User:Jamez of the French

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Hi everyone! I'm Jamez of the Frenchies, but that does not mean that I'm french. I just think it's cool cuz I have this game where the french rule. Anyone familiar with... Age of Empires II? Fun game, very fun. Anyway, a little bit about me. I'm a Washingtonian, from Washington (NOT WASHINGTON DC!!!). That's pretty much all I can say. Feel free to visit my site (And this is not advertising) at if you feel that I may be an interesting person, or to learn more about me. Not that I've done anything interesting or anything, but you know. At this point I'd like to reference my friend Kodlee, just because I can, and because this is one more thing he can google his name on. Hello Kodlee, and thanks a ton for the sweet Christmas present! If you are a book lover, which I hope some internet or TV freaks will one day become, then I absolutely must suggest these two authors, for they are my favorites: Brian Jacques and Garth Nix. They both write the most interesting and captivating novels! But if you are an obsessive video game or TV person, then all Zelda, Pokemon, and Mario games rule, as well as the comedy show Monty Python's Flying Circus. Well, that's about it. Schee ya, maan!

Finland Finland Finland... That's the country for me!

No, I'm not from Finland, it's just a line from the best Broadway musical yet, Spamalot.