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Jameson L. Tai (sandbox 17) |
[edit] Good article nominationsWikipedia:Good articles is a list of articles considered to be of good standard but which are not featured article quality. This page provides a list of articles which have been nominated for consideration for good article status and instructions for nominators and reviewers. Articles can be nominated by anyone, and reviewed by any registered user who has not contributed significantly to the article. |
[edit] How to nominate an articleIf you believe an article meets the good article criteria you may nominate it below. Before nominating your first article, you may want to read the guide for nominating good articles for extra hints and tips. The nomination process:
Note that it may take more than a few weeks for your nomination to be reviewed, as this page tends to have a large backlog. If you are are a registered user, you can help by reviewing other articles. |
[edit] Nomination categories |
[edit] How to review an article
Review carefully — see Wikipedia:Reviewing good articles for more suggestions. You may also ask for the advice of a mentor. |
[edit] PassIf you feel the article meets the Good article criteria:
[edit] FailIf you feel the article does not meet the Good article criteria:
[edit] On HoldYou may put an article "On Hold" for a period of time. To put an article on hold:
[edit] Second opinionIf you are uncertain whether an article fully meets the Good article criteria, you may ask for a more experienced reviewer or subject expert to offer a second opinion on the article. To make such a request: