
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hartzler at the Jeff Tourney send off party, From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia You are not currently logged in. Editing this way will cause your IP address to be recorded publicly in this page's edit history. If you create an account, you can conceal your IP address and be provided with many other benefits. Messages sent to your IP can be viewed on your talk page. Please do not save test edits. If you want to experiment, please use the sandbox.       This user wishes you a  Happy Waitangi Day.  B italicized I ABunderlined World picture with a small piece of paper BigA picture of a picture medieval horn square root of italicized n W with nosmoking/ghostbusters cross through it cursive signature line numberR str with strikethrough left pointing arrow x squared x squared lower weird looking x squared piece of paper and pencil with a red x picture of 2 mountains and a moon paper with lines internet box ref/ref with greater then and less than symbols
Hartzler at the Jeff Tourney send off party, From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia You are not currently logged in. Editing this way will cause your IP address to be recorded publicly in this page's edit history. If you create an account, you can conceal your IP address and be provided with many other benefits. Messages sent to your IP can be viewed on your talk page. Please do not save test edits. If you want to experiment, please use the sandbox.
This user wishes you a
Happy Waitangi Day.
B italicized I ABunderlined World picture with a small piece of paper BigA picture of a picture medieval horn square root of italicized n W with nosmoking/ghostbusters cross through it cursive signature line numberR str with strikethrough left pointing arrow x squared x squared lower weird looking x squared piece of paper and pencil with a red x picture of 2 mountains and a moon paper with lines internet box ref/ref with greater then and less than symbols


[edit] Pet Peeves

  • The word "Turney-mate," when either guess of estimate will do.
  • People who complain that Springfield, IL is too small unlike Turneys penis.
  • Tournasy Baseball
  • NBA Regular Tourney
  • T-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-tourney J-j-j-j-j-j-j-jackin it in A Minor

[edit] My Picks!

[edit] Hey Tourney!

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[edit] Stop

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[edit] Jackin it!!

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[edit] The Story of My Friend Jeff T@urney

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[edit] THE END

Afro This user is an African American who loves to rock and rock hard! Punk
Afro This user is an African American who loves to rock and rock hard! Punk
Afro This user is an African American who loves to rock and rock hard! Punk
Afro This user is an African American who loves to rock and rock hard! Punk
Afro This user is an African American who loves to rock and rock hard! Punk
FZ This user listens to Frank Zappa.
FZ This user listens to Frank Zappa.
FZ This user listens to Frank Zappa.
FZ This user listens to Frank Zappa.
FZ This user listens to Frank Zappa.


[edit] Contact me


[edit] About Me

This user plays football.
M.D. This user watches House.
TDS This user watches the most trusted name in fake news.
This user is informed by The New York Times.
This user supports Renewable Energy.
