Jam Ali Sher

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Jám Alísher bin Jám Tamáchí was a wise man and a brave soldier. He ruled the country very discreetly and in his time the people were all at ease in their minds. This prince is said to have been very fond of going about on moonlight nights. Tamáchí’s other sons Sikandar and Karn, and Fateh Khán son of Sikandar, who had brought ruin on the last Jám, were now conspiring against Jám Alísher. They were therefore looking for an opportunity to fall upon him while he was out enjoying the moonlight as usual. They spent their time in the forests in the vicinity of the town. One Friday night, on the 13th of the lunar month, they took a band of cut-throats with them, and with naked swords attacked Jám Alísher who had come out in a boat to enjoy the moonlight on the quiet surface of the river and was returning home. They killed him, and red-handed they ran to the city, where the people had no help for it but to place one of them, Karn, on the vacant throne. The reign of Jám Alísher lasted for 7 year.

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A History of Sind, Volume II, Translated from Persian Books by Mirza Kalichbeg Fredunbeg, chpt. 14

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