Jeremiah Chronicles

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Jeremiah Chronicles is a collection of webserial. They involve Christianity, the struggles of the stories' characters in life, and the ultimate peace found in dedicating oneself to Jesus Christ. The stories would be easily adapted into manga and/or anime. To date there is only one story line posted on Jeremiah Chronicles, that of Lo Sobrenatural.


[edit] Lo Sobrenatural

Lo Sobrenatural is the chronicle of a young man by the name of Ian who lives in Japan. Ian is often accompanied by Minako, his best friend who happens to be a waitress at his favorite café. Ian is struggling with recent supernatural experiences that are gradually driving him to insanity. Ian by chance, or divine intervention, meets Keigo, a devout Christian who witnesses and prays for Ian consistently. Another character in the story is Myu who is a bit younger than the other characters and still in high school. Myu is quite mysterious and had been dabbling in black magic before meeting another character of the story ,Nojima, who becomes her mentor and draws her deeper into practicing magic and the such.

[edit] Characters in Lo Sobrenatural

Ian begins his supernatural journey with a series of troubling dreams about a young lady walking down a foggy, deserted sidewalk, crying desperately. Soon after the dreams begin, he starts hearing voices and is constantly annoyed by a (most of the time faint) buzzing noise in his head. At times, the voices and buzzing sound intensify and are discovered to be demonic attacks that are to keep Ian from discovering the meaning of his dreams (as the dreams are messages from God). It is revealed early in the story that Ian was once a church-goer, but was hurt by the inconsiderate treatment by the Christian Church of those in need and became agnostic. Ian once stated that "Jesus is after me in my dreams, and the demons are trying to kill me when I'm awake."

Minako is an easy going girl with a bit of a temper. She easily befriends people and cares deeply for those she is close to. She will try anything once and enlists the help of her newly befriended Myu to help Ian using magic. Minako also had a brief conversation with Keigo while he was getting coffee once. Minako is not a Christian but has a good heart. It is not clear in the storyline as of yet whether or not she will become a Christian.

Keigo as stated earlier is a devout Christian. He attends one of the few Christian churches in Japan, has a thriving street ministry, and a steady prayer life. It was also revealed that he is an excellent artist. Keigo still struggles with doubt, however. He at times becomes angry with God when he does not understand what is going on. God has put Ian on Keigo's heart and Keigo can tell that Ian is looking for peace and understanding. Ian and Keigo have only encountered each other on occasion but each time Keigo has relentlessly witnessed to Ian, once even going as far as dragging an unconscious Ian to the church to pray.

Very little has been revealed about Myu. It seems as though she is a lonely girl with few friends and is comforted by her ability to perform magic. Myu is also troubled by a recent series of dreams, however hers involve a young man frozen in a block of ice. She is searching for true life and is mentored in the dark arts by Nojima, an even more mysterious man who claimed to have been sent to Myu by God.

Episodes of Lo Sobrentural

Lo Sobrenatural's episodes are called avenues. So far seven avenues have been posted on Jeremiah Chronicles:

First Avenue: Darkness and Light

Second Avenue: Snow

Third Avenue: Holiday Minako

Forth Avenue: A Path

Fifth Avenue: The Calling

Sixth Avenue: Revelation

Seventh Avenue: They Meet

Eighth Avenue: An Icy Heart

Ninth Avenue: Decisions

Tenth Avenue: Passing

[edit] Future of Lo Sobrenatural

Lo Sobrenatural was slotted to end with ten episodes. The tenth episode was posted on September 2, 2007 and was the end of the series.

[edit] Future of Jeremiah Chronicles

Jeremiah Chronicles will continue to be updated after the end of its first webserial, Lo Sobrenatural. The next series rumored to appear on the blog will be titled Kingdom. The story will be based in the end times. Centered around a character named Josiah, it will be a story of self realization and discovery. The series is scheduled to appear in spring 2008.