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جاموٹ, سماٹ
Fort of Jam Nizamuddin
Fort of Jam Nizamuddin
Total population

4.6 million

Regions with significant populations
Flag of Pakistan Pakistan,[citation needed] 3,046,000
Flag of Iran Iran,[citation needed] 11,1000
Sindhi,Siraiki and Balochi
Related ethnic groups
Other Dravidian people,Sindhi,Baloch

The Jamot' (Urdu: جاموٹ ) (Sammat) are a tribe in Sindh and Balochistan provinces of Pakistan.


[edit] Sub-Tribes

This tribe is mainly divided into many subtribes

  1. Jam (tribe)
  2. Samma
  3. Lasi
  4. Burfat
  5. Arbab
  6. Abro
  7. Unar Tribe
  8. Jokhio
  9. Chutta
  10. Solangi
  11. Airi
  12. Bohar

[edit] Further Divisions

Jam: The word Jam means sardar, Nawab or king its not a tribe but the leading family of Jamot tribe or state.

[edit] Origin

They live in district (Bolan, Jaffarabad, Khuzdar, Lasbela,Sibi) in Balochistan province and in Sind (Shikarpur, Larkana, Sangar, Karachi, Hyderabad, Dadu and Umarkot).

First they migrated from Arabia and came to Sindh and then some of their forefathers migrated to Balochistan.Basically they are linked to samman or Sammat.In Makran and Iran the tribe known as Jadgal and Sind Sammat too. They have spent many centuries in Balochistan and Sindh.As well as the tribe live in other provinces of Pakistan. The Burdha clan living in the Punjab speak Siraiki and are well aware of there culture, traditions and are highly educated vast majority is doctors, engineers and lawyers, in Sindh and Balochistan people from this tribe are also spell it as Burriro instead of Burdha.

The tribe also found in India and Iran the ruling prince of Junagar Jamnagar (known as Jam Sahib) belongs to sub tribe Jareja.

[edit] History

On the origins of Jamot (Sammatt) several theories have been put forward. They are believed their name from and are considered decendants of Sam (Shem), the eldest of the three surviving sons of the prophet Nuh (Noah). According to others they are the descendants of Sam, the son of Umar, son of Hashim, son of Abu Lahab, an uncle of the Islamic prophet Muhammad (SAW). Yet others believe Sam was the son of Umar, son of Akrama, son of Abu Jahal, the tormentor of Muhammad (SAW). Some argue that rulers used the title of Jam, than Sammas are also considered by some to be the descendants of Jamshid, the legendary king of Persia who could see in his wine cup (magical jams).

The Jamot are an old tribe settled in Sindh and Balochistan.the sub tribe of Jamot Rulers named Samma creat kingdom in Lower Sind Sibi Kachhi of upper Balochistan and in Lasbela lower Balochistan and the Run of Kachh(gujrat) and in Multan(1351-1517). The ruling tribe Sammas were fiercely independent and rebelled against Delhi Sultanate. They reached the height of their power during the reign of Jam Nizamuddin II, the Jam Nindo (1461-1509) who is still recalled as a hero, and his rule as a golden age. The Capital of all the early dynasties was the city of Thatta. Jam Nizamuddin II or Jam Ninda, as he was affectionately known, ruled in golden age as the leader of Jamot Dynasty from 866 to 1461. The rise of Thatta as an important commercial and cultural center was directly related to his patronage and policies. The Sammat civilization contributed significantly to the evolution of the prevailing architectural style that can be classified as Sindhi-Islamic. The British East India Company had earlier described Thatta as ``a great citie as large as London. It now had more than 50,000 houses, of which many were made of stone and mortar with vast verandahs, sometimes three or four storeys high. The textiles of Sindh were ``the flower of the whole produce of the East. The international commerce of Thatta ``gave Sindh a place among the nations. The city had 400 schools and 4000 boats. The Sindhis sipped the cups that cheered and sweetly inebriated.

Later the descendants of this tribe settled in Balochistan and Sindh. The Jam Family of Sanghar belong to the Dynasty of Samo Jam who ruled Sindh in 1500AD. Jam Mashooq Ali, son of late Jam Sadiq Ali is a Sardar of the Samo Jam tribe .

The Jams of Lasbela reside in Balochistan and they speak Lasi.The current Chief Minister of Balouchistan is Jam Yousuf, he is Sardar and head of his Tribe. They are the former rulars of the Lasbela state.From the early period of history till the rise of the Aliani family of the Jamoot tribe in the middle of the eighteenth century, only a few facts are known regarding the early history of Lasbela. The chiefs of the Gujar, Ronjha, Gunga and Burfat tribes, who are still to be found in Lasbela, are said to have exercised a semi-independent power previous to the rise of the Aliani family of the Jamot tribe, to which the present Jam of Lasbela belongs.

Tenure Jams of Las Bela[1]
1742 - 1765 Jam Ali Khan I (surnamed Kathuria)
1765 - 1776 Jam Ghulam Shah
1776 - 1818 Mir Khan I
1818 - 1830 Ali Khan II
1830 - 1869 Mir Khan II (1st time)
1869 - 1886 Ali Khan III (1st time)
1886 - 21 January 1888 Mir Khan II (2nd time)
21 January 1888 - May 1896 Ali Khan III (2nd time)
May 1896 - March 1921 Kamal Khan
March 1921 - 1937 Ghulam Mohammad Khan
1937 - 14 October 1955 Ghulam Qadir Khan
14 October 1955 State of Las Bela dissolved

Some people claim Ronjha tribe as Indian Rajputs but the research of the Dr N A Baloch and kako Peiromall the Ronjha tribe belongs to the Jam Unars faimily wich was the first ruler of the Samma dynasty thats why 50 graves between Gunkko hill and Bawani village are said to be those of Samma are suggested by C_R Roy in annual biography of Indian archeology VOL.X11 1937. A famous ruler of Ronjha tribe was the Jam Sapar who leaves mark with his honesty and faith(Reff: Kingdom of Samma VOL.11).

The Samma dynasty ruled in Sindh and parts of Punjab and Balochistan from 1351-1551 A.D. The Samma dynasty declined and was replaced by the Arghun Dynasty. Jam Unar was the founder of Samma Dynasty mentioned by Ibn Battuta, the famous travellor from North africa. Jam Unar, the Samma chief, taking advantage of the strained relation between Sumras (Soomra) and the Sultanate of Dehli, defeated the last Sumra rules, son of Dodo, and established Sammatt rule in 752/1351.

Tenure Jams of Sind [1]
737 – 753AH, 1336 – 1352AD Jam Unar I Firuz Shah
753 – 768AH, 1352 – 1366AD Jam Babinho II Sadr al-Din
768 – 772 and 791AH, 1366 – 1370 and 1389AD Jam Tamachi Rukn al-Din
772 – 784AH, 1370 – 1382AD Jam Unar II Salah al-Din
784 – 790AH, 1382 – 1388AD Jam Ali Sher
790 – 791AH, 1388 – 1389AD Jam Karan
791 – 802AH, 1389 – 1399AD Jam Fateh Khan
802 – 830AH, 1399 – 1427AD Jam Taghlak
830 – 832AH, 1427 – 1428AD Jam Sikandar
?AH, ?AD Jam Nizamuddin I
832 – 866AH, 1428 – 1461AD Jam Sanjar (Radhan) Sadr al-Din
866 – 914AH, 1461 – 1508AD Jam Nizamuddin II (Jam Nanda)
914 – 929 and 935AH, 1508 – 1523 and 1528AD Jam Feruz bin Jam Nizam
917 – 918?, 927 – 928?AH, 1512, 1520AD Jam Salahuddin

After the demise of the Jam Tamachi Samma dynasty the Nawab migrated along with his brothers and tribal members leaving their once thriving land of Nagar-Samma to parts of India and settled in Gujrat. A vast Village in Gujrat is now settled by the descendants of the 4 tribal leaders who were also blood brothers.

The founder of the princely state of Jamnagar was the Jam Rawal, who descended on the northern coast of Kathiawar in 1535 A.D. Jam Rawal's father Jam Lakhaji ruled in Terabanu in Kutch.

One of the brothers is recorded to have migrated back to Sindh and settled the lands on the outskirts of Thatta known as Sikhaat - famous for its rose farms. The village in Gujrat Known also Nagar-Samma consists of many thousand of acres of cultivatable and non cultivatable land an accurate size is not known. The Samma dynasty has left its mark in Sindh by the building magnificent structures including the necropolis of kings and royalties in Thatta and many more ruins. Jam dynasty also ruled in Balochistan and leaves marks in Balochistan too. During the rule of Jam Nizamuddin II the Sibi was the part of his kingdom and he support the Lashari tribe during the Rind Lashar war thats why after the war some Baloch tribes enter in Samma dynasty.

During the rule of kalhora kings the Abro and Airi tribe was ruling tribe of kachhi (Bhag) Mian Sháh Alí better known as Sháhal Muhammad (the kalhora king) gives important job to Abro tribe in state and divided it among his children and brothers, and himself selected his residence in the village of Habíbání.

[edit] Jamot People

Such were the literary and cultural heights attained by stste in the days of the Sammat. Two centuries later, Shah Latif was still singing their praises in `Sur Bilawal': ``When Alauddin came astride his furious elephants, Jam Abro tied his shield and the whole field shone with sabres. The Sammat came to the rescue of damsels in distress --- and then all was well.

Sammat, who ruled from 1333 to 1524. Jam Nizamuddin was an illustrious and beloved ruler: his 50-year reign was an age of peace and prosperity, when the mosques were all full at namaz time, when robberies were rare. Every morning when he groomed his horses, he prayed that he might never ride them out into battle. Fittingly, his tomb is the finest at Makli — an exquisite marriage of ornate carving and elegant simplicity.

The ancient Jamot tradition of Saam (protection) was in vogue. The following contemporary evidence exists.Abro, the protector of Soomra womenfolk in DastanDodo-Chanesar, says.

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  1. ^ a b Ben Cahoon, WorldStatesmen.org. Pakistan Princely States. Retrieved on 2007-10-03.
  • History of Sind (Dr N A Baloch)
  • Tarikh-e-Balochistan (Roy bahadur Hathuram)
  • History of Islam (Dr Sarwat Solat)
  • Kingdom of Sammas by Gulam Mohammad Lakho
  • The Chach Nama- English translation by Mirza Kalichbeg Fredunbeg. Delhi Reprint, 1979.
  • Tarikh-i Hind Wa Sindh, Arabic (تاريخ الهند والسند )
  • Jamot Rule In Balochistan (Dawood Abro).

[edit] External links