James Fung

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Dr. James Fung, convocating with PhD degree, University of Toronto
Dr. James Fung, convocating with PhD degree, University of Toronto
James Fung (right) during musical performance with brain-machine interface
James Fung (right) during musical performance with brain-machine interface

Dr. James Fung is a notable engineer and computer scientist with achievements in the areas os computer vision, computer graphics, human-computer interaction, and music.

[edit] Achievements

Dr. Fung is notable as the leading innovator in the area of using GPUs (Graphics Processing Units) for general-purpose computation. For this work, he won the prestigiuous Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) Open Source Software Award, particularly, for his work on the OpenVIDIA project[1]. His work has also been featured in the book GPU Gems 2 by Nvidia[2]. .

Other notable achievements include pioneering work on wearable computing, cyborglogging, and graphics/vision processing systems for EyeTap mediated-reality devices.

Additionally Fung is an accomplished musician and innovator in computer music, with notable achievements in the area of brain-machine interfaces for collaborative music in Immersed Music environments (e.g. underwater brainwave musical interfaces, etc.).

Fung was recently appointed to a research position at nVIDIA.

[edit] References

  1. ^ Proceedings of the 13th annual ACM international conference on Multimedia Hilton, Singapore; SESSION: Open source software competition table of contents; Pages: 849 - 852; Year of Publication: 2005; ISBN:1-59593-044-2
  2. ^ GPU Gems 2: Programming Techniques for High-Performance Graphics and General-Purpose Computation; Pages: 880; Year of Publication: 2005; ISBN:0321335597