User talk:Jeremie@theLab/Archive 2

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[edit] Hi, friend!

Hello, Jeremie@theLab! I'm glad of your offer, and look forward to this friendship just as much as you do. And yes, Aelita@Lyoko is my twin sister. Actually, the similarity between codenames does make that kinda obvious, doesn't it? You can answer me on my page, or on yours. I don't care. (I do tend to act indifferent.) -- User:Aelita Fan 8:28, 20 August 2006 (UTC)

What's it like to knit, you ask? Well, I have a lot of fun watching something form under my hands, but maybe it's just me. It's easy when you have the practice. I just tend to have more patience with projects than most. Knitting is - well, you were almost right. Basically, I use the needles to turn yarn into fabric of various shapes. I hope you understood that. Aelita@Lyoko is better at describing things than I am. --User:Aelita Fan 19:51, 20 August 2006

What else do I like to do? Well...I like drawing (or trying to draw, I'm not that good) and origami. My favorite origami model is a dragon. I wonder if Yumi does origami? It did originate in Japan. (You don't have to answer that one.) And the comment that Aelita@Lyoko made about our restrictions...well, by Christmas, sooner if we do well in school, we'll lose the restriction on our E-mail, and by the time we're both 18, we'll have full internet acess! But until then, well, Aelita wanted me to tell you that she got in trouble for being on the computer when supper was practically ready, so now she can't go online for a couple days; answering you will take her a little while, that's all. (Was that too long? Ah, well.) -- User:Aelita Fan 9:19, 22 August 2006

P.S. -I couldn't answer you on Monday because that's the day my dad works from home, and he dominates the computer.

=D I was hoping you would say that about my typing. Yeah, Aelita mentioned Odd's origami when I told her about that message. So, your dad got you a laptop? I was wondering about that. Practically right after I gave you my first message, my family and I all went to Marine World Six Flags. While my mom and dad took my brothers, the twins (Aelita and me) ran all over the park! We must have gone on every single ride once, and we went on a couple of them twice! Our favorite ride wasn't actually a roller coaster; it was sort of a movie ride, called Stargate SG 3000. I think you'd actually like going on that one: its theme was sort of like going through space and time, trying to save the universe from an evil princess named Sahtra (spell? It didn't say). Aelita and I loved that ride so much, we went on it three times! =DDDDDDDD Now that we're back, I am so wiped out. Once I go to sleep, I don't think I'd wake up for the end of the world. <lol> I'd better get to bed now. -- User:Aelita Fan 21:05, 22 August 2006

<LOL> The end of the world will only come when I can't watch Code:Lyoko anymore, and the time that happens is when I go blind (not likely!). I agree with you completely about laptops. As for where Marine World Six Flags is...I'm not sure. It's in California, a long way from my house, but I don't know where exactly. I usually zone out in the car when it's a long trip, and only "wake up" when I get there. None of the cast you've named sounds familiar. So you've watched Stargate? After riding through that movie, I've become very interested! What's it like? -- User:Aelita Fan 8:44, 23 August 2006

Aelita@Lyoko was reading over my shoulder, and she thought it was as great as I did - which was, VERY! And yes, your message was long; but I won't hold it against you, you were updating me on this show. I'm starting to wonder if I haven't heard of one of the characters before. Oh, well. Maybe I'll remember later. I'm not sure we have Sci-Fi channel. I'll have to check. At any rate, right now it'd be too late to watch today. -- User:Aelita Fan 19:08, 23 August 2006

P.S. I've been wondering: what's the farthest you've been away from Conetticut?

Great Britan? That sounds kind of like my trip to Rome once. It was a school trip, and if you want to hear about it, all you have to do is ask. I myself am interested in your trip. What was it like? As for when Aelita@Lyoko will be on again...I think you'll be hearing from her tomorrow. --User:Aelita Fan 17:18, 24 August 2006

Well, the flight trip felt like it was six hours long, and I wasn't exactly interested in the in-flight movie. We were going to stay in Rome for about ten days. I can't remember things in order, but I do remember what we did. This was basically over part of the summer. Ah...we saw the Trevi fountain - I think that's the spelling - and, yes, we did see the Colosseum. My imagination was running wild in there; I was imagining what it was like when the thing was being used. We also got to see an old church that - I think it was still being used. At some point we went on a cruise-type boat to Greece. Or maybe it was Athens specifically, I can't remember. Anyway, we got to see Pompeii's ruins, and there were these castings of bodies in there! Those things gave me the creeps! A volcano had erupted and turned Pompeii into an excavation site. As for food - don't get me started! We had pasta four times, lunch and dinner for two days in a row! The look on Aelita's face on the second night was priceless. we were so tired of pasta that after we toured Olympia and the tour guide asked us if we wanted pizza or pasta, everyone shouted, "PIZZA!" <lol> I don't think we had pasta for the rest of the trip. We also got to see Delphi, and a temple that's basically being rebuilt. Also, we got to see a tomb! There was no body, there was nothing to be scared of. Apparently, tomb robbers got into the place, and exposure to oxygen made everything organic in there turn to dust! =O Like I said, I'm not remembering this in order. The place Aelita mentioned, about sliding down a hill? That place had a name; something about a lion. I'm not sure about that part. Aelita does remember all that I've mentioned; what she mentioned was "off the top of her head." The wait for the flight back was long and irritating. Something had backed up. But the flight back was all right; I still think I fell asleep at some point. I would sometimes call our flight back "a return to the past," because of the time difference. And if you're confused about our school thing, well, we can explain. Once the school season starts up again for us, we'll basically be going to this church every Monday. I'm not sure what contracts are signed, but I think somebody lets homeschooling parents use that church for teaching specific classes and handing out homework. So, we're part of a big homeschool group, we go to a church to get our homework and turn completed stuff in (the day we go? Everyone calls it "Class Day"), and for the rest of the week, we do the homework passed out on Class Day. If you're confused about any of it, just ask. One of us will give you the answer or find out for you. (It is confusing) -- User:Aelita Fan 13:56, 26 August 2006

Yeah, I really go for the homework thing, too.=D I like pasta too, but not day after day! Anyway, Aelita wants me to tell you: she knows that she has the link, she tried to use it, and got blocked. The reason she's not telling you this herself is because she's run out of online time for today. I'm still cool, but that's because I don't stay online very long; I just do what I feel like doing, and log out. Aelita said that I'm picking on her. I'm not; I'm just stating the facts. -- User:Aelita Fan 15:19, 26 August 2006

P.S. I was wondering if any of my messages would become as long as yours! =D

[edit] Jeremified!!!

<LOL> =DDDDD You did great on that recap! I knew about that last quote, and I'd been hoping you'd include it! -- User:Aelita@Lyoko PS: You can contact me on whichever page is convenient for you.

[edit] Fair-use

Read point nine of Wikipedia:Fair use#Policy. – Someguy0830 (Talk | contribs) 23:22, 21 August 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Continuing Our Discussion From Aelita@Lyoko's Talk Page

Angie told me the kiss would happen in Season 3, although I don't know when. I wouldn't be surprised if they delay it to Season 4, for suspense. Seeing Odd going solo for a time would be interesting, a nice change of scenery and an interesting character twist. If Odd gets depressed by being a batchelor, it could affect his abilities and lead to As for the OddxSissi romance, who knows? I personally think it should happen, but right now it's consigned to the realm of fanfiction. And, sorry about confusing you with that immune system stuff. I just couldn't resist saying "B Memory Lymphocyte." What I'm looking forward to most about Season 3 is XANA's new tactics and attacks. I heard he might get a physical form. What do you think about that? --Jeremie@theLab 01:19, 22 August 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Good to be back!


A physical form for XANA? Neat, but I can't imagine what the heck it would look like! Say, I'm creating a new series that's based a little on the Matrix series, a little on the Stargate series and a lot on Code Lyoko. I'm changing a lot of the details (like, there's no direct equivilant to Aelita) and I'm starting at a place that I think is far better than where CL started - where it all began. :) One of the CL main characters has an almost direct copy in my series. (he even has the same name!) Guess who? =D -- User:Aelita@Lyoko
YES! YOU'RE BACK! I was wondering where everyone was this morning. As for your series. Neat! Sounds awesome. I really like all of those series. When you say "where it all began," I assume that means when the kids first discover Matrix-Lyoko or whatever you'll call it. As for that similar! It's got to be Odd! He seems to be your favorite. Where are you writing all this? If I can't directly contribute, I can supply you ideas like I do to Angie Y. and her friend Jedi General. Again, it's great to have you back. Sorry you got grounded. That must have sucked. Btw, tell Aelita Fan to get back to me. I'm dying to hear about what she did in Rome. --Jeremie@theLab 20:09, 25 August 2006 (UTC)

Speaking of ideas, what other ideas can you come up with for "New and Improved"? --User:Angie Y.

You're right! I'm starting where they first discover the online world, and the copycat character is Odd! =D And yea, he is my favorite - he's been my favorite ever since I first saw his face in Lyoko! (I love cats!) I still remember my reaction when I first heard his name: "Odd? His name is Odd? What kind of a name is Odd?" Now that I've read his article here, I know that it's Norwegian. Still, "odd" has been part of my vocabulary for describing something strange for a long time - I think that it's really odd that he's named Odd! (it suits him, really!) Currently, I'm not writing this thing anywhere. Seems like I mention on my userpage that I have a hard time putting my stories on paper. Maybe I will start writing it down someday, but right now it's all in my head. Oh - and sure you can supply ideas. Right now I need help with names. The main characters all have first names, but three out of five need last names. The ones with last names are Lara Cruiser (I got her name from Tomb Raiders) and Odd Seymour. (there's the wildcard!) His last name comes from Jane Seymour, an actress - but her acting isn't the only reason that I chose her last name...check out her trivia and I think you'll get it! Anyway, the ones who need last names are Steve (he's the genius) Amy (she's probably the closest to Aelita, except that she's black) and Kenshin. (he's Japanese like Yumi, but his personality matches Ulrich's) And thanks, it's good to be back. Yeah, it did suck being grounded. Even now, my internet time is only half back - one hour a day instead of two. I'll tell Aelita Fan. All I really remember about that trip is that I wound up sliding down a hill and getting grass stains on my jeans. <lol> -- User:Aelita@Lyoko

PS: Angie Y? Were you talking to me or Jeremie@theLab?

I was talking to Jeremie@theLab. But I think I can clue you in too. --User:Angie Y.

Odd Seymour...I don't know, something doesn't ring right to me about that. And that article you linked me to? That was for one of the wives of King Henry VIII of England, that crazy fat guy. So, the name doesn't make sense to me but it works for you and that is all that matters. As for your other characters. Here's what I'm thinking, based on my vast experience with last names (hint: sarcasm)
  • Steve Tanner
  • Amy Francois
  • Kenshin Tajiri
There, that takes care of that. I hope that your Internet time gets raised soon. Wow. Half-a-week off the computer just for being on when dinner is ready. Okay, that's extreme. And I look forward to AF's reply. Although, I don't know how that worked for you. You go to Rome, but all you can remember is falling down a hill and getting grass stains? It seems like the city would be leave a more lasting effect on you, but maybe Rome's not all it's cracked up to be. I don't know, I never wen't there. And...wait just a minute. How does this work? Okay, you tell me you're homeschooled, and yet Aelita Fan talks about seeing you "in school" which must mean your house. You say that the teacher read one of your myths to the class, which must be your two brothers and AF. Your sister says she took a school trip to Rome, but if you two are homeschooled it was really a family vacation? Or are you just trying to confuse me here? Oh, and what about my offer of business on your talk page? I never got a reply to that. --Jeremie@theLab 19:42, 26 August 2006 (UTC)

Whoops! Sorry! I didn't realize that there was more than one Jane Seymour, and I never actually looked to see where I was linking you. The Jane Seymour I was talking about is an actress with different-colored eyes; her left eye is green and her right eye is brown. That was what I was talking about in the first place. (odd-eyes, and acting-addicted!) Those last names are neat, and I'm definately using the one for Kenshin (is that really Japanese? it kind of looks it!) For Steve - Tanner works, at least for now...but I'll only change it if I find something completely incredible. "Francois" looks like a really cool name, but frankly, I haven't the faintest idea of how to pronounce it! <lol> Yeah, I remember more about Rome than a few grass stains. AF wrote you about just about everything I remember as well as what she remembered. Oh, and...yea, we're trying to confuse you. <lol> no, really, we're part of a homeschool group that does things together. Of our actual family, our dad and our brothers weren't even on that trip. (thank goodness! I was not going to deal with my brothers for nine days!) As for that buisness offer - give me a sec, I have to read it again. -- User:Aelita@Lyoko

OK, I've read it. I'd like to help - as a matter of fact, I'd love to help. I'm just not sure I can get there right now. It's a different website than this one. Maybe I could write pages there...someday. (sigh-this is getting annoying; all kinds of cool stuff and I can't check it out! It's like when I hurt my arm at camp and couldn't do any of the fantastic stuff they had!)

I finished reading the recap for Is Anybody Out There? I'll bet Aelita had a few choice words for Odd after that one! This is another episode that I want to see - it's practically a pajama party! =D Good thing there was a return trip, or they would be crawling back home to shiver in their beds. The end of it reminds me of a few years ago when I was on a Girl Scout troop and we all went to this camp. Well, the troop found this door that just wouldn't open no matter what they did, and then one of the girls walked up to the door and just flicked it. Then - guess what? - the door opened! (I didn't actually see this; all the other girls were in front of me. I could see the door over their heads, though.) What was on the other side? I don't know - all of the other girls were so scared that they screamed and ran away from the door as fast as they could, and they shoved me along with them. I don't remember what I thought about the whole thing (I was a little scared) but thinking back, I'm wondering just what was on the other side of that door. Still...if I had actually been there after Odd scared Sissi and her cronies out of the boiler room, and saw that door close itself... I would have been SCARED STIFF!!! Aelita Fan is reading this over my shoulder and reminds me that fear never paralyzes me - it makes me run. Well, I'd probably set a world record getting out of there! =) -- User:Aelita@Lyoko

[edit] Hmmm...

How're thing going, Kevin? --User:Angie Y.

[edit] Kagi

I started the article on "The Key". --User:Angie Y.

Thanks for that, friend. I noticed as I was scrolling down past "Revelation." I'll finish it up if you like. --Jeremie@theLab 15:04, 28 August 2006 (UTC)

Go ahead. I'll correct any typos and add some things.

By the way, "kagi" is Japanese for "key".

--User:Angie Y.

Yeah, I was kind of wondering what that meant. Are you a student of Japanese or a linquist or something? --Jeremie@theLab 15:37, 28 August 2006 (UTC)
Look at her (?) user page - japanese native userbox. ~iNVERTED | Rob (Talk) 15:55, 28 August 2006 (UTC)
Oh, that's what that was. I thought it was a programming language userbox for Java Script. Duh! I feel so stupid right now. At least that's cleared up. --Jeremie@theLab 15:56, 28 August 2006 (UTC)
XD. Javascript would be JS, not ja. Though personally I prefer jp for japan(ese). ~iNVERTED | Rob (Talk) 17:41, 28 August 2006 (UTC)

Yeah, so do I. So, what else is new? Jeremie@theLab, I finally figured out how it is you're always on the ball so fast, and I could kick myself for not figuring it out sooner. You have your own laptop, so you pretty much have unlimited access to the internet - as opposed to my waiting for the only computer in the house to be available. I wish I had a laptop, but I'm going to have to earn enough money to buy it myself, because my parents are so not buying it for me. -- Aelita@Lyoko 02:49, 29 August 2006 (UTC)

Yes, laptops are infinitely superior to desktops. I can atest to that. As for how much it costs, well, it depends on the model. I have this super-big Hewlett Packard Pavillion with an XL screen, so it must have cost a lot. I don't know how much because my Dad got it for me. The only advice I can give to you is to remember that the more expensive ones usually have the best benefits. Don't blow your bank account, but definitely consider pros and cons. As for what's new, school starts for me tomorrow, but fortunately, tomorrow, Thursday and Friday are early release days and then we have a three-day weekend. It's like an extension on Summer vacation! I need to go out and buy school supplies today because I'm such a good procrastinator (=D) and, something else. What's new on your end of the country? --Jeremie@theLab 13:56, 29 August 2006 (UTC)

<LOL> I just finished reading the last four recaps for Season 2! How on earth can Odd make a wisecrack like that when he's had a near-death experience? (Revelation) I'd have loved to see the look on Aelita's face right at the end! And another thing - I knew about Odd's...freakout, I guess. Or maybe he was being sarcastic. You know, from The Key where he says that he's going to have a heart attack? Well, I know one thing - right now, the poor boy is suffering from heartbreak. For me and Aelita Fan, school starts on a really big day - September 11. I don't think there's going to be a speech about that, but I could be wrong. I'm a big procrastinator, too, but I will do better...during the school year, maybe. =D Well, Aelita Fan's tapping her foot at me so I'd better give her a turn. (first thing I'm getting when I have the money for it is a laptop!) -- Aelita@Lyoko 18:20, 29 August 2006 (UTC)

[edit] New Blast Into The Past chapter

A new chapter to Blast Into The Past has been posted.


--User:Angie Y.

I read the first chapter... I don't like future fics... ahwell ~iNVERTED | Rob (Talk) 12:06, 30 August 2006 (UTC)
Thanks for the update Angie. And Rob, how can you not like future fanfics? Is it just too much a change of scenery, with the gang all grown up? I don't know, but that's your opinion and I respect it. I'm going to check out that chapter now. --Jeremie@theLab 20:21, 30 August 2006 (UTC)
I dunno, but it's probably the same reason I don't like AU fics either. ~iNVERTED | Rob (Talk) 20:38, 30 August 2006 (UTC)
Stupendous! Absolutely breathtaking! Chapter 11 is your best yet, hands down! It was so gut-wrenching and I noticed you planted a seed of the OddxSissi relationship. Keep on writing! This is just getting better and better! --Jeremie@theLab 20:34, 30 August 2006 (UTC)

There's gonna be more to OddxSissi, I promise. It'll be a real surprise. --User:Angie Y.

[edit] Story arcs

Hey, I've thought of another way you can help me with my story; I give you the basic story arc for a bunch of chapters, and you give me some ideas for what happens in the chapters themselves! -- Aelita@Lyoko 20:41, 30 August 2006 (UTC)

Ah! I was just trying to save a comment when you wrote yours and we must have hit the save tab simultaneously, now mine is gone! Oh, well. Yes, that sounds like an exceptional proposition. Start sending me your arcs! --Jeremie@theLab 20:45, 30 August 2006 (UTC)
I think A@L was talking to Angie (note the indent). ~iNVERTED | Rob (Talk) 20:47, 30 August 2006 (UTC)
Well, it wasn't a terribly specific message. I previously offered to help Aelita, so I assumed she was talking to me. Were you, Aelita@Lyoko? If not, sorry! --Jeremie@theLab 20:56, 30 August 2006 (UTC)
Of course I was talking to you, Jeremie@theLab! What rule is there about what indents to use? I'll have to send the arcs tommorrow, though, I'm just now out of time. -- Aelita@Lyoko 21:37, 30 August 2006 (UTC)
Ok. I didn't think there was a rule about indents. You just use them to separate comments from different users. See you tomorrow! --Jeremie@theLab 22:05, 30 August 2006 (UTC)
The rule is supposed to work like this: Choose any comment, and look at the number of indents it has. If you then take the comment with that number of indents minus one that's nearest to but above the comment you chose, then that is what the comment is a reply to. I hope that makes sense. Anyway, to avoid confusion, I'll give this another section. ~iNVERTED | Rob (Talk) 22:22, 30 August 2006 (UTC)
Huh? Well, OK, I get the gist...I think. Anyway, Jeremie@theLab, I have the first two story arcs already figured out - the big picture, I mean, which is where it starts, the gist of how it winds up progressing and where it ends. I'd accidentally skipped the third arc while I was composing these stories, so it's waiting. (Hey! I'm sending you Season 1 and Season 2, like what we have for Code Lyoko!) Anyway, this is what I've got:
  • Arc 1: (26 chapters) Steve discovers that his dad is working on a top secret assignment involving a supercomputer and several virtual worlds. He and eventually three friends that he has are given permission to explore the safest of these worlds, which is called Xanadu. At the end of the arc, not even Xanadu is safe anymore and Steve's dad disappears.
  • Arc 2: (??) Steve tries to pick up where his father left off in operating the supercomputer. His friends take on the role of warriors with special powers (oh, and there are two ways in to Xanadu; come to my page for more details about that) in order to fight the monsters, but some of the monsters have advantages against them. At the end of this arc, a new kid moves into town and learns about Xanadu. He volunteers to help out, and Steve accepts.
Anyway, that's what I've got. I'm off to write down a couple of details about Xanadu (which is where the fights take place in these arcs) and the ways in. Is this enough? Or did I go overboard? (AF says that I do, sometimes) -- Aelita@Lyoko 16:52, 31 August 2006 (UTC)
26 Chapters. o_O I'm stuck on chapter NINE of my fic... meh. ~iNVERTED | Rob (Talk) 18:12, 31 August 2006 (UTC)
I must say, I'm impressed by the general thought you've put in. However, I would recommend that we don't set down the number of chapters right away. I think we should add them as they come, not set quotas from the get-go. I don't think you've gone overboard by any means. However, if there are several virtual worlds all should be explored at one point or another. They can be the subject of different chapters. As for everything else, great! It's late here and my brain is crashing so I'll have to let these arcs ferment, but I will get back to you. Btw Rob, you're writing a fanfic? I didn't know that. What's it about? --Jeremie@theLab 02:36, 1 September 2006 (UTC)
Right here. It's just all sorts of stuff, no real plotline apart from the canon one... yet. By the way, I think my writer's block buggered off. I managed to write some more on it last night. ~iNVERTED | Rob (Talk) 11:23, 1 September 2006 (UTC)
I've only really set down the number for the first arc. Also, all of the virtual worlds will be explored - it's just that none of them are even seen in the first season because Steve's dad says that it's too dangerous. Once season one ends, though, Steve wants to figure out what happened to his dad and that involves a lot of exploring. Oh, and here are the next two arcs:
  • Arc 3: Odd (the new kid from A2) gets assimilated, but something strange happens at the same time. Odd then starts having strange dreams, followed by occasional visions in Xanadu. At the end of this arc Odd realizes something that has been bothering his subconcious all summer - there is a gap in his memory from his first day of seventh grade to his last day in eighth grade. Kenshin promises Odd that they'll figure out why. Note: I'm planning on using the plot of A Fine Mess somewhere in this arc.
  • Arc 4: The gang discovers the "Carthage" sector. This gives their explorations a new level, especially since all of the virtual worlds have something like it. Unfortunately, this doesn't help anything; they are steadily losing all of the ground that they've gained. They all have trouble on Earth, too: Steve is plagued with headaches, Odd's social life is taking a nosedive, Kenshin's in trouble with his parents and so is Lara. At the end of the arc, Steve is possesed and traps almost all his friends in Xanadu.
Mom's calling - gotta go! -- Aelita@Lyoko 22:43, 1 September 2006 (UTC)
OK, I'm back. There's one more arc that I've got figured out:
  • Arc 5: Amy is the only member of the gang who hasn't been trapped in Xanadu, and she is frantic until she discovers that her gym teacher was once part of the mission team that Steve's dad was on. He helps her make contact with the others and together they all learn how to activate towers themselves. Kenshin and Odd discover that together they have a very interesting ability. At the end of the arc a tremendous team effort succeeds in releasing Steve, and Odd's memories of junior high school are restored.
There's an Arc 6, but I have absolutely no idea where that one's going. Not yet, anyway. I've got something sizzling, though, so we'll see. Oh, and about the beginning of Arc 4 - Steve already knew from his dad that the "Carthage" sector was there, but Arc 4 was when they all figured out how to get there. -- Aelita@Lyoko 00:16, 2 September 2006 (UTC)

I've got arc 6!

  • Arc 6: Odd's visions have stopped after turning out to be blocked memories, but now Steve's having visions. Unlike Odd's (which were completely metaphorical in nature) Steve's visions are extremely literal. A new search begins where the gang is looking for where these visions came from. (Steve is completely sure that these visions are not blocked memories as he has no gaps in his memory of the past) By the end of the arc, they discover that the virus they were fighting was once human and had accidentally left some of his/her memories in Steve during possession (see arcs 4-5). As a kind of subplot, Odd gets a girlfriend about halfway through the arc.

Pretty neat, huh? Maybe after we work out how the gang gets from A to B to C...I think arc 6 ends on point G. But anyway, after that, perhaps you could help me figure out how they get to point H; this time I really have no idea what to do with the next arc. (you know, I don't even know how many arcs I want to have!) -- Aelita@Lyoko 03:07, 5 September 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Hi Again, from a Dog-Lover!

A dog? You have a dog?? As far as I'm concerned, you are so lucky! I've been dying to have a dog, but I don't know if I'm going to have one this year! I'll pray for your dog, Jeremie. By the way: what's his name? Or is it a girl? I think that on September 11, I was just at home; I saw it on the news. At the time, I didn't think much about it. Well, anyway, fun stuff...I've mostly been surfing Wikipedia's list of dog breeds, trying to figure out which dog would be right for me (no, girl, be honest) actually, I've decided to have more than one. Ambitious, aren't I? I can dream, I guess. So...what fun things have you been doing? -- Aelita Fan 21:04, 30 August 2006 (UTC)

<LOL> Don't worry, I will! I'm probably going to get those at some point in the system I'm using. Aelita doesn't see the point in all the resarch I'm doing, but I'm enjoying myself. My mom said something to my dad a few days ago about my system that I thought was really funny. She said, "[Aelita Fan] is definitely going to get a dog. She's spent days on resarch, and will spend days to come. If only we could get her to do this on an essay!" =DDD -- Aelita Fan 23:34, 30 August 2006 (UTC)

Tessa's recovered? I'm happy to hear that! You're very welcome. Still attempting to stay alive in school <lol>? I'm supposed to start some homework so that I have something to turn in on 9/11. Such a pain! Oh, well. I've been getting bored anyway. -- Aelita Fan 16:09, 2 September 2006 (UTC)

Yeah, I get employed by my parents sometimes, too. Mostly it's to watch my little brothers, though my dad asks me to help with outside chores sometimes, too. And, yes, sometimes I do have to mow the lawn. By the way, in one of your comments you called my dad "Franz Hopper"? I liked that! =DDD That was funny! I'll call him that in mentioning him from now on! -- Aelita Fan 16:18, 2 September 2006 (UTC)

Jeremie? Um...I can't talk as Aelita Fan anymore. My mom found out who I'm signing in as, and she doesn't approve of anime AT ALL, so if I want to continue, I have to be someone else. When you can talk again, and if you feel like contacting me, go to User:K-9 LVR, okay? Thank you, I'd really appreciate it. -- Aelita Fan 03:48, 6 September 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Yay!

You used my CL userbox! Nice to see my work being used. :) ~iNVERTED | Rob (Talk) 19:09, 2 September 2006 (UTC)

No problem. The other Code Lyoko userbox I made myself, since there was a serious lack of CL userboxes in the Media category. Now, I believe I have a perfect pairing. --Jeremie@theLab 01:32, 3 September 2006 (UTC)
I think I should make some userboxes for CL pairings. ~iNVERTED | Rob (Talk) 19:25, 3 September 2006 (UTC)
LYOKO This user fights XANA!
I made this one. Maybe you could host that one in the media category. I've seen multiple userboxes for one subject before, such as Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. --Jeremie@theLab 19:28, 3 September 2006 (UTC)
Yeah, I noticed. IMO though, the logo section should be 52 pixels wide. ~iNVERTED | Rob (Talk) 19:31, 3 September 2006 (UTC)
How many pixels is it right now? --Jeremie@theLab 19:46, 3 September 2006 (UTC)
76 pixels. ~iNVERTED | Rob (Talk) 19:51, 3 September 2006 (UTC)
CL This user fights XANA!
WAIT! I know how to fix the pixel problem! Observe and be amazed! --Jeremie@theLab
I wondered why I couldn't find that userbox in the list. Hey, it never occurred to me that you could make your own userboxes! How do you do that? -- Aelita@Lyoko 19:46, 3 September 2006 (UTC)
It's pretty simple, just create a link to a user subpage such as User:Aelita@Lyoko/Example then edit it and put {{subst:Userbox}} in the page. Then edit the page again and change the HTML. After that you can use the user box by putting {{User:Aelita@Lyoko/Example}} on your user page. ~iNVERTED | Rob (Talk) 19:50, 3 September 2006 (UTC)
Gah! Your instructions to here just erased my instructions! We must have hit the save button at the same time and jammed the system! Darn it! --Jeremie@theLab 19:54, 3 September 2006 (UTC)
Simple? Not the way you just explained it. Jeremie@theLab, if you can explain any better than that, do so on my page so I have it easily referenceable. Maybe I'll try it out! -- Aelita@Lyoko 02:52, 5 September 2006 (UTC)
I put some more verbose instructions on your talk page. ~iNVERTED | Rob (Talk | Contribs) 11:38, 5 September 2006 (UTC)

[edit] HELLO from Mr. crazy

Hello. I need to get my comfy chair back no matter what it takes. It was so comfy that I stop thinking about it. I can nolonger even play shogo. For the last time since half of you don't know what shogo is, simply put it is like Gundam but has a cooler character named Baku. I'm at least hoping you guys know what Fallout is, the other greatist game of all time. And I seriously will get angry with people who don't also know of Mario, Myth Busters,or my comfy chair. I am also a professional zombie killer for those who don't wknow. just look at my user page. THE END.--ShogoFan3000 22:42, 2 September 2006 (UTC)

It was so comfy that you stopped thinking about it? Hmmmm... ~iNVERTED | Rob (Talk) 23:08, 2 September 2006 (UTC)
Dude, ShogoFan. I watched you write that on my laptop this afternoon while I played Halo 2. I know what you said about the comfy chair. For crying out loud, it's brown and has a large gash in the upholstery. By the way, I stole your comfy chair (laughs in an evil fashion). }:D -- Jeremie@theLab 
<lol> You guys are really funny, did you know that? I mean, you're arguing about a chair? That's like...I don't know, Odd and Ulrich arguing about where Kiwi does most of his shedding? -- Aelita@Lyoko 19:43, 3 September 2006 (UTC)
Yes, it was actually a very amusing scene. He and I are good friends and yes, our arguments are quite similar to those of Odd and Ulrich. ---- Jeremie@theLab 

[edit] Season 3 will soon begin!

Season 3 of Code Lyoko will ait next weekend! --User:Angie Y.

What!!! It will? Oh, and me without cable! Somebody get the recaps on the road! -- Aelita@Lyoko 18:41, 3 September 2006 (UTC)


Is that what sent your Wikimood to positive 6? <lol> You would be more excited about it than me - if I got to see even one of the Season 3 episodes, I would consider myself lucky; especially if said episode was the one where Odd and Sissi kiss! -- Aelita@Lyoko 19:49, 3 September 2006 (UTC)
Hooray! I can't wait for the next season. I hope Techlinks puts them up soon after it's aired! ~iNVERTED | Rob (Talk) 19:57, 3 September 2006 (UTC)
Yes, that is what sent it to positive six. Watch next Saturday. I guarantee you it will be a positive 10! I think we should all throw an online party that day, which mainly means we would talk to each other in very excited metaphor and there would be icons like this: =DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD after pretty much every sentence. Huzzah! ---- Jeremie@theLab 
I hate to remind you of this: no cable at my house. :( If I were to watch CL, it would be at someone else's house. Just do me one huge favor and toss a few recaps for CLS3 on Wiki, ok? -- Aelita@Lyoko 02:50, 5 September 2006 (UTC)
Do'h! I keep forgetting. Don't worry. I plan to have my laptop right next to me and write a live-action recap. You'll get your fill. I promise you! --Jeremie@theLab 01:18, 8 September 2006 (UTC)

[edit]  !


You're right, and since you didn't leave a signature I will never know who you are. This had better not be spam. ---- Jeremie@theLab 
Wait a minute here. Are you Oneoverzero? The guy who created the very informative article on Goddo, Suriname? If you are, WELCOME! Yes, it took me twelve hours to figure out that you might be one of my friends from school. ---- Jeremie@theLab 
No. It isn't. And it never will be. Ever.

[edit] WTJB9 is up I just thought you might be interested. The link goes to chapter 1 in case you haven't read it. ~iNVERTED | Rob (Talk) 10:05, 3 September 2006 (UTC)

Thanks, your fanfiction is actually very interesting. I like the switching POVs, it provides good commentary. By the way, I don't think that there are actually punks in France, but that's entirely up to you. --Jeremie@theLab 19:01, 3 September 2006 (UTC)
Okay, plot hole. Hey, I've never lived in France. How am I supposed to know there aren't any punks there? ~iNVERTED | Rob (Talk) 19:18, 3 September 2006 (UTC)
It's not a plot hole by any means, it's actually an inadvertent humorous cameo. Besides, even if there aren't punks per say in France, their teenagers are still pretty violent. You heard about those massive riots that tore apart that country, right? --Jeremie@theLab 19:23, 3 September 2006 (UTC)
Nope. ~iNVERTED | Rob (Talk) 19:26, 3 September 2006 (UTC)
How could you not hear about that? You're in England! You're practically right next door! I'm in America and those riots topped headlines for four weeks. France was on fire! Do you just not watch the news or something? I usually try to avoid it if I can. It makes me depressed. --Jeremie@theLab 19:36, 3 September 2006 (UTC)
News makes me depressed, too. What exactly does POV stand for, anyway? Oh wait, I'll bet I know - Point Of View, right? That would be cool - different people telling parts of the same story! Hmmm...maybe I could do something like that, at least once in a while. -- Aelita@Lyoko 19:41, 3 September 2006 (UTC)
You're right! That's exactly what POV stands for. I'm actually already trying to do different POV stories with one of the novels I'm writing at the moment. Boy, I can't wait for Season 3! In honor of that, I'm changing my wikimood! ---- Jeremie@theLab 
I'm quite surprised you haven't seen any POV-changing fics (before mine). They're quite popular on, especially for Code Lyoko. ~iNVERTED | Rob (Talk) 19:56, 3 September 2006 (UTC)
When was this on the news? I watch BBC News 24 whenever I feel like it, but not every day. Most news is only on the news for one day, unless it's really significant. ~iNVERTED | Rob (Talk) 19:54, 3 September 2006 (UTC)

[edit] You should archive this.

The page is currently 55 kilobytes long. 30KB is considered to be a very long page. So the sections that haven't been edited for a while should be placed in an archive. ~iNVERTED | Rob (Talk) 19:59, 3 September 2006 (UTC)

Wow. 28 conversations is obscenely large? I've seen talk pages with over 200, so I thought I was VERY far away from any danger level. But all right. How do I make an archive? (I've kind of always wanted to to do this!) By the way, those riots occured in July of 2005, I believe. They were pretty significant stories, since a lot of buildings, churches and cars got torched by Molotov cocktails. --Jeremie@theLab 20:03, 3 September 2006 (UTC)
  1. Edit this page.
  2. Add a link to /Archive 1 at the top of it.
  3. Cut what you want to archive. Save the page.
  4. Click the link you added, then paste. There's a template for archived pages, but I can't remember what it is, so either find it or make a notice yourself. Save the page.
That's all you have to do to archive it. :) ~iNVERTED | Rob (Talk) 20:48, 3 September 2006 (UTC)

I wondered what I was going to do if my talkpage ever got too long for human eyes. Although, if Jeremie@theLab is the only person who consistently leaves messages on my page with only a few rare comments from others, my talkpage getting too long is the least of my worries. -- Aelita@Lyoko 02:46, 5 September 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Sissi's future self

How do you think Sissi will look 12 years into the future? --User:Angie Y.

Yes! Character predictions! Let me draw a mental sketch here...Oh, this is tough. So much can change in a person in twelve years time. Well, let's start there. Personalities do change. I'm sure that when you are thrity, you will act different than you do at your current age. Perhaps Sissi will become less of a fashion goddess. Now, that's a psychological appearance, but it would affect her physical appearance as well. She would stop wearing "in" clothes, though like most women she would probably still apply cosmetics. However, she would not wear cheap clothes (like a Gingham dress. Not her style), and she would probably keep her hair in pristine condition. On the subject of hair, it might lose its jet blackness by a tad, and perhaps become shorter, more shoulder length instead of rib cage length. However, she would probably lose that yellow hair thingy that keeps her hair back (don't know technical term), and get more individualist earrings (like fish or butterflies or something), instead of those common hoop ones. Her clothing would change. She would lose the midrift shirts and miniskirt in exchange for perhaps a sun-yellow T-Shirt and a robin's egg blue parka. She would have jeans shorts and knee-high designer boots. Then again, if she and Odd develop an infatuation, some of Odd's eccentricities might rub off on Sissi, causing her to pursue more wild clothing, such as tiger-stripe T-shirts, but no fur coats or anything like that. Her clothing could become as hot-pink as Aelita's hair! But let me guess, you need this for Blast into the Past or Blast into the Future, right? I'm always happy to help with your fanfictions. :) --Jeremie@theLab 00:36, 4 September 2006 (UTC)

Yep, I do. --User:Angie Y.

Boy, I am really out of touch with this. Sissi has earrings? Are her ears actually pierced like mine, or does she wear clip-ons? (actually, I can't think of how hoop earrings can be clip-ons) What I never could understand is why the CL producers made Sissi's hair black; I'd have made her blond and then Odd could target her with "dumb blonde" jokes in the first season. With black hair, she could almost be Yumi's kid sister or something. BTW, Jeremie, any progress on those arcs? -- Aelita@Lyoko 02:42, 5 September 2006 (UTC)

I'm not sure about the earrings. What about her voice - how will she sound as an adult woman? --User:Angie Y.

Voice is a big component here. As a student, her voice is very high pitched. Since I grew up around musicians, I'll equate this to voice. At this point, Sissi is practically a sopranino with her high voice. As she ages, it might drop a couple of ranges. Guys go from soprano to alto to tenor, and sometimes further to baritone and base. Girls go from sopranino to soprano to alto. Given Sissi's voice, she should drop to a mid-point between soprano and alto. In layman's terms, it will be noticeably deeper, but the girlishness will still be included in the package. As for the story arcs, sorry. I got buried under Physics homework today. However, I was thinking about arc one's first chapter, the beginning at any rate. It should start kind of like Season 2 ended. It'll have Steve's dad doing a video diary, flashing to different dates, progress reports, etc. Eventually Steve discovers this. Sad as it is, that's as far as I've gotten! I'll do some more thinking over the next couple of days. --Jeremie@theLab 01:44, 6 September 2006 (UTC)

Good ideas, Jeremie! --User:Angie Y.

That's ok, Jeremie; life happens. Cool idea for the first chapter, anyway. I'd had a different thought about the beginning: Steve waking up in the middle of the night after a boring day and seeing his dad go off for a hike, and in a burst of curiosity climbs out the window in his pajamas to see what's going on. I like your idea better, though - mine is way too far away from who Steve's "know what I'm doing at all times" kind of personality. One thing I think will go with either discovery method is Steve's school day, which I've figured out already:
  • Steve is sitting in class staring at the clock. To pass the time, he's counting how many seconds are in an hour. The teacher calls on him twice with questions, and both times he answers correctly despite the fact that he's barely listening. The teacher finally specifically tells Steve to stop looking at the clock. So he shifts his gaze off the clock and over to the window. Or, more specifically, to the Negro girl sitting between him and the window. A boy sitting behind him snaps a rubber band at Steve, sending his glasses askew. Just after that, the bell rings. Amy takes the rubber band off Steve's desk and snaps it on the shoulder of the boy behind him as she leaves.
I think that would fit rather well between Steve's dad with the video diary and Steve discovering the diary. It introduces Steve and shows that (1) he is very smart, (2) he is bored with the speed of the class, and (3) he has a crush on Amy and the feeling is probably mutal, considering she takes revenge for him. -- Aelita@Lyoko 20:39, 6 September 2006 (UTC)
Excellent! Definitely include the school scene. I'm thinking the class should be a physics course, in honor of my past experience (Ha, ha, sarcasm). I've thought of some brainiac questions for the teacher to ask.
  • The teacher says, "Steve, recite the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle." Steve immediately rattles off Werner Heisenberg's principle. Here's the principle:It states that the simultaneous determination of two paired quantities, for example the position and momentum of a particle, has an unavoidable uncertainty. Just copy that onto the paper, don't try to understand it.
  • Next question. "Steve, calculate the number of gas molecules in a container of volume 0.20 meters cubed, filled with a gas under a partial vacuum of pressure 20 Pascals at 20 degrees Celsius." Steve replies, throwing out science jargon. "Use the Ideal Gas Law, Pressure x Volume = Number of gas particles x Boltzman's Constant. Since we're dealing with the Ideal Gas Law, we have to convert degrees to the Kelvin scale. The conversion equation is Tk=Tc, in this case 20 degrees, + 273.15. That gives us 293.15 Kelvin. Perform simple algebra to isolate N from the equation. N = 20 Pascals x 0.20 meters cubed divided by Boltzman's Constant (1.38 x 10^-23 Joules per Kelvin) x 293.15 Kelvin. That gives us 4 for the numerator and 4.04547*10 to the -21 power. Divide the two numbers, and you get the answer of 9.887602677 x 100 to the 22 power."
Stumped? Sorry if you are. Don't try to understand either of these things, just cut and paste them if you need to. Of course, some physics nerds will notice the horribly obvious time lapse here. The Ideal Gas Law is basic physics, while the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle is nuclear physics, and hopelessly advanced for this particular class. But, whatever. I just pulled these problems from my Physics book. So now you have your questions, and it will make you look like an awesome genius to your readers. As for nonmathematical stuff, what's Xanadu supposed to look like? --Jeremie@theLab 01:25, 7 September 2006 (UTC)
First question, good, second question, um...the teacher could toss that out to stump the class or something, I don't know. Steve would know the answer to that! <lol> What happened in that scene is pretty much what his eighth grade year has been like. He knows most of the material, so he spends his time staring at the clock or making doe eyes at Amy (who is usually paying attention to the class).
There's a description on my talkpage of what Xanadu looks like. Check it out. I also describe the different ways that Xanadu can be entered. The supercomputer that houses Xanadu (and all the other worlds too, I suppose) has all the same functions as the one in CL. -- Aelita@Lyoko 19:24, 7 September 2006 (UTC)

P.S. Did you see what some jerk did to the picture on the Code Lyoko page? >:x

You mean the "it sucked" edit? I reverted that. ~iNVERTED | Rob (Talk | Contribs) 20:02, 7 September 2006 (UTC)
No, I mean the big "GAY" on the picture from the season 1 theme! I don't get why anyone would want to vandalize anything; if they don't like it they don't have to check it out, why ruin everyone else's pleasure? -- Aelita@Lyoko 21:04, 7 September 2006 (UTC)
All right, the "It sucked" was bad enough, but who the in heaven's name puts "GAY" under an image? That's totally irresponsible. I'm supposing our impetuous vandal didn't leave a signature. Hey Rob, figure out who this guy is and warn him. If he keeps acting like a jerk, ban him. ~iNVERTED | Rob (Talk | Contribs) 06:28, 8 September 2006 (UTC)
I can't ban anyone, as I'm not an admin. But I'll have a look at it. I think it could be just a load of different people. ~iNVERTED | Rob (Talk | Contribs) 06:28, 8 September 2006 (UTC)
Anyway, Someguy0830 already warned whoever wrote the "GAY". ~iNVERTED | Rob (Talk | Contribs) 06:31, 8 September 2006 (UTC)
As for the not-so-vindictive stuff, this is all going well so far with the story arcs. The last name switch is ingenious, and works! So keep that. Now, um, if I'm really going to help you with cultural aspects and possible themes, I'll need to know what country this is happening in. Are these kids in America? France? Suriname? the Baker Islands? It would be good to know. As for our continuation of chapter one. Well, I don't know how long you want it, but after Amy flicks rubber band boy, have Steve shadow her, discreetly of course. Have a free period after their Physics class and have Steve follow Amy to the Quad where he catches her on a bench reading...oh, I don't know, Ulysses by James Joyce. Have her approach her and...I'll have to think up a dialogue. There's some more material for you! --Jeremie@theLab 01:15, 8 September 2006 (UTC)
It's in America. Kenshin was born in Japan, and he has a big sister who is pretty well obsessed with the geisha thing. Everyone else was born American. Odd has an older brother in the military, Lara and Steve are both only children, and Amy has twin younger siblings. Amy says at the end of Arc 1, "I'm not the only black girl at this school; I'm just the only one in the eighth grade." Shadowing isn't exactly Steve's style, though. For a dialogue, though, I was thinking something along the line of:
Steve: Amy, uh, great job in math class today.
Amy: Thanks, but I'm worried about the test coming up.
Steve: No problem. If you want to - I mean, if I could help you study for it...
Amy: Sure, I'd like that.
You know, that kind of thing. The romance between Steve and Amy plays out through several arcs before either of them admit their feelings to each other. Steve is very shy about sharing his true feelings, and Amy knows that she likes Steve but doesn't realize that she's actually in love with him until she thinks that she lost him during Arc 5! Odd thinks that the two of them "compliment each other." Amy is black, and Steve has platinum blond hair and sunburns very easily. Kind of a yin-and-yang couple. -- Aelita@Lyoko 20:05, 8 September 2006 (UTC)
Simple, straight-forward dialogue. I like that. Your example conversation works perfectly. Now that we know it's in America, perfect! I can throw in cultural references every once in a while. Forgive me for probing but, what city and state does it take place in? I think that would be good to know, in case we need landmark destruction every once in a while. Other than that, we are coming right along! --Jeremie@theLab 01:47, 9 September 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Back to Names

You know, I've been thinking about what you said a while back about how "Odd Seymour" didn't ring right, and I decided that you were right. Now, though, I'm going to need a last name for Odd. Also, I decided that I would switch Steve's last name with Amy's. Like it makes a big difference which is which. If you're worried that "Steve Francois" doesn't sound right, remember that "Steve" is a nickname; his name is Steven. -- Aelita@Lyoko 21:18, 7 September 2006 (UTC)

[edit] I

Hate Mr. Beirman. And this stupid essay. Oneoverzero 03:32, 11 September 2006 (UTC) ps. what if i had a legitamate need to type two tildes? would i be denied thie right?