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In mathematics, the J-homomorphism is a mapping from the homotopy groups of the special orthogonal groups to the homotopy groups of spheres, defined by George W. Whitehead.

The original homomorphism is defined geometrically, and gives a homomorphism

J \colon \pi_r (\mathrm{SO}(q)) \to \pi_{r+q}(S^q) \,\!

of abelian groups (for integers q, and r ≥ 2).

The stable J-homomorphism in stable homotopy theory gives a homomorphism

 J \colon \pi_r(\mathrm{SO}) \to \pi_r^S , \,\!

where SO is the infinite special orthogonal group, and the right-hand side is the r-th stable stem of the stable homotopy groups of spheres.

The image of the J-homomorphism was described by Adams (1966) and Quillen (1971) as follows. The group πr(SO) is given by Bott periodicity. It is always cyclic; and if r is positive, it is of order 2 if r is 0 or 1 mod 8, infinite if r is 3 mod 4, and order 1 otherwise. In particular the image of the stable J-homomorphism is cyclic. The stable homotopy groups πrS are the direct sum of the (cyclic) image of the J-homomorphism, and the kernel of the Adams e-invariant (Adams 1966), a homomorphism from the stable homotopy groups to Q/Z. The order of the image is 2 if r is 0 or 1 mod 8 and positive (so in this case the J-homomorphism is injective). If r = 4n−1 is 3 mod 4 and positive the image is a cyclic group of order equal to the denominator of B2n/4n, where B2n is a Bernoulli number. In the remaining cases where r is 2, 4, 5, or 6 mod 8 the image is trivial because πr(SO) is trivial.

r 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
πr(SO) 1 2 1 Z 1 1 1 Z 2 2 1 Z 1 1 1 Z 2 2
|im(J)| 1 2 1 24 1 1 1 240 2 2 1 504 1 1 1 480 2 2
πrS Z 2 2 24 1 1 2 240 22 23 6 504 1 3 22 480×2 22 24
B2n 16 130 142 130

An important step in the theory was the Adams conjecture from 1963, which allowed the order of the image of the stable J-homomorphism to be determined (it is cyclic; see Switzer (1975), p. 488) for details). Frank Adams's conjecture was proved about eight years later by Daniel Quillen. The cokernel of the J-homomorphism is of interest for counting exotic spheres.

[edit] References