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Co-Discoverer of the Bolbus Theory.

The Bolbus Theory is a unification theory similar to string theory discovered by famous physicists Dallin Kelson and Austin Brockner. It states that the universe is made up of extremely small building blocks that form into quarks and thereby constitute the basis of all nature.

The theory is not widely known because of its controversial ideas. The mathematical equation is made up of three different parts that each prove a specific portion of the theory.

The first part is as follows.

If Ψ is the mass of any given quark at any given time, then:

Ψ=\int_x^z \sqrt[s] {\frac{d}{dt}t^{z_1-z_2}-\frac{d}{du}u^{x_1-x_2}}


t = \frac{d}{dx}\cosh\sqrt{(\frac{\sin z_1-\cos x_1}{\cos z_1-\sin x_1})^2-(\frac{\sin z_2-\cos x_2}{\cos z_2-\sin x_2})^2},u = \frac{d}{dz}\sinh\sqrt{(\frac{\sin x_1-\cos z_1}{\cos x_1-\sin z_1})^2-(\frac{\sin x_2-\cos z_2}{\cos x_2-\sin z_2})^2},
s=\int_u^t t^{\frac{z_1}{z_2}}-\int_t^u u^{\frac{x_1}{x_2}},
x=\cosh \frac{x_1+x_2}{x_1x_2},
z=\sinh \frac{z_1+z_2}{z_1z_2}
Which shows that quarks must be able to be broken into something resembling a traditional geometric shape, such as a block.