JE One of the last rabbis of Castile; lived at Toledo. He was a native of Leon, and a pupil of Isaac Campanton, and, like Moses...
  218. Isaac Leon Ben Eliezer Ibn Ẓur Sefardi JE Rabbi at Ancona in the first half of the sixteenth century. He belonged to a Spanish family which settled in Italy after the...
  219. Isaac Ben Levi Of Provence JE French liturgical poet; flourished in the twelfth century. Among the piyyuṭim for New-Year's Day contained in the...
  220. Isaac Ben Levi Ben Saul Of Lucena JE Spanish grammarian and liturgical poet; flourished in the first half of the eleventh century; a contemporary of Isaac Gikatilla...
  221. Isaac Ha-levi Of Worms JE ...
  222. Marc Jacob Isaac JE French educationist and writer; born March 10, 1828, at Niederhomburg, near Saargemünd, Lorraine. After attending the...
  223. Isaac B MeÏr Of Dueren JE ...
  224. Isaac Ben MeÏr Of Narbonne JE French liturgical poet of the first half of the twelfth century. He is mentioned as a liturgical poet by Joseph Ḳara...
  225. Isaac Ben Melchizedek Of Siponto JE Italian rabbi and Talmudist; lived about 1110-70; born in Siponto, a seaport of Apulia and an ancient seat of Jewish learning...
  226. Isaac B Menahem The Great JE French Talmudist; flourished in the second half of the eleventh century. Isaac, who lived at Orléans, was a pupil of...
  227. Isaac Ben Merwan Ha-levi JE French Talmudist; flourished in the first third of the twelfth century; elder son of Merwan of Narbonne. As highly respected...
  228. Isaac Ben Mordecai Gershon JE Talmudist of the fifteenth century. He was the author of "Shelom Ester," a commentary on the scroll of Esther (Constantinople...
  229. Isaac Ben Mordecai Ha-levi JE Rabbi of Lemberg; died in Cracow 1799. His father was chief of the yeshibah at Lemberg, and Isaac himself officiated as rabbi...
  230. Isaac Ben Moses Eli (ha-sefardi) JE Spanish mathematician of the fifteenth century; born at Oriola, Aragon. According to Steinschneider, he may have been one...
  231. Isaac Ben Moses Of Vienna JE German halakist, a descendant of a learned family; probably born in Bohemia; lived about 1200-70. He mentions as his teachers...
  232. Isaac Nathan Ben Kalonymus JE French philosopher and controversialist; lived at Arles, perhaps at Avignon also, and in other places, in the fourteenth and...
  233. Isaac Ben Noah Cohen Shapira JE Polish rabbi; lived in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries; grandson of Hirsh and teacher of Joel Sirkes. He received...
  234. Isaac Of Norwich (isaac b Eliab) JE English financier of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. He was among the Jews imprisoned by King John in 1210 ("Select...
  235. Isaac Pulgar JE See Ibn Pulgar (Polgar, Polkar), Isaac ben Joseph. This article is Rated:&nbsp...
  236. Isaac B Reuben Albargeloni (albarceloni) JE Spanish Talmudist and liturgical poet; born at Barcelona in 1043. He was a judge in the important community of Denia, where...
  237. Isaac Ben Samson Ha-kohen JE Bohemian Talmudist; died May 30, 1624, in Prague. He was assistant rabbi and magistrate of the community, and was son-in-law...
  238. Samuel Isaac JE Promoter of the Mersey Tunnel, near Liverpool, England; born at Chatham, England, 1812; died in London Nov. 22, 1886. He went...
  239. Isaac Ben Samuel Of Acre JE Palestinian cabalist; flourished in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. According to Azulai ("Shem ha-Gedolim,"s.v.)...
  240. Isaac Ben Samuel Ha-levi JE Polish rabbi; born at Vladimir, government of Volhynia, Russia, about 1580; died before 1646. He was the elder brother and...
  241. Isaac Ben Samuel Of Narbonne JE French scholar; flourished in the first half of the twelfth century. He is quoted in an anonymous commentary to Chronicles...
  242. Isaac Ben Samuel Ha-sefardi JE Spanish Biblical exegete; flourished in the eleventh and twelfth centuries. From his commentary, which is written in Arabic...
  243. Isaac Ben Samuel Ha-zaḲen JE French tosafist and Biblical commentator; flourished at Ramerupt and Dampierre in the twelfth century. He died, according...
  244. Isaac Ben Sheshet Barfat (ribash) JE Spanish Talmudic authority; born at Valencia in 1326; died at Algiers in 1408. He settled early in life at Barcelona, where...
  245. Isaac Ibn Sid (zag; Çag) JE Spanish astronomer; flourished at Toledo in the second half of the thirteenth century. From the surname "haḤazzan,"...
  246. Isaac Ben Solomon JE Liturgical poet; lived in Germany in the first half of the fourteenth century; author of the seliḥah "Ani hu ha-Geber...
  247. Isaac Ben Solomon Ha-kohen JE Biblical commentator; lived at Constantinople in the middle of the sixteenth century. He was the author of a commentary on...
  248. Isaac Ben Todros JE Spanish rabbi and Talmudist toward the end of the thirteenth century. He was the teacher of Shem-Ṭob ibn Gaon and Nathan...
  249. Isaac B Todros JE French physician at Avignon during the second half of the fourteenth century. In 1373 he was the pupil of the astronomer Immanuel...
  250. Isaac Tyrnau JE Hungarian rabbi and ritualist; flourished in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. He was a pupil of Abraham Klausner of...
  251. Abram Samuel Isaacs JE American rabbi, professor, and editor; born in New York city Aug. 30, 1852. He was educated at New York University (B.A. 1871...
  252. Sir Henry Aaron Isaacs JE Former Lord Mayor of London; born in that city Aug. 15, 1830. For a quarter of a century he labored in the best interests...
  253. Isaac A Isaacs JE Australian statesman and jurist; born at Melbourne, Victoria, Aug. 6, 1855; educated at Melbourne University, and admitted...
  254. Jacob Isaacs JE American inventor of the colonial and revolutionary period; died 1798. He was resident in Newport in 1755 ("Publications Am...
  255. Myer Samuel Isaacs JE American lawyer; born in New York city May 8, 1841; educated at the University of New York. He was admitted to the bar of...
  256. Nathaniel Isaacs JE African traveler; born in England 1808; died after 1840. He left England in 1822 for St. Helena, where his uncle was consul...
  257. Rebecca Isaacs JE English actress and singer; born in London June 26, 1828; died there April 21, 1877. Her father, John Isaacs, an actor and...
  258. Samuel Hillel Isaacs JE American calendarer; born 1825 at Raczek, Poland; educated under Judah Bacharach, Moses Leib of Kutna, and others; emigrated...
  259. Samuel Myer Isaacs JE Rabbi and journalist; born at Leeuwarden, Holland, Jan. 4, 1804; died in New York city May 19, 1878. His father, on the approach...
  260. Isabella I JE ...
  261. Isaiah JE The greatest of the Hebrew prophets of whom literary monuments remain. He resided at Jerusalem, and so contrasts with Micah...
  262. Book Of Isaiah JE Ch. i.: One of the finest specimens of prophetic rhetoric known. It is in its present form a general prophecy, full of edification...
  263. Ascension Of Isaiah JE Apocryphal book, consisting of three different parts, which seem originally to have existed separately; one is of Jewish,...
  264. Isaiah Ben Abba Mari JE French rabbi of the second half of the fourteenth century; famous for his controversies and for the divisions he caused among...
  265. Isaiah Ben Abraham JE Polish rabbi of the seventeenth century; author of "Be'er Heṭeb," a commentary on Shulḥan 'Aruk, Ora&#7717...
  266. Isaiah Berlin JE ...
  267. Isaiah Menahem Ben Isaac JE Rabbi of Cracow; died Aug. 16, 1599. At first chief of the yeshibah of Szezebrscyn, government of Lublin, Poland, he was later...
  268. Isaiah (ben Elijah) Di Trani (the Younger) JE Italian Talmudist and commentator; lived in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. He was the grandson, on his mother&#39...
  269. Isaiah (ben Mali) Di Trani (the Elder; Rid) JE Prominent Italian Talmudist; born about 1180. He originated in Trani (Conforte, "Ḳore ha-Dorot," p. 15a), an ancient...
  270. 'isawites JE ...
  271. Iscariot JE ...
  272. Barbu (judah) Iscovescu JE Rumanian painter; born 1816 at Bucharest; died Oct. 24, 1854, at Constantinople. The son of a house-painter, he served his...
  273. Jose) Ben Judah Ise (isi JE Palestinian tanna of the second century; contemporary of Simeon ben Yoḥai and of R. Meïr. Bacher thinks it probable...
  274. IshaḲ Ibn 'ali Ibn IshaḲ JE Karaite scholar of the eleventh century. The "Chronicle" of Ibn al-Hiti contains a warm eulogy of the scholarly attainments...
  275. IshaḲ Ben Ya'Ḳub Obadiah Abu 'isa Al-isfahani JE Persian founder of a Jewish sect and "herald of the Messiah"; lived at the time of the Ommiad calif 'Abd al-Malik ibn...
  276. Ish-bosheth JE Fourth and youngest son of Saul, and, as the sole male survivor in direct line of descent, his legitimate successor to the...
  277. Ishmael JE Eldest son of Abraham by his concubine Hagar; born when Abraham was eighty-six years of age (Gen. xvi. 15, 16). God promised...
  278. Ishmael B Abraham Ha-kohen JE Talmudic scholar and author; chief rabbi of Modena; born 5484 (=1724); died 5571 (=1811). He was recognized as a profound...
  279. Ishmael Of Akbara JE Founder of the Jewish sect of Akbarites; flourished in the time of the calif Al-Mu'taṣim (833-841). He was a native...
  280. Ishmael B Elisha JE Tanna of the first and second centuries (third tannaitic generation). He was a descendant of a wealthy priestly family in...
  281. Ishmael B Johanan B BaroḲa JE Tanna of the second century (fourth tannaitic generation); contemporary of Simon b. Gamaliel II. These two rabbis are often...
  282. Ishmael B Jose B Halafta JE Tanna of the beginning of the third century. Ishmael served as a Roman official together with Eliezer b. Simon, and was instrumental...
  283. [[Ishmael Ben Ḳimhit (Ḳamhit [v06p650002jpg])]] JE High priest under Agrippa I.; probably identical with Simon, son of Κάμιθος (or Κ&#940...
  284. Son Of Nethaniah Ishmael JE ...
  285. Ishmael Ben Phabi (fiabi) Ii JE High priest under Agrippa II.; not to be identified (as by Grätz and Schürer) with the high priest of the same name...
  286. Lazard Isidor JE Chief rabbi of France; grandson, on his mother's side, of Hirsch Katzenellenbogen, chief rabbi of Upper Alsace; born at...
  287. Isidorus Hispalensis JE Archbishop of Seville; flourished in the sixth and seventh centuries. He presided over the fourth Council of Toledo, called...
  288. Isis JE Egyptian deity, at whose instigation, it was alleged, the Jews were forced to leave Egypt. Cheremon, the enemy of the Jews...
  289. Islam JE Arabic word denoting "submission to God"; the name given to the religion of Mohammed and to the practises connected therewith...
  290. 'abd Al-haḲḲ AḲ- Islami JE Jewish convert to Islam; lived at Ceuta, Morocco, in the first half of the fourteenth century. He wrote an Arabic work against...
  291. Meyer Isler JE German philologist; born Dec. 14, 1807, at Hamburg; died there Aug. 19, 1888; studied philology at the universities of Bonn...
  292. Ispahan JE City in the district of Jabal, Persia, situated on the Zendarud. The Jews pretend to have founded Ispahan, saying that it...
  293. Israel JE ...
  294. Kingdom Of Israel JE In the article People of Israel the history of the Northern Kingdom in its wider relations is briefly set forth; here the...
  295. People Of Israel JE In the Bible "Israel" is the national name of the people who are known racially as "Hebrews." In the tribal condition no comprehensive...
  296. Israel JE First "Hochmeister" (chief rabbi) of Germany; lived at the beginning of the fifteenth century. He was called to this office...
  297. Israel JE An Eastern family of rabbis and authors whose members dwelt in Alexandria, Jerusalem, and Rhodes, where they held important...
  298. Israel Of Bamberg JE Tosafist; flourished about the middle of the thirteenth century. He was a pupil of Samuel of Bamberg, to whose rabbinate he...
  299. Israel Bruna Ben Hayyim JE German rabbi of the fifteenth century. He was at first rabbi of Brünn, and after the expulsion of the Jews from that...
  300. Edward Israel JE American arctic explorer; born July 1, 1859, at Kalamazoo, Mich.; died May 27, 1884; educated at the University of Ann Arbor...
  301. Hayyim Abraham Israel JE Italian rabbi of the eighteenth century; lived at Candia and Ancona. He wrote: (1) "Bet Abraham" (Leghorn, 1786), a casuistical...
  302. Israel Isser Ben Ze'eb Wolf JE Russian rabbi; lived at Vinnitsa, Podolia, in the nineteenth century. He wrote: "Sha'ar Mishpaṭ," novellæ on...
  303. Israel Isserlein JE ...
  304. Jacob Israel JE Russian rabbi and author; flourished 1623-78. He is said to have been born in Temesvar, and to have been rabbi in Belzyce...
  305. James Israel JE German physician; born at Berlin Feb., 1848; M.D. Berlin, 1870. Settling in the German capital, he became in 1875 assistant...
  306. Jedidiah Israel JE Rabbi at Alexandria, Egypt, from 1802 to 1827; died 1827; son of Israel Israel, who had held the rabbinate from 1773 to 1784...
  307. Israel Ben Jehiel Ashkenazi JE Italian rabbi; lived at the end of the fifteenth and in the early part of the sixteenth century. He was corrector of the edition...
  308. Israel Joshua Of Kutno JE Russian-Polish rabbi; died at Kutno, in the government of Warsaw, July 11, 1893, at an advanced age. He studied in the yeshibah...
  309. Israel Kohen Ben Joseph JE Polish scholar; lived in the second half of the sixteenth century. He edited the anonymous philosophical work "She'elot...
  310. Israel Of Krems JE Austrian rabbi; flourished in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. He was the great-grandfather of Israel ben Pethahiah...
  311. Israel Ben MeÏr JE Printer and author; lived at Prague in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. He was the author of a work entitled "Hanhagot...
  312. Israel B Moses JE Polish cabalist; lived at the end of the sixteenth century. He is known only through his book "Tamim Yaḥdaw," in which...
  313. Israel Ben Moses Ha-levi Of Zamosc JE Galician scholar; born at Boberka at the beginning of the eighteenth century; died at Brody April, 1772. His father instructed...
  314. Oskar Israel JE German physician; born at Stralsund Sept. 6, 1854; educated at the universities of Leipsic, Kiel, and Berlin (M.D. 1877)....
  315. Israel B Pethahiah JE ...
  316. Israel Salante JE ...
  317. Israel Ben Samuel Ashkenazi Of Shklov JE Talmudic casuist; born at Shklov about 1770; died at Tiberias May 13, 1839. One of a group of Talmudical scholars of Shklov...
  318. Israel Samuel Ben Solomon JE Polish Talmudic and halakic author of . About 1620 he lived in Cracow. His father, a physician, was of Spanish origin. Israel...
  319. Israel Ben Shabbethai Of Kozienice JE Hasidic rabbi, cabalist, and thaumaturge; born at Kozienice, government of Radom, Russian Poland, about 1745; died in 1815...
  320. Israel Ben Uri Shraga JE German tosafist of the thirteenth century; died before 1298. Little is known of his life or of his family. He was a pupil...
  321. Israel Of Valabregue JE French Talmudist of the first half of the fourteenth century. He lived apparently at Tarascon, and was among the small number...
  322. Isaac Ben Joseph (the Younger) Israeli JE Spanish astronomer; flourished at Toledo in the first half of the fourteenth century. He was a pupil of Asher ben Jehiel,...
  323. Isaac Ben Solomon (abu Ya'Ḳub IshaḲ Ibn Sulaiman Alisra'ili; Israeli JE African physician and philosopher; born in Egypt before 832; died at Kairwan, Tunis, in 932. These dates are given by most...
  324. Israel Israeli JE Spanish scholar; died at Toledo 1326; probably identical with Israel ben Joseph of Toledo, brother of the astronomer Isaac...
  325. Israelik JE ...
  326. Der Israelit JE Biweekly periodical published in Galicia since 1868. It is the organ of the Shomer Yisrael Association of Lemberg, of which...
  327. Der Israelit JE Formerly, a weekly, now a semiweekly journal published at Mayence, Germany. It was founded in 1860 by M. Lehmann and edited...
  328. Der Israelit Des Neunzehnten Jahrhunderts JE Periodical published in Germany in the first half of the nineteeth century. It first appeared, from Oct., 1839, up to Oct...
  329. Israelite-christians (izrailskiye Christiyanye) JE To encourage the conversion of Jews to Christianity, the Committee of Guardians for Israelite-Christians was established in...
  330. IsraÉlite FranÇaise JE ...
  331. Israelitisch-theologische Lehranstalt JE Rabbinical and teachers' seminary in Vienna, founded 1893 at the suggestion of Wilhelm and David von Guttmann and with...
  332. Israelitische Allianz Zu Wien JE Society for the promotion of Jewish interests, founded at Vienna in 1872 by Joseph Ritter von Wertheimer, and modeled on the...
  333. Israelitische Annalen JE Weekly journal; published in Frankfort-on-the-Main. The first number appeared Jan. 4, 1839; it discontinued publication Dec...
  334. Israelitische Bote JE ...
  335. Israelitische Gemeindeblatt JE ...
  336. Israelitische Gemeinde- Und Familienzeitung JE ...
  337. Israelitische Gemeinde- Und Schulzeitung JE ...
  338. Israelitische Gemeindezeitung JE ...
  339. Israelietische Jaarboekje JE ...
  340. Israelitische Lehrer JE ...
  341. Israelitische Lehrer Und Kantor JE ...
  342. Israelitische Lehrerzeitung JE ...
  343. Israelietische Letterbode JE ...
  344. Israelitische Merkur JE ...
  345. Israelietische Nieuwsbode JE ...
  346. Israelitische Schul- Und Predigermagazin JE Monthly periodical, published in Magdeburg by Ludwig Philippson. It first appeared in 1834, and continued up to the end of...
  347. Israelitische Schulzeitung JE ...
  348. Israelitische Volksblatt JE ...
  349. Israelitische Volkslehrer JE Monthly, published at Frankfort-on-the-Main. It was founded in 1851, and continued to 1862. It was edited by Leopold Stein...
  350. Israelitische Wochenschrift FÜr Die ReligiÖsen Und Socialen Interessen Des Judenthums JE Weekly journal, published at Breslau and later at Magdeburg. The first number appeared Jan. 5, 1870; the last toward the close...
  351. Israelitischer Haus- Und Schulfreund JE ...
  352. Israelitischer Lehrerbote JE ...
  353. Israelitischer Musenalmanach JE ...
  354. Israelitischer Neuigkeitsbote JE ...
  355. Israelitulu Romanul JE ...
  356. Abraham Hartog Israels JE Dutch medical historian; born at Groningen March 27, 1822; died at Amsterdam. Jan. 16, 1883; educated at the university of...
  357. Israel's Herold JE ...
  358. Joseph Israels JE Dutch genre painter; born at Groningen, Holland, June 27, 1824. It was his mother's desire that he should enter the rabbinate...
  359. Issa JE ...
  360. Issachar JE Ninth son of Jacob and fifth of Leah, born a considerable length of time after her other children (Gen. xxx. 17, 18; comp...
  361. Tribe Of Issachar JE A tribe of Israel, descended from Issachar. The numbers accredited to Issachar are: 54,400 in Num. i. 29; 64,300 in Num. xxvi...
  362. Issachar BÄr B Tanhum JE Russian rabbi; born (in Grodno ?) 1779; died at Wilna July 31, 1855. He became one of the "more ẓedeḳ" ("dayyanim")...
  363. Issachar Dob Ben Jacob Joshua JE Rabbi of Podhajee, Galicia; born at Lisko, Galicia, 1712; died in Berlin Oct. 28, 1744. His father was the author of "Pene...
  364. Issachar Ben Issachar Cohen Gersoni JE Bohemian printer and author; lived in Prague in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. In 1691 he was employed at F&#252...
  365. Israel Ben Pethahiah Ashkenazi Isserlein (isserlin) JE The foremost Talmudic authority of Germany in the first half of the fifteenth century; born in the last decade of the fourteenth...
  366. Moses Ben Israel (rema) Isserles JE Polish rabbi, code annotator, and philosopher; born at Cracow about 1520; died there May 1, 1572. His father was a rich and...
  367. Issa) Issi (isi JE See Ise and Jose. This article is Rated: 2.77 ...
  368. Istria JE A small peninsula at the northern end of the Adriatic Sea, having about 320,000 inhabitants, of whom 285 are Jews. Ethnographically...
  369. Italy JE Kingdom of southern Europe, with a total population of about 32,000,000, in which there are about 34,653 Jews (1901). This...
  370. Ithamar JE Youngest son of Aaron by Elisheba (Ex. vi. 23). Together with his father and three brothers he was consecrated to the priesthood...
  371. Itil JE ...
  372. Itinerant Mendicant JE ...
  373. Itinerant Teachers JE ...
  374. Iturea JE Greek name of a province, derived from the Biblical "Jetur," name of a son of Ishmael (comp. Gen. xxv. 15, 16). The name of...
  375. Itze (isaac) Of Chernigov JE Russian scholar of the twelfth century, frequently consulted by his contemporaries on questions of Biblical exegesis. He is...
  376. Itzig JE Wealthy German family which did much in the eighteenth century for the development of modern culture among the Jews. Babette...
  377. Ivan Iii, Vassilivich, The Great JE Czar of Russia 1462-1505. His attitude toward the Jews was friendly. Under his reign the Jew Skhariyah (Zechariah), who arrived...
  378. Ivan Iv, Vassilivich, The Terrible JE When the Russian army occupied the flourishing Polish city of Polotzk, which at that time (1563) had a prosperous Jewish community...
  379. Ivisa JE See Balearic Islands.
  380. Ivory JE The Hebrew word for ivory, i.e., "shen" (= "tooth"), shows that the Israelites knew what ivory was. The other term used to...
  381. Iwre-teutsch JE ...
  382. Ixar (hijar) JE Town in Aragon, Spain, 62 miles to the northeast of Teruel. Here were printed by Eliezer Alantansi two parts of the Spanish...
  383. Iyyar JE The second month in the Jewish calendar, consisting always of twenty-nine days, and falling between the tenth of April and...
  384. Izates JE Proselyte; King of Adiabene; son of Queen Helena and Monobaz I.; born in the year 1 of the common era; died in 55. While in...
  385. Izban JE ...
  386. Izraelita JE Jewish weekly in the Polish language, published in Warsaw since 1865. It was the successor of the Jutrzenka. At the beginning...
  387. Izraelita KÖzlÖny JE ...
  388. Izraelita Magyar NÉptanitÓ JE ...