
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

nap Chesta perzona parla napulitano comme lengua materna.
it-4 Questo utente ha una conoscenza da madrelingua dell'italiano.
en-4 This user speaks English at a near-native level.
This user can write very clearly in Simple English.
scn-3 St'utenti pò cuntribbuiricci c'un sicilianu ôn liveddu avanzatu.
grc-3 Ὅδε ὁ χρήστης δύναται συνεισφέρειν ἀνωτέρᾳ γνώσει τῆς ἀρχαίας ἑλληνικῆς.
la-3 Hic usor callidissima latinitate contribuere potest.
fr-2 Cet utilisateur peut contribuer avec un niveau intermédiaire en français.
es-2 Este usuario puede contribuir con un nivel intermedio de español.
de-2 Dieser Benutzer hat fortgeschrittene Deutschkenntnisse.
nl-1 Deze gebruiker bezit beginnende kennis van het Nederlands.
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I love wiki, i use it since it existed the first lousy perl program. I have on my shelf "The Wiki Way" book with a signed dedication by Bo Leuf. I love wikipedia, before this i loved InfoAnarchy - wonder why that one didn't win the Prix ARS even if it existed before? ...

If you've concerns about anything i write, please let me know: you can write into my User_talk:Jaromil page or in the discussion tab of the wikipedia article i'm contributing.

My fields of study are: Algebra, Algorithms, Logics, Programming_paradigms (in particular Object_oriented and Multithread), Multimedia software applications, audio/video digital processing, Linguistics and Semiotics, Anthropology, migration issues, Middle-East crisis zones, Ancient Greek and Latin Literature.

prog-N This user is a native programmer.
C-4 This user is an expert C user.
C++-4 This user is an expert C++ programmer.
asm-3 This user is an advanced assembly language programmer.
bash-2 This user is an intermediate bash scripter.
HTML-4 This user is an expert HTML user.
js-4 This user is an expert JavaScript coder.
php-4 This user is an expert PHP programmer.
mysql-1 This user is a beginning MySQL user.
py-1 This user is a beginning Python programmer.

for more informations about me, visit: (academy) (free software) (community)

This user is a Citizen of the World (Terra, ).
Spent years: