Jean de Venette

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Jean de Venette (c. 1307 – c. 1370) was a French chronicler.

He was born at Venette, near Compiègne. He became prior of the Carmelite convent in the Place Maubert, Paris, in 1339, and was provincial of France from 1341 to 1366. In 1368 he was still living, but probably died within a year or two of that date. His Latin Chronicle, covering the years 1340 to 1368, was published by Achery (Spicilegium, vol. iii) with the continuations of the chronicle of William of Nangis, though it has every claim to be considered as an independent work. During the years 1358-1359 the entries were contemporary with the events recorded; the earlier portion of the work, if it was begun as early as 1340, was subjected to revision later. De Venette was a child of the people, and his sympathies were entirely with the peasants.

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