Portal:Japan/Anniversaries/June/June 24
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< Portal:Japan | Anniversaries | June
- 1692 - 江戸幕府が富くじ禁止令を出す。
- 1804 - 間宮林蔵が宗谷海峡を探険。
- 1864 - 幕府、神戸に海軍操練所を開く(頭取・勝海舟)が封切り。
- 1931 - The Tokorozawa Army Flight School achieves its first successful mid-air refueling.
- 1958 - Mt. Aso in Kumamoto Prefecture erupts, killing 12 and injuring 21.
- 1985 - Singer Matsuda Seiko and actor Kanda Masaki are married. 35% of television viewers tune in to watch.
- 1988 - It is reported that Recruit, a real estate and telecommunications company, sold shares of its subsidiary Recruit Cosmos Co. to a number of politicians before taking the stock public.