Template:Japan dam

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Japan dam
No image available
Coordinates {{{coordinate}}}
river(s) {{{rivers}}}
Lake of the dam {{{lake}}}
Dam type {{{type}}}
Numerical characteristics
Height {{{height}}}
Length {{{length}}}
Dam volume {{{dam_volume}}}
Reservoir volume {{{capacity_volume}}}
Utilized volume {{{storage_volume}}}
River basin area {{{catchment_area}}}
Reservoir area {{{inundation_area}}}
Dam use {{{utilization}}}
Owner {{{owner}}}
Operator {{{utility}}}
Electric generators
Construction company {{{construction}}}
Construction start/end [[{{{started}}}]]/[[{{{finished}}}]]
Notes {{{notes}}}
Template (Talk Info) WP:E

This template exists so that I can copy the information they put together on the Japanese pages with minimal changes, while at the same time changing the box into 100% English. Do not change the variable names please.

[edit] See also
