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A jenglot is a type of mysterious creature or vampire in Indonesian and Malaysian culture and mythology. The appearance is like a tiny human doll with long hair and appears to be alive. It is usually described as a mythical creature and some say the Jenglot was actually a human body.


[edit] Controversy

There are controversies about this creature since there is not enough scientific evidence to support its existence.

  • Some paranormal studies say the “jenglot” is not a vampire but an animal or some sort of doll.

[edit] Whereabouts

Jenglot is a mystical creature found in Indonesia, especially in Java. Jenglots are mostly found by native psychics after they have performed a supernatural ceremony. Jenglots can be found everywhere, from under the ground, on a wrecked house roof, and even in the trunk of a huge tree.

[edit] Appearance

Jenglot is a small human-like creature, usually around 10-15cm with long nails. The hair on its head is said to be able to grow over time. The face of a jenglot is shaped like a skeleton or a zombie. This creature has been found with joined feet, which makes it look like a mermaid.

[edit] Feeding Jenglot

Jenglot keepers feed their creature with blood, either animal blood (goat) or human blood. A person who feeds the creature with human blood buys the blood legally from the Indonesian Red Cross. The jenglot is said to not drink the blood directly. The person places the jenglot near the blood, but the jenglot doesn't even move or touch the blood. It is said that the jenglot will get the nutrients of the blood in their own way.

[edit] Exhibition

People who have caught the jenglot usually bring their creature all over Indonesia to exhibit them in order to gain some money.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

  • Latest result on DNA test & Morphology research for Jenglot (in English & Bahasa Malaysia) [3]
  • Jenglot, "Monster Kecil" yang Misterius (in Indonesian Language) [4]
  • Jenglot Jive – Tiny Entities Discovered In Southeast Asia [5]
  • Ghostly Affair At Shah Alam Museum [6]