User:J Milburn/Sandbox

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[edit] Monster Manual

Creature Page Other appearances
Aboleth 15
Psionic fish-like amphibian found in underwater lakes and rivers capable of enslaving other creatures.
Achaierai 15-16 Fiend Folio (1981)
Large, flightless bird. Evil and intelligent, it originates from the plane of Acheron.
Allip 16
Undead spirit of someone driven to madness and suicide. Looks as it did in life, but with features distorted by madness.
Animated object 17-18
Mundane object animated by magic.
Ankheg 18
Large, burrowing creature with mandibles and a chitinous shell capable of spitting acid.
Aranea 19
Intelligent giant spider capable of changing forms and of utilising sorcerous magic.
Arrowhawk 19-20
Bird-like creature from the Elemental Plane of Air.
Assassin vine 20-21
Plant that strangles passers-by.
Athach 21
Very large and strong biped with a third arm on its chest.
Azer 22 Monster Manual II (1983)
Flaming dwarf from the Elemental Plane of Fire.
Barghest 22-23 Monster Manual II (1983)
Lawful evil outsider that changes from the form of a large goblin to that of a wolf.
Basilisk 23-24
Reptilian monster that petrifies opponents with a gaze.
Behir 24
40 foot long, snake-like monster with very hard scales capable of shooting lightening from its mouth.
Beholder 25 Monster Manual I (1977)
Floating orb with a single eye in its center, a large mouth and ten smaller eyes on stalks capable of several magical effects.
Belker 26 Planescape Monstrous Compendium III (1998)
Evil air elemental that resemble a demon in the form of smoke.
Blink dog 26
Intelligent, lawful good canine with the ability to teleport.
Bodak 27
Undead creature created when someone is destroyed by the touch of absolute evil.
Bugbear 27-28
Large, aggressive goblin.
Bulette 28
Twenty foot long quadripedal predator known as a "landshark" covered in bluish plates and scales.
Carrion crawler 29
Subterranean scavenger able to paralyze opponents with its tentacles.
Celestial 29-33
Any one of a number of creatures from a plane of good. Lantern archon, hound archon, avoral (guardinal), ghaele (eladrin), trumpet archon, astral deva, planetar and solar listed.
Centaur 33-34
Reclusive creature from woodland with the body and legs of a horse attatched to the torso and upper body of a humanoid.
Chaos beast 34-35
Monster from a chaotic plane with an ever-changing form and the ability to turn other creatures to formless goo.
Chimera 35
Monster with the hindquaters of a goat, forequaters of a lion, wings of a dragon and heads of all three.
Choker 36
Subterranean predatory aberration of a humanoid shape with long limbs that grabs and strangles prey.
Chuul 36-37
Amphibious aberration that appears to be a cross between a crustacean, an insect and a snake.
Cloaker 37-38
Intellegent creature of chaotic neutral alignment resembling a black cloak.
Cockatrice 38
Cross of a lizard, cockerel and bat able able to turn flesh to stone.
Couatl 38-39
Lawful good, highly intelligent creature resembling a winged snake. Worshipped in regions it inhabits.
Darkmantle 39
Cave dwelling creature that resembles a stalagmite when at rest. Able to create magical darkness, it defeats enemies by engulfing and constricting them.
Delver 39-40
Aberration that lives deep underground and feeds on rock.
Demon 41-47
Any one of many types of chaotic evil outsiders from the plane of the Abyss. Includes the sub-type of tanar'ri demons.
Destrachan 47
Devil 48-53
Devourer 53-54
Very large undead creature found on the Astral and Ethereal planes. Appears to be a large skeleton with strands of flesh and a tiny figure trapped in the ribcage.
Digester 54
Fast moving creature resembling a predatory dinosaur that can spit acid.
Dinosaur 55-56
Any of several real-world dinosaurs. Listed are deinonychus, elasmosaurus, megaraptor, triceratops and tyrannosaurus.
Dire animal 56-59
Larger and more aggressive versions of an ordinary animal. Listed animals are rat, weasel, badger, bat, ape, wolverine, wolf, boar, lion, bear, tiger and shark.
Displacer beast 59-60
Savage yet stealthy predator resembling a puma with six legs and tentacles growing from its shoulders.
Dragon 61-76
Any of five chromatic (evil) or five metallic (good) intelligent winged lizards that grow to be very large and powerful.
Dragon turtle 76-77
Dragonne 77
Drider 78
Dryad 78-79
Dwarf 79-81
Elemental 81-85
Elf 85-87
Ethereal filcher 87
Ethereal marauder 88
Ettercap 88-89
Ettin 89-90
Formian 90-92
Frost worm 92-93
Fungus 93-94
Gargoyle 94
Genie 94-96
Ghoul 97
Giant 98-102
Giant eagle 102-103
Giant owl 103
Gibbering mouther 104
Girallon 104-105
Gnoll 105-106
Gnome 106-107