Jay Nordlinger

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Jay Nordlinger is an American journalist. He is a senior editor of National Review, the conservative magazine founded by William F. Buckley Jr. in the 1950s. He also writes a column for the magazine’s website called “Impromptus.” Nordlinger covers a wide variety of topics, including human rights. He has a special focus on China and Cuba.

In the last month and a half of the 2000 presidential election campaign, Nordlinger took a leave of absence from National Review to write speeches for George W. Bush.

Nordlinger is also a music critic, writing about classical music for The New Criterion and the New York Sun, in addition to National Review. He lectures and moderates panels at the Salzburg festivals, at Easter and during the summer.

In 2007, National Review Books published Here, There & Everywhere: Collected Writings of Jay Nordlinger.

Nordlinger lives in New York, but he is a native of Ann Arbor, Michigan, and often refers to his left-leaning hometown in political columns.

[edit] Awards

In 2001, Nordlinger received the Eric Breindel Award for Excellence in Opinion Journalism. This is an annual award given by the News Corporation, in honor of its late editorial-page editor. The award is meant to go to a journalist who demonstrates “love of country and its democratic institutions” and who “bears witness to the evils of totalitarianism.”

Also in 2001, Nordlinger won the annual award of the Chan Foundation for Journalism and Culture. The award, and the foundation, were established in honor of Zhu Xi Chan, the Hong Kong newspaper owner whose pages exposed events in Mao Zedong’s China. The award is intended for a journalist “who uses his talents to work for freedom and democracy in China.”

[edit] External links