Jam (tribe)

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Jam (Urdu: جام) is a tribe settled in Balochistan, Pakistan.They speak Balouchi and Sindhi. A large number of the Jam tribe live in Sindh too.The current Chief Minister of Balouchistan is Jam Yousuf, he is Sardar and head of his Tribe

The Jam are an old tribe settled in Sindh and Balochistan. The most famous ruler of Samma was Jam Nizamuddin [1] - later the descendants of this tribe settled in Balochistan and Sindh. The Jam Family of Sanghar belong to the Dynasty of Samo Jam who ruled Sindh in 1500AD. Jam Mashooq Ali,son of late Jam Sadiq Ali is a Sardar of the Samo Jam tribe .The Jams of Lasbela reside in Balochistan and they speak Lasi.

The Samma dynasty ruled in Sindh and parts of Punjab and Balochistan from 1351-1551 A.D. The Samma dynasty declined and was replaced by the Arghun Dynasty. After the demise of the JAM TAMACHI Samma dynasty the Nawab migrated along with his brothers and tribal members leaving their once thriving land of Nagar-Samma to parts of India and settled in Gujrat. A vast Village in Gujrat is now settled by the descendants of the 4 tribal leaders who were also blood brothers.

Jam Unar was the founder of Samma Dynasty mentioned by Ibn Battuta, the famous travellor from North africa. Jam Unar, the Samma chief, taking advantage of the strained relation between Sumras (Soomra) and the Sultanate of Dehli, defeated the last Sumra rules, son of Dodo, and established Sammatt rulein 752/1351.Jam Banbhiniya had two sone Jam Unar (1333-1352) and Jam juna (1352-1368), than followed by Jam Tamachi, Jam UnarII, Jam Ali Sher, Jam Sanjar, Jam Nizamuddin I, Jam Nizam al Din II and Jam Firuz. From the other son Jam Juna it was followed by Jam Tohachi, Jam Kran, Jam Sikandar, Jam JuanII, Jam Fath, Jam Sikander II,Jam Salah al- Din. This is precisly the origin of Unars from Jam Unar the founder of the dynasty and Junejoes from Jam Juna the younger son.

One of the brothers is recorded to have migrated back to Sindh and settled the lands on the outskirts of Thatta known as Sikhaat - famous for its rose farms. The village in Gujrat Known also Nagar-Samma consists of many thousand of acres of cultivatable and non cultivatable land an accurate size is not known.The Samma dynasty has left its mark in Sindh by the building magnificent structures including the necropolis of kings and royalties in Thatta and many more ruins.Jam dynasty also ruled in Balochistan and leaves marks in Balochistan too.

[edit] Distribution

As well as Sindh and Balochistan the tribe live in other provinces of Pakistan.

The Burdha clan living in the Punjab speak Siraiki and are well aware of there culture, traditions and are highly educated vast majority is doctors, engineers and lawyers, in Sindh and Balochistan people from this tribe are also spell it as Burriro instead of Burdha

[edit] References