User:J Milburn/Monster storage

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[edit] Monster Manual 3.0

[edit] Celestials

Creature Page Other appearances
Lantern archon 29, 32
Lawful good celestial resembling a glowing ball of light.
Hound archon 29, 31-32
Lawful good celestials resembling a muscular human with the head of a dog.
Avoral (guardinal) 29, 32
Chaotic good celestial resembling a tall human with long, powerful wings instead of arms.
Ghaele (eladrin) 30, 32
Chaotic good celestial that offers assistance and musters resistance against evil resembling a noble elf or a globe of eldritch colours.
Trumpet archon 30, 32-33
Lawful good celestial resembling a beautiful, winged elf that serves as a messenger among celestials.
Astral deva 30, 33
Celestial resembling a beautiful, winged human that watches over lesser good beings.
Planetar 30, 33
Celestial resembling a tall, muscular, green-skinned, hairless human with feathered wings. Acts as a general in celestial armies.
Solar 30, 33
The greatest celestial, generally linked closely to a deity. Resembles a nin-foot tall humanoid with silver or gold skin and white wings.

[edit] Demons

Creature Page Other appearances
Dretch 41, 43
Tanar'ri that resembles a squat humanoid with blubbery skin that generally serves as a rank-and-file troop in tanar'ri armies.
Quasit 41, 43
Demon that resembles a tiny humanoid with bat-wings often found serving chaotic evil spellcasters.
Succubus 41, 43-44
Tanar'ri that usually takes the form of a beautiful humanoid to tempt mortals. When taking male form, they are known as incubi.
Bebilith 41, 44
Very large demon resembling spiders that hunt other demons.
Retriever 41, 44-45
Demon created to serve more powerful demons, designed to retrieve lost objects, slaves or enemies. It resembles a spider with claws on its front four legs.
Vrock 41, 45
Tanar'ri resembling a large, winged humanoid that usually serves as a guard or an elite troop to a more powerful demon.
Hezrou 42, 45
Tanar'ri resembling roughly humanoid toads with arms instead of forelegs that act as sergeants in demonic armies.
Glabrezu 42, 45-46
Tenar'ri resembling a 15 foot tall humanoid with four arms and a canine head that generally occupies itself with tempting mortals with power.
Nalfeshnee 42, 46
Tanar'ri resembling a 20 foot tall cross between an ape and a boar with small black wings that enjoys judging doomed souls.
Marilith 42, 46
Tenar'ri resembling a giant snake from the waist down and attractive humanoid females above the waist that serves as a general, tactician or leutenant within demon armies or for greater demons.
Balor 42, 46-47
Tenar'ri among the most powerful of demons, standing 12 feet tall with huge wings and hands. Generally covered in flames.

[edit] Dragons

Creature Page Other appearances
Black dragon 63-64
Chaotic evil that lives in swamps capable of breathing a line of acid.
Blue dragon 65-66
Lawful evil dragon found in the desert capable of breathing a line of electricity.
Green dragon 66-67
Lawful evil living in forests or underground capable of breathing a cone of acidic gas.
Red dragon 67-68
Chaotic evil dragon capable of breathing a cone of fire.
White dragon 68-69
Chaotic evil dragon found in cold environs capable of breathing a cone of cold.
Brass dragon 70-71
Chaotic good dragon found in deserts and plains capable of breathing a line of fire or a cone of magic.
Bronze dragon 71-72
Lawful good dragon found under the sea capable of breathing a line of lightening or a cone of magic gas.
Copper dragon 72-73
Gold dragon 74-75
Silver dragon 76

[edit] Dwarves

Creature Page Other appearances
Hill dwarf 79-80
Deep dwarf 80
Derro 80
Duergar 81
Mountain dwarf

[edit] Elves

Creature Page Other appearances
High elf 85-86
Half-elf 86
Aquatic elf 85
Drow (dark elf) 85
Gray elf 86
Wild elf (grugach) 86
Wood elf (sylvan elf) 86