
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

en This user is a native speaker of English.
es-2 Este usuario puede contribuir con un nivel intermedio de español.
fr-1 Cet utilisateur peut contribuer avec un niveau élémentaire de français.
This user wastes far too much time editing Wikipedia.
This user is a birder.

By Laurie Tümer, May, 2006

This New Mexican History Barnstar is presented to Jerry Friedman for being the one to finally start the Manuel Armijo article. Gracias! -- Murcielago 02:12, 20 June 2006 (UTC)
This New Mexican History Barnstar is presented to Jerry Friedman for being the one to finally start the Manuel Armijo article. Gracias! -- Murcielago 02:12, 20 June 2006 (UTC)

Here's my talk page. You can also reach me at [1]. The spammers are already doing their worst.

I live in New Mexico and teach physics and math. However, I haven't found many articles on those topics that need improvement, so most of my edits have been on other topics, such as birdwatching and speculative fiction.

I take pictures too—here's a gallery.

I'm not a compulsive proofreader. I could quit any time.


[edit] Style tips

  • In most encyclopedic contexts, there's nothing wrong with the word "big".
  • Have some doubt about using "would" or "was to" to describe single past events. For example, "In 19xx, X went to A, where he was to meet his lifelong lover, L. He would also win the P Prize while there." If your narration is chronological, consider whether you would prefer "In 19xx, X went to A, where he met his lifelong lover, L. He also won the P Prize." If your narrative isn't chronological, consider whether it should be.
(Of course, this doesn't apply to repeated events: "In A, he would often verb.")
  • Have some doubt about "located". "Española is in Rio Arriba County" is just as clear as and one word shorter than "Española is located in Rio Arriba County".
  • Have some doubt about "Note that", "Interestingly", "It's important to note that", etc. You can often just leave them out.

[edit] Articles

[edit] Started (including stubs)

Christmas Bird Count, American Birding Association, Malafrena, Tom Brown's School Days (now merged with a later article under the title Tom Brown's Schooldays), Space Trilogy, Thornton Burgess, Zone-tailed Hawk, White-throated Hawk, Rodolfo Amando Philippi, What's Bred in the Bone, Lazuli Bunting, Pygmy Nuthatch, Keres languages (incorporating material from Kiowa-Tanoan languages), Tewa, Tewa language, Self-parody, Mountain Plover, Maia (novel), John Middleton Murry, Jr., Tribulus (replacing a page that is now at Puncture Vine), Prairie Falcon, Red-masked Parakeet, Aplomado Falcon, Fer-de-lance (previously a redirect), Band-tailed Pigeon, Lesser Goldfinch, Cane Cholla, hornbill ivory, Helmeted Hornbill, Crimson-collared Tanager, brewer's yeast (formerly a redirect), Northern New Mexico, Pablo de la Llave, terciopelo, Barry Dennen, Mixed-species feeding flock, Theodore A. Parker III, Manuel Antonio Chaves, Yellow-headed Parrot, Lúpin (just moving text from lupin), Solanum elaeagnifolium, Manuel Armijo, Carmen (novella), Montezuma Quail, Edsel Ford (poet), poshlost', muscular Christianity, Scarlet-headed Blackbird, Sidney Dancoff, Long-billed Thrasher, Whistling Heron, Speke's Weaver, Black-throated Magpie-jay, Penstemon strictus, Sooty Chat, Tropical Boubou, Tympanuchus, Nyctanassa, Red-legged Seriema (formerly a redirect), Falcipennis, Bonasa, Amphispiza, Hypargos (bird), Electron (bird), Ergaticus, Harpagus (bird), Periparus, Pardaliparus, Picumnus, Brown-throated Wren, Greyish Eagle-owl, Baja Pygmy-owl, Tucuman Pygmy-owl, Jackson's Pipit, Golden-tailed Starfrontlet, Longuemare's Sunangel, Black-spotted Piculet, Kerguelen Shag, Red-chested Goshawk, Reichenow's Woodpecker, Swamp Prinia, Blue-eyed shag, Finsch's Flycatcher-thrush, Blue-throated Piping-guan, Henry Beard, John Boswell (publishing-business figure), Tsavo Sunbird, panocha, Vireo (genus).

[edit] Edited

My more extensive contributions have included Pale Fire, Robert B. Parker, Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, Polymorphism (biology), Poul Anderson, Split infinitive, Robert Lowth, Puncture Vine, Laughing Falcon, Common Lancehead, Scarlet Macaw, Yeast, Yeast (baking), Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Crimson-collared Grosbeak, Clay-colored Robin, Quetzal and Resplendent Quetzal (including splitting them into two articles), Honeyguide, Greater Honeyguide, Datura wrightii, Revolt of 1837, Texan Santa Fe Expedition, squaw, African Pygmy Falcon, Black-lored Babbler, Anactoria, Amethyst-throated Sunangel, Rufous-vented Prinia, Camel's nose, Striped Kingfisher, Santuario de Chimayo, Chimayo, New Mexico.

[edit] To do (unless somebody does them first):

[edit] Toolbox

[edit] International Phonetic Alphabet for English

/i:/ close front unrounded vowel IPA [iː]

/I/ near-close near-front unrounded vowel IPA [ɪ]

/eI/ diphthong: close-mid front unrounded vowel + near-close near-front unrounded vowel IPA [eɪ]

/E/ open-mid front unrounded vowel IPA [ɛ]

/&/ near-open front unrounded vowel

    • IPA [æ]

/A:/ open back unrounded vowel

    • IPA [ɑː]

/A./ BrE open back rounded vowel

    • BrE [ɒ]

/O:/ open-mid back rounded vowel

    • IPA [ɔː]

/V/ open-mid back unrounded vowel

    • IPA [ʌ]

/oU/ AmE close-mid back rounded vowel + near-close near-back rounded vowel

    • IPA AmE [oʊ]

/@U/ BrE schwa + near-close near-back rounded vowel

    • BrE [əʊ]

/U/ near-close near-back rounded vowel

    • IPA [ʊ]

/u:/ close back rounded vowel

    • IPA [uː]

/:/ [ː]

[edit] Reduced vowels

These are vowels that occur in unstressed syllables.


    • IPA [ə]
  • runner - AmE only. This is called an r-colored schwa. This is a single sound, not a sequence of schwa and r.
    • IPA [ɚ]
    • SAMPA [@`]
  • button - AmE only. This is called syllabic n.
    • IPA [n̩]
  • bottom - AmE only. This is called syllabic m.
    • IPA [m̩]

[edit] R-colored vowels

These are plain vowels that are followed by r.

  • her
    • IPA AmE [ɝ] BrE [ɜ]
  • near
    • IPA AmE [iɹ] BrE [ɪə]
  • marry - AmE only *
    • IPA [æɹ]
  • merry - AmE only *
    • IPA [ɛɹ]
  • bare
    • IPA AmE [eɹ] BrE [ɛə]
  • car
    • IPA AmE [aɹ] BrE [aː]
  • core
    • IPA AmE [ɔɹ] BrE [ɔə]
  • pure
    • IPA AmE [ʊɹ] BrE [ʊə]
  • fire
    • IPA AmE [aɪɚ] BrE [aɪə]
  • hour
    • IPA AmE [aʊɚ] BrE[aʊə]

* For many speakers of American English, all or some of [æ], [ɛ], and [e] are merged before [r]. That is, merry, marry, and/or Mary are homophones. The vowel is pronounced as [eɹ]. For speakers of British English, these sequences are just the plain vowel, with [ɹ] beginning the next syllable;

[edit] Diphthongs

Diphthongs are vowel sounds that smoothly glide from one vowel to another.


    • IPA [aɪ]


    • IPA [ɔɪ]


    • IPA [aʊ]


    • IPA [ju]

[edit] Consonants

[edit] Stops

/p/ - voiceless bilabial plosive

    • IPA [p]

/b/ voiced bilabial plosive

    • IPA [b]

/t/ voiceless alveolar plosive

    • IPA [t]

/d/ voiced alveolar plosive

    • IPA [d]

/k/ voiceless velar plosive

    • IPA [k]

/g/ voiced velar plosive

    • IPA [g]

[?] glottal stop (not usually considered a separate phoneme of English.)

    • IPA [ʔ]

The voiceless stops, [p], [t], and [k] are aspirated when they occur at the beginning of stressed syllables. Aspiration is marked in IPA with a superscript h. These symbols are thus [pʰ], [tʰ], [kʰ].

[edit] Nasals

/n/ alveolar nasal

    • IPA [n]

/m/ bilabial nasal

    • IPA [m]
  • /N/ - This sound is called engma, eng or agma
    • SAMPA [N]

[edit] Fricatives

/f/ voiceless labiodental fricative

    • IPA [f]

/v/ voiced labiodental fricative

    • IPA [v]

/T/ voiceless interdental fricative

    • IPA [θ]

/D/ voiced interdental fricative

    • IPA [ð]

/s/ voiceless alveolar fricative

    • IPA [s]

/z/ voiced alveolar fricative

    • IPA [z]

/S/ voiceless postalveolar fricative - This symbol is called esh

    • IPA [ʃ]

/Z/ voiced postalveolar fricative - This symbol is called ezh or yogh

    • IPA [ʒ]

/h/ voiceless glottal fricative

    • IPA [h]

[edit] Affricates


    • IPA [tʃ]


    • IPA [dʒ]

A distinction is made in English between affricates and a series of a stop and fricative, because a syllable boundary never separates an affricate, but it might separate a stop/fricative sequence.

[edit] Approximants

Approximants, also called liquids, are smooth sounds that are almost like vowels. /l/ lateral alveolar approximant

/r/ alveolar approximant

    • IPA [ɹ]

[*] alveolar flap (not a separate phoneme of English, but an allophone of [t] and [d])

    • IPA [ɾ]

/w/ labial-velar approximant

    • IPA [w]

/j/ palatal approximant

    • IPA [j]

[w] and [j] are also called glides.

[edit] Suprasegmentals

  • primary stress
    • IPA [ˈ]
  • secondary stress
    • IPA [ˌ]
  • syllable break
    • IPA [.]

[edit] Other Licensing

I agree to multi-license all my contributions, with the exception of my user pages, as described below:

Multi-licensed with the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike License versions 1.0 and 2.0
I agree to multi-license my text contributions, unless otherwise stated, under the GFDL and the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license version 1.0 and version 2.0. Please be aware that other contributors might not do the same, so if you want to use my contributions under the Creative Commons terms, please check the CC dual-license and Multi-licensing guides.
Licensing rights granted to Wikimedia Foundation
I grant non-exclusive permission for the Wikimedia Foundation Inc. to relicense my text and media contributions, including any images, audio clips, or video clips, under any copyleft license that it chooses, provided it maintains the free and open spirit of the GFDL. This permission acknowledges that future licensing needs of the Wikimedia projects may need adapting in unforeseen fashions to facilitate other uses, formats, and locations. It is given for as long as this banner remains.