Japan-Korea Protocol of 1904
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The Protocol Signed Between Japan and Korea of 1904 (日韓議定書 Nikkan Giteisho?) was signed during the Russo-Japanese War on February 23, 1904.
This treaty was confirmed to be "already null and void" by Treaty on Basic Relations between Japan and the Republic of Korea in 1965.
[edit] Complete Text
Article 1. For the purpose of maintaining a permanent and solid friendship between Japan and Korea and firmly establishing peace in the Far East, the Imperial Government of Korea shall place full confidence in the Imperial Government of Japan, and adopt the advice of the latter in regard to improvements in administration.
Article 2. The Imperial Government of Japan shall in spirit of firm friendship ensure the safety and repose of the Imperial House of Korea.
Article 3. The Imperial Government of Japan definitively guarantees the independence and territorial integrity of the Korean Empire.
Article 4. In case the welfare of the Imperial House of Korea or the territorial integrity of Korea is endangered by aggression of a third power or internal disturbances, the Imperial Government of Japan shall immediately take such necessary measures as circumstances require, and in such case the Imperial Government of Korea shall give full facilities to promote the action of the Imperial Japanese Government. The Imperial Government of Japan may, for the attainment of the above mentioned object, occupy when the circumstances require, such places as may be necessary for strategic reasons.
Article 5. The Governments of the two countries shall not in the future without mutual consent conclude with a third power such an arrangement as may be contrary to the principles of the present protocol.
Article 6. Details in connection with the present protocol shall be arranged as the circumstances may require between the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Korea and the representative of the Empire of Japan.
YI, CHI-YONG (Seal) Minister of Foreign Affairs ad interim The 23rd day of the 2nd month of the 8th year of Kwangmu
HAYASHI GONSUKE (Seal) Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary The 23rd day of the 2nd month of the 38th year of Meiji
[edit] References
Some of the content of this article was taken from the equivalent Japanese-language article, accessed June 7, 2006.
- (English) Protocol Signed Between Korea and Japan February 23, 1904, Japanese Treaties of Annexation.
- (Japanese) 日韓議定書 Nikkan Giteisho, 中野文庫 Nakano Bunko, accessed Jan 2nd, 2007.