User talk:Jennxiiifer

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    FALL OUT BOY a very awesome band, has brought together a large group of individuals via Message-Boards onFALLOUTBOYROCK.COM.  While expressing thoughts, veiws, and having many enjoyable conversations, many of the FOBR members bonded and became great friends.  The IBC (INTRO BOARDIE CLAN) belongs to one of the four sections on the 'Boards': Intro/New Members.  

Members Of The Intro Boardie Clan:

BN: Hush_Sound Name: Mary

BN: silver_and_cold Name: Annalisa

BN: petewentzpwnsmyheart Name: Alyssa

BN: Vengeancexx3 Name: Christine aka Timmy

BN: tear_catcher021 Name: Christine

BN: BLEED_CHEESE7490 Name: Brittany

BN: searchingtheskies Name: Bec

BN: MisseryxLovexMe Name: Maddie

BN: demented_solitude7 Name: Bradley

BN: OrangePep Name: Katie.

BN: chicago_is_so_2_years_ago Name: Ally

BN: Same_Old_Lonliness Name: Justin

BN: paperrheartt Name: Gina

BN: KimlovesKristin Name: Kim

BN: XxAmandaLuvsPatrickxX Name: Amanda

BN: JennRoxMySox Name: Jenn

BN: EvilToast Name: Kayla

BN: SuperNicoleandSuperPete Name: Nicole

BN: jojotheyoyo Name: Jo

BN: Rae911 Name: Rae

BN: happygoluckyducky Name: Cara

BN: annorze Name: Anna

BN: likewoosh Name: Sam

BN: XfobXspXgcX Name: Shell

BN: ix3Pete Name: Pablo

BN: lauren48 Name: Lauren

BN: dolphinswmmr Name: Andrea

BN: decemberunderground Name: Jack

BN: endangeredmusic Name: Skyler

BN: Aussiemadechick Name: Caitlyn

BN: JRemmy Name: Jen

BN: odd_gurl_out Name: Brice

BN: Romanticide_08 Name: Seth

BN: gothicmarshmallo Name: Emily

BN: xixhopexyouxchokex Name: See See

BN: calls_for_a_toast Name: Travis

BN: Grand_Idea Name: Katie

BN: yellowrubberducky Name: Ducky

There are more IBC members but not all can be reached at the moment.


The Intro Boardie Clan is an interesting group. Below are the interest of some members.

Maddie - Likes to brooke to Jenns pictures everynight before she goes to bed. She is an awesome sexy boardie X3. She showers regularly and spells gay ghey =]. Brittany - She is 16. She has liked FOB since she was a freshman in High School. She is very shy and she thinks she sucks at conversations, but everyone loves her because she is wicked sweet and hawt. Mary - The 15 year old dictator of IBC, she is sarcastic and mean to everyone (but she is a really nice boardie according to other members). She thinks she is sexy XD and she loves Ducky. Loves bewbs. Justin: Is attracted to hawt guys ;].