User:Itai/Graphic Timeline of Middle-earth

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This is a list of the realms of Middle-earth during the first three ages. It is derived mostly from Realms of Middle-earth. You are welcome to edit this list, whether by adding new realms, correcting years or adding missing information. The latter, it should be noted, is marked by a question mark ('?'). A "..." means that this realm has lasted into the Fourth Age, no longer covered by this timeline. Bold kingdoms are those about which I have enough information to include them in a graphic timeline. (The only exception to this is Moria, two critical dates of which I lack.)


Realms of Arda


Temp: User:Itai/Graphic Timeline of Middle-earth/Dwarves

Voila! (Not production quality, nor .png, but worth, at the very least, commenting, or, failing that, incoherent swearing.)

Image:Realms of the Dwarves of Middle-earth.svg




Avarin and Nandorin
