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Justin Marks, better known in the seduction community as JDOG, is a motivation speaker, and notable influence in the seduction community. He was featured in the 2007 VH1 reality television series The Pick-up Artist (TV series), where Mystery (pickup artist) declared that JDOG is the expert on meeting women during the day. JDOG provides dating advice and a free video newsletter through his "website".


[edit] Biography

JDOG was born and raised in Northern England, and in 1995 graduated from the University of Liverpool with a Master of Engineering degree (of unknown subject)[1]. Immediately after his graduation he travelled to America, seizing the opportunity to work abroad and enter the exploding PCS wireless telecommunications industry.

By 1998 he was running his own successful engineering corporation called Complete Wireless Networks Inc. [2]

In 2004 he co-founded a technology startup company with a professor at the University of Arizona, initially called Autonomous Network Technologies, and later reincorporated as Avirtec.[3] Justin "JDOG" was responsible for collaborating with the Department of Defense and the Air intelligence Agency for a $250,000 research project[citation needed].

In 2007 JDOG taught several seduction bootcamps[citation needed], and co-hosted the VH1 show The Pickup Artist. Since which time he appears to be putting all of his time into teaching, and providing video and audio courses to help men improve their dating lives[citation needed].

[edit] Involvement in the Seduction Community

By his own admission he spent most of his life without having any success with women. He was especially frustrated that his business and financial successes had no effect on his dating life. In 2000, to save his sanity, JDOG made a decision to get his dating life fixed once and for all. That decision set him on a life changing journey. First... exercise! Becoming passionate about outdoor sports and fanatical with going to the gym, he lost 30lbs, lost his gut, and got into the best shape of his life.

Next was a long and ongoing process of developing his own personal sense of fashion and style. Of course without confidence when talking to women, and without even understanding women, and knowing how to communicate on a sexual and captivating level, little was gained by the other changes alone.

Late one night while watching BBC America JDOG's eyes were opened to the secret society of pickup artists. The television show Louis Theroux's Weird Weekends featured a man called Ross Jeffries, who was teaching other men how to seduce women. It seemed real!

"Until that moment I never believed that it was possible to change the way that women are attracted to you. Honestly I had just accepted the fact that the women I find attractive are just not attracted to me... and that's just a horrible place to find yourself." Recalls JDOG.

JDOG studied under Ross, learning methods of using one's language, tone of voice, and gesture to communcate in a more captivating manner. Ross and JDOG have remained good friends ever since. Fascinated by these principles JDOG later earned both a Master Practitioner Certifaction in NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), and a Hypnotherapy Certification.

Having now been exposed to the seduction community JDOG travelled to meet and learn from the world's most revered Pickup Artists, such as Mystery, Neil Straus, Lance Mason, Tyler Durden, and many others. In the process becoming a master and teacher of the art himself, respected and known internationally. JDOG has since taught alongside most of the top dating coaches in the world [4]

Fans of Neil Strauss' international bestseller, "The Game" might be interested to know that JDOG was actually one of the founding members of the much written about Project Hollywood[5]. JDOG discussed the initial financing for the project[6] with Neil Strauss at Chicken A-Go-Go in LA, and later backed out to pursue other adventures. JDOG gave his room to Herbal, who later became a central character to the storyline.

During 2004 JDOG was living in "Project San Francisco," where he co-taught many of the initial PickUp 101 workshops, alongside Lance Mason and William Beltane (Wilder.) Also during this time he taught with The Mystery Method when they provided bootcamps in the Bay Area.

In 2004 JDOG founded the Arizona Seduction Lair, and in July of that year put up the Arizona Pickup Artist information website and online message board for the Arizona Lair members. It become a popular resource in the Seduction Community, with members spreading across Europe and the US, in addition to the core Arizona members.[7]

When teaching JDOG excels at making sure that guys truly understand the material, and are able to apply it to improve their lives. His ability to make positive, lasting, improvements in other peoples’ lives is second to none. JDOG has impeccable communication skills, and is able to relate to students of all ages and backgrounds, especially those who think of themselves as too old or not interested in the nightclub scene.

JDOG's focus is on teaching guys to become naturally more attractive men, through the way they live their lives, and communicate with others. Rather than trying to buy or beg for a woman's attention, and certainly as a better alternative than using social tricks to get women into bed. In this way men tend to find they have more fulfilling relationships and can keep quality women in their life long after the initial "pick up."

Towards the end of 2007 JDOG was interviewed on FOX News on the national morning show, Fox and Friends.[8] During the interview he discussed how it is possible to teach guys to be more charismatic and therefore more attractive to women.

October 2007, residing mainly in Phoenix Arizona JDOG was featured on the local ABC15 evening news, where he discussed using the iPhone for his photo routine when meeting women.[9]

[edit] Professional Involvement

Since 2004 JDOG has taught seminars, workshops bootcamps, and provided one-to-one coaching. He has taught with Pickup 101, The Mystery Method, The Venusian Arts, and now through his own company ASK JDOG.

A reality series titled The Pick-up Artist debuted on August 6, 2007 on VH1.[10] In the series, JDOG and his co-hosts trained eight "lonely, socially inept" men in an eight week bootcamp in Austin, Texas to compete for the title of "Master Pick-Up Artist".

[edit] References

  1. ^ Biographical information on "askjdog.com" and "Linked In"
  2. ^ "Management profile of Complete Wireless Networks, Inc.
  3. ^ "Avirtec corporate website"
  4. ^ "The Pick-up Artist" Is on Vh1 "News Blaze 2007"
  5. ^ Although never mentioned in Neil Strauss' The Game"JDOG was a founding member of Project Holywood".
  6. ^ Strauss, Neil (2005). The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists. ReganBooks. ISBN 0-06-055473-8
  7. ^ Thundercat's Seduction Lair, "New PUA Website & Message Board," July 12th, 2004
  8. ^ "Pickup Practice - Turn Seduction Into A Science" Interview on Fox and Friends aired on Fox news 6am EST September 24th, 2007 "Fox and Friends - Fox News"
  9. ^ Tim Vetscher of ABC15 news interviewed JDOG as part of a story about the iPhone, Octover 17, 2007.[1]
  10. ^ "VH1 show teaches men how to meet women". August 1, 2007. The Orange County Register.