Jerry's Famous Deli

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Jerry's Famous Deli is a Los Angeles-based delicatessen famous for its huge menu, which boasts over 700 deli and traditional food items. Since opening the flagship Studio City location in 1978, co-partners Ike Starkman and Jonathan Mitchell have opened nine more in Southern California and South Florida. Ike Starman is the Father-in-Law of supermodel Cindy Margolis. Jerry's Famous Deli is an instution in Los Angeles and is well known amongst celebrities. In September of 2002 Jerry's also opened a location in the South Beach section of Miami Beach, Florida where the legendary Hoffman's Cafeteria once stood. Screenwriter George Gallo had written the feature film Midnight Run at the Studio City Jerry's Famous Deli.


[edit] Bagel chips

Pam and Jerry Seidman one day had left over bagels that were hard and got sick of throwing out the bagels constantly, so one day Jerry listened to wife Pam and put the bagels in the meat slicer to make the bagels in to extremely thin slices of bagel. Later on after playing with this new type of bagel, they added secret ingredients that included but were not limited to:

[edit] Trivia

  • Throughout his entire professional career, Andy Kaufman kept a day job at Jerry's busing tables.
  • The entire time Andy Kaufman worked for Jerry's, he never cashed one pay check as he was a fan of Mr. Seidman and placed his checks on his wall.
  • Jerry's wife, Pamela Seidman invented the Jerry's Famous Deli Logo from the bottom of a frying pan to make the 'Round' shape.

[edit] Notable Patrons

[edit] External links