User:Jayden54/WPDead Source.js

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Note: After saving, you have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. In Internet Explorer and Firefox, hold down the Ctrl key and click the Refresh or Reload button. Opera users have to clear their caches through Tools→Preferences, see the instructions for Opera. Konqueror and Safari users can just click the Reload button.

// Username of the bot (can be left blank)
define ('bot_username', 'Jayden54Bot');
// Password of the bot (can be left blank)
define ('bot_password', '');
// Save the action log? (true/false)
define ('save_log', true);
define ('cutoff', 1);
$lists = array(	'Wikipedia:Dead-end_pages/A-K',
/* =========================== DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE ==================================== */
$base = dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
include '../../wikipediaphp/lib/wikipedia.php';
// Load Wikipedia object
$wp = new Wikipedia();
WP_STATUS::addCallback(array('WP_FUNCTIONS', 'printStatus'));
// save to log file?
if (defined('save_log') == true && save_log == true) {
	WP_STATUS::addCallback(array('WP_FUNCTIONS', 'saveLog'));
Welcome to the WP:DEAD link clearing Program.
This bot will remove all the deleted articles from
the WP:DEAD lists.
Action Log:
// login
$wp->loadScript('login', array('site' => 'en'));
// confirm start
if (WP_FUNCTIONS::confirmYesNo('Bot ready to check lists.') == false) {
// Check each list
foreach ($lists as $list) {
	// Get list HTML
	$list = $wp->en->getArticle($list);
	$html = $list->getHTML();
	// Find links that point to an invalid article (class="new")
	$regex = '/<li>([^"]*?)<a([^>]*?)class="new"([^>]*?)title="(?P<article>.*?)"(.*?)>(.*?)<\/a>(.*?)<\/li>/is';
	if (preg_match_all($regex, $html, $matches) == false) { 
		WP_STATUS::addMessage ('Found no articles in page. Skipping list.');
	$articles = $matches['article'];
	WP_STATUS::addMessage(sprintf('Found %s articles in list.', count($articles)));
	if (count($articles) < cutoff) {
		WP_STATUS::addMessage('Not enough articles to match cutoff. Skipping list.');
	// Get list contents (wiki)
	$content = $list->get();
	// Find each article in content, and delete line
	$removed = 0;
	foreach ($articles as $article) {
		$article = html_entity_decode($article, ENT_QUOTES);
		$find = '[[' . $article . ']]';
		// find position of article
		$pos = strpos($content, $find);
		if ($pos === false) { continue; }
		// find start of line
		$line_start = strrpos(substr($content, 0, $pos), "#");
		// find end of line
		$line_end = strpos($content, "\n", $pos);
		// make sure to remove all newlines
		while(true) {
			$next_char = substr($content, $line_end, 1);
			if (in_array($next_char, array("\r", "\n")) == true) {
			} else {
		// remove line from content
		$content = substr($content, 0, $line_start) . substr($content, $line_end);
	WP_STATUS::addMessage(sprintf('Removed %s articles from list', $removed));
	// Put new article
	$editSummary = sprintf('Bot clearing deleted articles: %s removed', $removed);
	$list->put ($content, $editSummary, false, true);
// Finished
WP_STATUS::addMessage ('All Done!', 'Info');