James Brock

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James Brock

Born December 2, 1958

James Brock is an American poet, born in Boise, Idaho.[1] He is best known for his eclectic poetry, ranging from New York School inspired experiments to formal verse and narrative poems. He received his M.F.A. and Ph. D. from Indiana University, and he currently is the Coordinator of the Graduate Program in English at Florida Gulf Coast University. He has also worked as a grocery produce clerk, roofer at a trailer factory, a bear field researcher, and a librarian.


[edit] Honors

National Endowment for the Arts Creative Writing Fellowship
American Academy of Poets Prize
Alex Haley Foundation Fellowship
Tennessee Arts Commission Fellowship
Idaho Commission for the Arts Fellowship

[edit] Books

Gods & Money
Pictures That Got Small
Nearly Florida
The Sunshine Mine Disaster

[edit] Anthologies

Idaho +: Contemporary Poetry from the American West
Idaho's Poetry: A Centennial Anthology
Snakebird: Thirty Years of Anhinga Poetry
Saints of Hysteria

[edit] References

[edit] External links