User talk:J.delanoy/StatusTemplate

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[edit] Explanation of terms

Online: Most likely means I am online (duh). I could also be eating, using the bathroom, walking the dog, folding clothes, or any other activity that is unlikely to take me more than 45 minutes or an hour. If it says "online" and I have no edits for 2 hours, assume I forgot to change it.

Offline: Most likely means I am offline (also duh). I often change it to this when I am thinking about going to bed, and then I keep reading random stuff and making "one last edit" before actually retiring. If I make edits after changing my status to "offline", do not assume I am really online, although I will probably reply to new comments on my talk page. If I am making a lot of edits while it says "offline", assume I forgot to change it.

Busy: Used mainly when I am at work and intend to get on again when I get home (i.e. every time I work :P ). Other than that, I really don't use this much. A post on my talk page will likely not receive an immediate response, but I will probably respond within a few hours at the outside.