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Japanoise, or ジャパノイズ, is a portmanteau of the words "Japanese" & "noise" and is a term applied to the diverse, prolific, and influential noise music scene of Japan. Primarily popular and active in the 1980s and 1990s but still alive today in a smaller sense, the Japanoise scene is defined by a remarkable sense of musical freedom, consequently covering an amazingly large portion of the musical spectrum. Some of the most popular groups range from the insanely high-energy free improv stylings of Hijokaidan, the wild punk demolition of Hanatarash and its subsequent psychedelic Boredoms evolutions, to the tabletop electronics (though in technique, style, structure, form and so on they differ greatly) of Incapacitants and Merzbow. Aside from artists often releasing tapes and records in extremely limited quantities, countless side-projects, collaborations, etc. exist within and outside the scene, making the pursuit of Japanoise medias a monumentally intimidating and endless quest for collectors.

Japanoise, as opposed to some other post-industrial related distinctions, is often much less aggressively "serious" image-based, being focused more on the sole act of "jamming" as hard, loud or ridiculously as possible.

The United States's so-called "harsh noise" was spawned by certain Japanoise styles and is closely related and overlapping.

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