Jabatan Pengairan dan Saliran Malaysia

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[edit] Mission

To provide engineering services which are beyond the capability of the target group itself and subsequently to ensure optimum land utilization and more efficient management of the nation's water resources.

[edit] History

Early years The provision of irrigation facilities and drainage works was performed by the Hydraulics Branch, Public Works Department.

1930 Following the slump in the tin and rubber industries in the late twenties and the worsening rice situation in the country, the then British High Commissioner appointed in 1930 a Rice Cultivation Committee to determine "the best steps to be taken in order to encourage rice cultivation in Malaya".

1931 The Committee made a comprehensive survey and published its report in 1931. One of its main recommendations was "that an Irrigation and Drainage Department should be established which will be executive in the Straits Settlement and Federated Malay States, which will absorb the Hydraulics Branch of the Public Works Department, Federated Malay States".

1st January 1932 This recommendation was accepted and the Drainage and Irrigation Department was established. 1st Director, Drainage and Irrigation, Straits Settlement and Advisor, Drainage and Irrigation, Federated Malay States - Mr. F.G. Finch

1932 to 1942 The first decade: 200 km² of new padi land were developed. Improved irrigation and drainage facilities to some 500 km² Took over maintenance of drainage works on 400 km² of estate & smallholder lands in Selangor & Perak. Reconstruction of these works and their extension raised the total area to about 800 km² in 1942.

1942 to 1945 Japanese Occupation Little or no new development. In drainage areas, neglect resulted in drains being silted up and overgrown.

1945 Rehabilitation of irrigation works. Policy of government was to reduce the country's dependence on imported food supplies, with emphasis towards self-sufficiency in rice.

1953 Setting up of Research Branch at Ampang and the Research Station was set up.

1954 Irrigation Areas Act was enacted. 1954 Drainage Works Ordinance was enacted.

1955 Setting up of Hydrology Research Unit.

1957 Independence of Malaya. DID Federal Headquarters in Kuala Lumpur responsible for the overall drainage and irrigation matters in the country.

11 State/ Settlement DID offices Greater emphasis was placed on increasing the income and employment opportunites of the rural poor. With this objective, irrigation and drainage programmes were formulated to provide adequate irrigation facilities to enable double cropping of padi lands, and drainage facilities for improved production of tree crops especially in small holdings. 1963 Formation of Malaysia. Additional state DID offices were established in Sabah and Sarawak.

1971 Severe floods occurred in many parts of West Malaysia. A national disaster was declared on 5th January 1971. 1972 Following the damaging nation-wide flood in 1971, the DID was entrusted to undertake an extensive flood mitigation programme. Flood Mitigation and Hydrology was designated as functions of DID. Subsequent to this, dams have since been constructed, rivers canalised and drains improved to alleviate flooding in both urban and rural areas. Other measures include river diversion, river training and clearing, as well as the upkeep and management of river reserves. Telemetric flood forecasting systems were installed in Sg. Kelantan, Sg. Terengganu, Sg. Pahang, VHF flood forecasting systems installed in Sg. Batu Pahat, Sg. Muar and Sg. Kelang basins.

1973 The first Hydrological Procedure - "HP1: Estimation of Design Rainstorm in Peninsular Malaysia" was published. 1979 Formation of the Planning Branch for Project Planning and Feasibility Studies.

1980 Integrated Agricultural Development Projects (IADP) were first implemented with DID participation.

1980 Groundwater Unit was added as functions of Research Station.

1981 Formation of DID Building Branch.

1982 Golden Jubilee (50 years DID) In 1982, DID together with JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency) carried out a National Water Resources Study. 1982 Formation of Quantity Survey Branch.

1983 Formation of DID Wilayah Persekutuan. 1983 DID was made responsible to undertake building works of Ministry of Agriculture.

1986 Establishment of Coastal Engineering Division in DID. It's realm of duties encompasses not only the physical aspects of managing and protecting nearly 4,800 km of coast in Malaysia from erosion, but also includes the collection and provision of important data and information on coastal engineering matters.

1987 Formation of Dam Monitoring Unit 1987 Besides DID being made responsible for building infrastructure of MOA, DID also provides technical assistance in agro-tourism projects.

1988 Human Resources Development Unit was set up. Formerly known as the Research and Training Unit. 15 Mac 1989 Department changed its name (also logo) from : JPT (Jabatan Parit dan Taliair) to JPS (Jabatan Pengairan dan Saliran)

DID (Drainage and Irrigation Department) to DID (Department of Irrigation and Drainage)

1990 Formation of Management Information System Unit.

1990 Formation of River Engineering Branch.

1992 Diamond Jubilee (60 years) Launch of wave logo.

Restructure of organisational chart

In conjunction with the Jubilee Celebrations, an Exhibition at Muzium Negara, Kuala Lumpur was held. Theme of exhibition : "Water Resources, The Nation's Heritage" ("Sumber Air Warisan Negara"). |[click DID song]|

20 Feb. 1993 Launch of "Love Our Rivers" Campaign. Objectives of the Campaign are: To create awareness on the importance of rivers and the roles they play in the lives of each individual so as to create empathy to love and conserve the rivers. To introduce to the general public the steps and practices that can contribute towards the conservation and preservation of rivers To improve knowledge on river management techniques among relevant agencies responsible for river management to ensure harmonious and sustainable development.

1993 Formation of NAHRIM

1994 Structure and Geotechnical Branch was renamed Specialist Services Division.

6 Nov 1996 DID was the first Government Department in Malaysia to be awarded the MS ISO 9000 certification. ("Supply, installation, Maintenance & Repair of Hydrological Data Collection Equipment Used for the purpose of Hydrology, Investigation & Flood Forecasting/ Monitoring".)

1 Jan.1998 IT Division formed at DID Headquarters as the country progresses into the Information Technology Age. 1 Jan.1999 Planning and Evaluation Division renamed as Corporate Development Division.

2000 Re-engineering of DID Drainage and Flood Mitigation Division formed Core business redefined Water in Agriculture & Food Production Protection of Property and Life from River and Coastal Forces Water in Environment Enhancement Water as a Resource

21 June 2000 Cabinet approval of MSMA (Urban Stormwater Management Manual). Implementation date to be effective from 1 Jan. 2001. This will replace the Planning and Design Procedures No. 1:Urban Drainage Design Standards and Procedures for Peninsular Malaysia–1973". November 2000 DID was awarded the Director-General of Public Services Quality Award 2000.

Jan 2001 DID moves into the new millennium. The Management and Staff of DID Headquarters renewed their pledge of commitment for excellent services towards a world class organisation and planted little notes and messages into a time capsule to be opened in 2010.

1 Jan. 2001 Implementation of MSMA or "Urban Stormwater Management Manual for Malaysia". |More about MSMA| 2001 DID is the first government department to receive the MS ISO 14001 certification for Sg. Muda Irrigation Scheme which is also the first irrigation scheme in the world to be awarded this certification. 2001 DID was awarded the OHSAS 18001 certification for Provision of Services for Collection of Hydrological Data and Information.

2002 Winner of Public Services Innovation Award 2002 for DID's flood information website (Infobanjir). http://infobanjir.water.gov.my 2002 Winner of Director-General of Public Services Quality Award for the second time again (2000).

2003 Won the Public Services Innovation Award 2003 by MAMPU for the project "Struktur Pelindung Hakisan Tebing Sungai (Geoprotect KSN 1/2000)" by DID Penang. 19 Sep.2003 Humid Tropic Hydrology and Water Resources Center (HTC) KL accredited with ISO9001:2000 (SIRIM) - "Provision of Research Services in the Field of Hydrology and Water Resources HTC Kuala Lumpur"

2003 DID was presented with the Hassib J. Sabbagh Award for Engineering Construction Excellence by the World Federation of Engineering Organizations and the Consolidated Contractors Company (CCC), on the occasion of the General Assembly held in Tunis on 15 October 2003.

Project: Small Dam and Irrigation Facilities Project at MARDI Station, Jelebu, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia.

1 Mac 2004 Reorganisation of Human Resources Development Division, DID Malaysia.

[edit] Previously New Change

Pusat Latihan Pengurusan Air Kebangsaan (PLPAK), Kota Bharu Institut Pengurusan Air Negara, Kota Bharu National Water Management Institute - NAWMI Pengetua PLPAK Pengarah Institut (Director) Pusat Latihan Kakitangan, Kuala Lumpur (PLK) Institut Pembangunan Kompetensi JPS, Kuala Lumpur

DID Institute For Competency Development - DICODE, KL. Pengetua PLK Pengarah Institut (Director) Pusat Latihan Mekanikal, Ipoh (PLM) Institut Pembangunan Kompetensi JPS, Ipoh DID Institute For Competency Development - DICODE, Ipoh. Pengetua PLM Pengarah Institut (Director)

27 Mac 2004

Following a Cabinet restructuring, DID who was formerly under the Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) is now placed under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (NRE). 31 Mac 2004

At the 32nd International Exhibition of Inventions, New Techniques and Products held in Geneva, Switzerland, 31 Mac-4 April 2004, an innovation by DID won the Gold Medal with Distinction. Innovation Product: Geo-protect KSN 1/2000 Usage: Slope Erosion Control system.

4 Jun 2004 SMART (Stormwater Management and Road Tunnel) .... a solution for the city of Kuala Lumpur. TUAH, SMART's first tunnel boring machine began boring on 4 Jun 2004. |[More info on SMART Project]| Today

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