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Jerm and Liz, also known as Jeremy and Lizette are boyfriend and girlfriend. They started their relationship on September 20, 2004-present. This relationship has had its up and downs but in the end they still love each other and will always love eachother. Liz had a crush on Jerm in the begininning of her high school year. She was introduced to Jerm by a lame guy named Edgard. This relationship is not a picture-perfect relationship, Jerm has made some awful mistakes and so has Liz but like tru friends, They forgive eachother. This couple share the same music genre, punk amd also share almost the same ideas(almost but not really) They both believe in Peace, Freedom, and Equality(even towards animals). Thsi couple plan on having children and getting married. This is a tribute towards the everlasting love of Jeremy and Liz.