Jana von Lahnstein

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Jana von Lahnstein

Vanessa Jung as Jana von Lahnstein
Verbotene Liebe
Portrayed by Friederike Sipp
Vanessa Jung
First appearance Episode 1833
1 October 2002
Gender Female
Occupation Nurse at 'St. Vincenz Hospital'
Former Callgirl
Residence Königsbrunn Castle

Jana von Lahnstein (née Brandner) is a fictional character on German soap opera Verbotene Liebe (Forbidden Love). The character was played by actress Friederike Sipp from October 1, 2002 to March 21, 2005. The character is recast with Vanessa Jung, who played the role since March 23, 2005.

[edit] Character History

The shyly Jana arrives with her siblings Robin Brander (Nils Brunkhorst) and Nico von Lahnstein (Verena Zimmermann) in October 2002 in Düsseldorf and hopes to find a new home by Arno Brander (Konrad Krauss), their uncle. Then after their father Achim (Matthias Haase) left the family, Jana lives in a foster home and her sister Nico in a center. After a few days, Jana falls in love with Andi Fritzsche (Dominic Saleh-Zaki), but he is in a relationship with Franziska von Beyenbach (Lina Tiedtke). After a fire, the drunk Andi kisses Jana and she replies the kiss. Jana has a guilty conscience about the kiss and tells Franziska the truth. She can't believe that and breaks up with Andi. Jana hopes that she and Andi will have a future, when he is over his relationship with Franziska. Nico can't stand Andi and doesn't want, that he gets involved with Jana. But Jana can't hold her feelings longer and tells Andi how she feels about him. In the beginning, Andi doesn't know how to react, but then he realizes that he is in love with her too. Andi sends her letters and flowers, but Nico resist them. At least, she can't obviates that Andi tells Jana, that he loves her. Jana is happy and they kiss.