Jan Mosdorf

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Jan Mosdorf
Jan Mosdorf

Jan Mosdorf (born May 30, 1904 in Warsaw), was a Polish right-wing politician, director of the nationalist organization All-Polish Youth (Młodziez Wszechpolska, MW) and member of a political party Obóz Narodowo-Radykalny (ONR). He also worked as a publicist, using the pseudonym Andrzej Witkowski. Mosdorf died in Auschwitz concentration camp in 1943, killed for helping Jews.

[edit] Biography

Mosdorf associated himself with the National Democratic movement (founded by Roman Dmowski) some time in 1926. Two years later, he completed his philosophy studies, earning a M.A. degree (later on, he achieved a PhD in philosophy, writing about works of August Comte, under supervision of prof. Wladyslaw Tatarkiewicz). During studies, he was a member of several right-wing youth organizations. He wrote articles for nationalist magazines, always claiming that Germany is Poland’s main enemy and that Poland should gain control over the Western part of Upper Silesia and Masuria.

In 1928, during the IV Congress of the MW, which took place in Lwów, he was elected director of the organization. Mosdorf was widely liked by fellow members of the MW, his appearances were always associated with applause. Later on, being a member of the ONR, he had to hide for some time, when the government incarcerated several activists of the organization in the Bereza Kartuska prison.

In late 1939, after Polish September Campaign, he returned to the conspirational Stronnictwo Narodowe. He was one of leaders of the party, also helped with creation of the anti-Nazi paramilitary units known as Narodowa Organizacja Wojskowa. In July of 1940 Mosdorf was arrested and placed in Gestapo's infamous Pawiak prison. On January 6, 1941, he was sent to Auschwitz, where he met his friend from ONR, Bolesław Świderski, whose support was crucial to Mosdorf. Having survived typhus, he changed his attitude and started to help fellow inmates, regardless of their nationality and religion.

Until then, Mosdorf regarded Jews as enemies of Poland and Polish nation. In Auschwitz however, knowing that Jews were being exterminated, he organized a group that helped those in need. He was a very active member, gaining food and clothes for starving and cold inmates. Professor Irina Livezeanu from University of Pittsburgh wrote that "Mosdorf did everything in his power to help the Jews in the Auschwitz camp, and he died together with the Jews."

Details of his death are unknown. Reportedly, he was denounced either by a Belarussian anti-semite or by Józef Cyrankiewicz, who later became prime minister of communist Poland. On September 25, 1943, Mosdorf was placed in the Pavillion XI, and on October 11 executed, together with a group of other inmates. His symbolic tomb is located at the Powązkowski Cemetery in Warsaw.

[edit] Sources
