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Angelic Council (Ангелскй Собор). Orthodox icon of the seven archangels. From left to right: Jegudiel, Gabriel, Selaphiel, Michael, Uriel, Raphael, Barachiel.  Beneath the mandorla of Christ Emmanuel are representations of Cherubim (blue) and Seraphim (red).
Angelic Council (Ангелскй Собор). Orthodox icon of the seven archangels. From left to right: Jegudiel, Gabriel, Selaphiel, Michael, Uriel, Raphael, Barachiel. Beneath the mandorla of Christ Emmanuel are representations of Cherubim (blue) and Seraphim (red).

Jegudiel (Heb. יהודיאל Yehudiel "laudation of God") is one of the seven Archangels in Eastern Orthodox tradition.[1] He is often depicted in iconography holding a crown and a three-thonged whip. [2] Jeguidiel is the patron of all who work in some field of endeavor, and the crown he holds symbolizes the reward for successful spiritual labors.[3] Along with his subordinate angels he is the advisor and defender of all who work in positions of responsibility to the glory of God, and as such is resorted to by kings, judges, and others in positions of leadership.

[edit] References

  1. ^ Hymn of Praise: The Archangels
  2. ^ The Rational Heavenly Powers
  3. ^ The heavenly host and our modern life

[edit] See also