User:JDoorjam/Political parties

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is an archive of political userboxes, which I have kept here for reasons of personal interest. If you would like to add the raw code of political-party userboxes to this page, feel free to do so. I also have archives of religious and other belief-related userboxes. JDoorjam Talk


This page is for userboxes related to political parties of which a user may be a member or that a user may simply support. For political ideologies and inclinations, regional issues, political stances, etc., see:

[edit] Albania

Code Result
{{User PD Albania}}
PD This user supports the Democratic Party of Albania.
{{User PSSH}}
This user supports the Socialist Party of Albania.

[edit] Austria

Code Result
{{User Die Grünen}}
DG This user supports Die Grünen.

[edit] Australia

Code Result
{{User:Orderinchaos/Userboxes/User Aus ALP}}
ALP This user supports the Australian Labor Party.
{{User:Orderinchaos/Userboxes/User Aus LIB}}
LIB This user supports the Liberal Party of Australia.
{{User:Orderinchaos/Userboxes/User Aus GRN}}
GRN This user supports the Australian Greens.
{{User:Orderinchaos/Userboxes/User Aus DEM}}
DEM This user supports the Australian Democrats.
{{User:Orderinchaos/Userboxes/User Aus NAT}}
NAT This user supports the National Party of Australia.
{{User:Orderinchaos/Userboxes/User Aus CLP}}
CLP This user supports the Country Liberal Party.
LIB This user supports the Australian Coalition Government. NAT

[edit] Belgium

[edit] Flanders

Code Result
{{User KP}}

[edit] Brazil

Code Result
{{User PDT}}
PDT This user supports the Democratic Labour Party.
{{User PFL}}
PFL This user supports the Party of the Liberal Front.
{{User PMDB}}
PMDB This user supports the Party of the Brazilian Democratic Movement.
{{User PP}}
PP This user supports the Progressive Party.
{{User PT}}
PT This user supports the Workers' Party.
{{User PSB}}
PSB This user supports the Brazilian Socialist Party.
{{User PSDB}}
PSDB This user supports the Brazilian Social Democracy Party.
{{User P-SOL}}
P-SOL This user supports the Socialism and Freedom Party.

[edit] Canada

Code Result
{{User AAEVP}}
{{User Bloc}}
BQ This user supports the Bloc Québécois.
{{User Canadian Action}}
This user supports the Canadian Action Party.
{{User Christian Heritage}}
This user supports the Christian Heritage Party of Canada.
{{User Canadian Communist}}
This user supports the Communist Party of Canada.
{{User Canadian Conservative}}
This user supports the Conservative Party of Canada
{{User Canadian Liberal}}
This user supports the Liberal Party of Canada.
{{User FPNP}}
This user supports the First Peoples National Party of Canada.
{{User:Green Joe/Canadian Green}}
This user supports the Green Party of Canada.|}
{{User Libertarian}}
Lib This user believes in the principles of Libertarianism.
{{User Marijuanaparty}}
This user supports the Marijuana Party of Canada.
{{User Marxist-Leninist}}
This user supports the Marxist-Leninist Party of Canada.
{{User:Orderinchaos/Userboxes/User Can NDP}}
This user supports the New Democratic Party of Canada.
{{User Progressive Canadian}}
This user supports the Progressive Canadian Party.
{{User WBP}}
This user supports the Western Block Party.

[edit] People's Republic of China

Code Result
{{User CCP}}
This user supports the Communist Party of China, but only because there's nobody else to support.

[edit] Republic of China

Code Result
{{User Pan-blue}}
This user supports the Pan-Blue Coalition.
{{User Pan-green}}
This user supports the Pan-Green Coalition.

[edit] Cyprus

Code Result
{{User AKEL}}
AKEL This user supports AKEL.
{{User DISY}}
DISY This user supports DISY.

[edit] Pan-European

Code Result
{{User EDP}}
EDP This user supports the European Democratic Party.
{{User EFA}}
EFA This user supports the European Free Alliance.
{{User EGP}}
EGP This user supports the European Green Party.
{{User ID}}
ID This user supports the Independence & Democracy group in the European Parliament.
{{User Euro-Left}}
LEFT This user supports the Party of the European Left.
{{User ELDR}}
ELDR This user supports the European Liberal Democrat & Reform Party.
{{User NGLA}}
NGLA This user supports the Nordic Green Left Alliance.
{{User EPP}}
EPP This user supports the European People's Party.
{{User PES}}
PES This user supports the Party of European Socialists.
{{User UEN}}
AEN This user supports the Alliance for Europe of the Nations.

[edit] Germany

Code Result
{{User CDU}}
CDU This user supports the Christian Democratic Union.
{{User SPD}}
SPD This user supports the Social-Democratic Party of Germany.
{{User FDP}}
FDP This user supports the Free Democratic Party

[edit] Hungary

Code Result
{{User Fidesz}}
This user either supports Fidesz or just likes oranges.

[edit] Ireland

Code Result
FF This user supports Fianna Fáil.
FG This user supports Fine Gael.
{{User:Royalguard11/userboxes/Ireland Labour}}
Lab This user supports the Irish Labour Party
PD This user supports the Progressive Democrats
{{User:Royalguard11/userboxes/Ireland Green}}
Grn This user supports the Irish Green Party
SF This user supports Sinn Féin.

[edit] Israel

Code Result
מחל This user supports Likud.
אמת This user supports Avoda.

כן This user supports Kadima.

יש This user supports Shinui.
ו This user supports Hadash.
רק This user supports Ha-Yerukim.
ד This user supports Balad.
מרצ This user supports Meretz-Yachad.
{{User:Royalguard11/userboxes/Ale Yarok}}
קנ This user supports Ale Yarok.

[edit] Italy

Code Result
{{User FI}}
FI This user supports the Forza Italia Party.

[edit] New Zealand

Code Result
{{User:Orderinchaos/Userboxes/User NZ Labour}}
NZLP This user supports the New Zealand Labour Party
{{User:Orderinchaos/Userboxes/User NZNP}}
NZNP This user supports the New Zealand National Party

[edit] Poland

Code Result
{{User UW}}
PD This user supports the Democratic Party, or whatever their current name is.

[edit] Portugal

Code Result
{{User BE}}
BE This user supports the Leftwing Bloc.
{{User CDS PP}}
CDS/PP This user supports the Democratic Social Center / People's Party.
{{User PCP}}
This user supports the Portuguese Communist Party.
{{User PS}}
PS This user supports the Socialist Party.
{{User PSD}}
PSD This user supports the Social Democratic Party.

[edit] Romania

Code Result
{{User PNL}}
PNL This user supports the National Liberal Party.

[edit] Russia

See also: List of political parties in Russia.

Code Result
{{User LDPR}}
ЛДПР This user supports the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia.
{{User:Xoloz/UBX/User Zhirinovsky}}
{{User CPRF}}
КПРФ This user supports the Communist Party of the Russian Federation.

[edit] Serbia and Montenegro

[edit] Kosovo

Code Result
{{User LDK}}
LDK This user supports the Democratic League of Kosova.
{{User AAK}}

[edit] Singapore

Code Result
{{User PAP}}
PAP This user is a supporter of the People’s Action Party.

[edit] South Africa

Code Result
{{User ANC}}
ANC This user supports the African National Congress.

[edit] Ukraine

Code Result
{{User YTB}}
This user supports the Yulia Tymoshenko Electoral Bloc.

[edit] United Kingdom

[edit] Great Britain

Code Result
{{User BNP}}
{{User UK Conservative}}
{{User Coop}}
COOP This user supports the The Co-Operative Party.
{{User England Wales Green}}
GPEW This user supports the Green Party of England and Wales
{{User Scotland Green}}
SGP This user supports the Scottish Green Party
{{User UK Labour}}
LAB This user supports the Labour Party.
{{User Lib Dem}}
LD This user supports the Liberal Democrats.
{{User UK MK}}
MK This user supports Mebyon Kernow.
{{User:Aeon1006/Userboxes/User MRLP}}
This user supports the Official Monster Raving Loony Party.
{{User Plaid Cymru}}
PC This user supports Plaid Cymru.
RES This user supports the RESPECT Unity Coalition.
{{User SNP}}
SNP This user supports the Scottish National Party.
{{User UKIP}}

[edit] Northern Ireland

Code Result
{{User UK DUP}}
{{User Alliance}}
ALL This user supports The Alliance Party of Northern Ireland.
{{User SF}}
SF This user supports Sinn Féin.
{{User SDLP}}
SDLP This user supports the Social Democratic and Labour Party.
{{User UK UUP}} Template:User UK UUP

[edit] United States

[edit] National parties

Code Result
{{User democrat}}
dem This user supports the U.S. Democratic Party.
{{User usgreen}}
GP This user supports the Green Party of the United States.
{{User Libertarian US}}
LP This user is a member of the Libertarian Party.
{{User republican}}
GOP This user supports the U.S. Republican Party.
{{User SPUSA}}
SPUSA This user supports the Socialist Party USA. |}

[edit] State parties

Code Result
{{User dfl}}
DFL This user supports the Minnesota Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party.
NPL This user supports the
North Dakota Democratic Non-Partisan League.
{{User VTprog}}
VPP This user supports the Vermont Progressive Party.
This user declines to state a party affiliation
Decline To State.

[edit] Venezuela

Code Result
{{User MVR}}
MVR This user supports Movimiento V República.
{{User AD}}
AD This user supports Acción Democrática.
{{User PCV}}
PCV This user supports the Communist Party of Venezuela.