Jean Grémillon

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Jean Grémillon (October 3, 1901November 25, 1959) was a French film director. After directing a number of documentaries during the 1920s, many now lost, he had his first substantial success with the dramatic feature Maldone in 1928. Over the next quarter-century, he directed twenty more feature films, of which he is best known for five made between 1937 and 1944: L'Étrange M. Victor, Gueule d'amour, Remorques, Lumière d'été, and Le Ciel est à vous.

Grémillon rejected what he referred to as "mechanical naturalism" in favor of "the discovery of that subtlety which the human eye does not perceive directly but which must be shown by establishing the harmonies, the unknown relations, between objects and beings; it is a vivifying, inexhaustible source of images that strike our imaginations and enchant our hearts."

Note that despite attempts at correction, the IMDb entry on the director lists his date of birth erroneously as March 4, 1898. The correct date is given in his standard biography, by Geneviève Sellier, and confirmed by other leading sources including Katz's Film Encyclopedia and Wakeman's World Film Directors.


[edit] Selected films directed by Jean Grémillon

  • Maldone (1928) (silent)
  • Gardiens de phare (The Lighthouse Keepers) (1929) (silent)
  • La Petite Lise (1930)
  • Daïnah la métisse (1931)
  • Le Petit Babouin (1932)
  • Pour un sou d'amour (For One Cent's Worth of Love) (1932)
  • Gonzague (aka L'Accordeur) (1933)
  • La Dolorosa (1934)
  • Valse royale (1935)
  • Pattes de mouches (1936)
  • L'Étrange Monsieur Victor (Strange M. Victor) (1937)
  • ¡Centinela, alerta! (1937)
  • Gueule d'amour (Lady Killer) (1937)
  • Remorques (Stormy Waters) (1941)
  • Lumière d'été (1943)
  • Le Ciel est à vous (The Sky Is Yours) (1944)
  • Le 6 juin à l'aube (1946) (documentary)
  • Les Charmes de l'existence (The Charms of Life) (1949)
  • Pattes blanches (White Paws) (1949)
  • L'Étrange Madame X (The Strange Madame X) (1951)
  • L'Amour d'une femme (The Love of a Woman) (1954)

[edit] References

[edit] Published

  • Sellier, Geneviève (1989). Jean Grémillon: Le cinéma est à vous. Paris: Méridiens Klincksieck. (Correct date of birth: p. 13.)

[edit] Online

[edit] External links