Jamie Glazov

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Jamie Glazov (born Yakov Glazov, Russian: Яков Глазов, 19 August 1966, in Moscow, Russia) is the managing editor of Frontpage Magazine, the online publication founded by David Horowitz. Glazov holds a Ph.D. in History from York University in Canada[1]. He is specialized in Soviet Studies, and U.S. and Canadian foreign policy. His father, Yuri Glazov, was a Soviet dissident during the Leonid Brezhnev period and signed the Letter of Twelve, denouncing Soviet human rights abuses. His mother, Marina Glazov, was likewise an active dissident, typing and circulating Samizdat, the underground political literature. Glazov's father took the risk of applying for a visa to exit the USSR. As the family prepared to leave, his older brother told Jamie that America was a land with immense candy and toy stores for children. Young Jamie advised him to be realistic and was astonished to find that it was true.[citation needed] Avoiding imprisonment, Yuri Glazov took his family out of the USSR in 1972 and settled in Halifax, Nova Scotia Canada in 1975, when Jamie was 9. Today Glazov lives and works in Toronto, Ontario. He writes the Dr. Progressive column at EnterStageRight.

Dr. Glazov wrote and edited the introduction to David Horowitz's recent book Left Illusions. He is also the co-editor (with David Horowitz) of the new book The Hate America Left and is the author of Canadian Policy Toward Khrushchev's Soviet Union (McGill-Queens University Press, 2002) as well as 15 Tips on How to be a Good Leftist.

Dr. Glazov is also a vehement critic of Islam, attempting to draw a connection between Islamist terrorism on the one hand, and the strict sexual morality and cultural practices common in some Muslim societies such as female genital mutilation on the other.

Despite holding Canadian citizenship, he wrote in one of his articles: "Canada is based on anti-Americanism. It is built in opposition to America. Without anti-Americanism, Canada would cease to exist."

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