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The FTC's first target was, of all people, that exemplar of wholesomeness Pat Boone. With Daughter Debbie he appeared on TV to claim that all four of his daughters had found a preparation named Acne-Statin a "real help" in keeping their skins clear. The FTC has filed a complaint against the manufacturer, Karr Preventative Medical Products, Inc., of Beverly Hills, contending that the product does not really keep skin free of blemishes. Last week it got Boone to sign a consent order in which he promised not only to stop appearing in the ads but to pay about 2.5% of any money that the FTC or the courts might eventually order Karr to refund to consumers. Boone said through a lawyer that his daughters actually did use Acne-Statin, and that he was "dismayed to learn that the product's efficacy had not been scientifically established as he believed."