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WikiProject Energy This article is within the scope of WikiProject Energy, which collaborates on articles related to energy.
Start This article has been rated as start-Class on the assessment scale.
High This article is on a subject of high importance within energy.

This article has been rated but has no comments. If appropriate, please review the article and leave comments here to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the article and what work it will need.

Information from Itaipu (or a previous version of it) is being actively used in the pool of 'Did you know?' facts on the Energy Portal.

This article definitely needs cleanup. I do not know enough about wiki notation to do a good job of it however, nor do I know yet how to tag it for cleanup, so I hope someone notices this talk. --Knife Knut 00:56, 26 May 2005 (UTC)


[edit] Annual Production of Energy table

The "Total" at the bottom does not make logical sense because the two columns have not been summed in the same way. ManInStone, Sept 2007.

[edit] military base

I heard that the U.S. is going to establish a military base aproved by the government of Paraguay. Can anyone attest to that? Shouldn´t it be mentioned in the article somehow?

  • Yes, it's sadly truth. But the base is going to be loceted in the Chaco. I don't see the relation with Itaipú. --N0thingness 04:50, 4 October 2005 (UTC)
  • Sorry, it is -not- true. Not only would the government of Paraguay not approve it, as per Nicanor Duarte Frutos's speech (reinforcing the rumors), the supposed airstrip was built by the Paraguayan government (not the US one) and is reportedly too small for US planes. Also I was in Paraguay for most of last year and while there were constant wild rumors about the military base in the Chaco, or in Concepción, or ...or that US troops would be stationed in the Chaco, or in Paraguay, there was not a bit of truth to them. The US has engaged in joint military exercises with the Paraguayan Army since 1943 (even well before Stroessner). While US support for the Colorado Party regime is tragic, US interests in Paraguay are actually minimal compared with other countries in the region. Had there been a base in the desert, there would have been MUCH more movement of food, water, and people (such as prostitutes, vendors, etc.) towards the Chaco or Concepcion (the jewel of the north) than there was or ever will be. The journalistic reports widely reported in South America were patently false and utterly unverified. If you want to know who the "real" power is in terms of international relations in PY, look no further than the East (i.e. Brazil). The US "suggests", Brazil demands. And yes, there is NO relation with Itaipu.

[edit] Itaipú in Guaraní

In Guaraní "Itaipu" is written wothout tilde since the stress rule states that it goes always upon the last syllable if otherwise not indicated. In Spanish yes it does. --N0thingness 04:50, 4 October 2005 (UTC)

actually, "pu" means "sound", not "sing" in Guarani. "Sing" is "purahei". Jasy jatere 21:37, 7 February 2006 (UTC)

Still, you see, I work here in Itaipu, I have even taken the plant tour, and all the time I hear people saying it means "rock that sings". I believe singing stones fits it quite right. I wonder how it is rolling stones in guarani =] Ita...?.

Apropos, in portuguese too, no accents in Itaipu VdSV9 11:19, 28 March 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Translate from pt:wikipedia

I would like to propose that this article be restarted from scratch as a translation from the Portuguese Version, which has received featured article status. I'll get started with it and as soon as I have enough done I'll post it. If someone doesn't like it just reverse the changes.

Well, there it is. Now if someone would take a look and fix things up a bit. I'm sure there's a lot of work to do on it. And moving the images from the pt:wiki to the commons so we can put them in here too, that would be nice. VdSV9 11:19, 23 March 2006 (UTC)

[edit] royalties

Recent changes are real... It's true, but I get these on the intranet. I'll try to find an internet source for you... VdSV9 14:02, 11 April 2006 (UTC)

Ok, I can't find anything on the internet. It says here they paid yesterday. If someone wants to remove it until they update this info into their page or something I won't mind. VdSV9 14:19, 11 April 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Prizes received for the Itaipu

In its more than 30 years, Itaipu collects, beyond the publication in the list of the seven wonders of the modern world, made for the North American Association of Civil Engineers (Asce), in 1995, in the magazine "Popular Mechanics", of the United States, many prizes and homages of recognition for its performance in areas as Social Communication, Environment, Human Resources, Social Responsibility and Technique.

Between the prizes and homages received for Itaipu, they are:

2006 - Prize "National Prominence in Environment, Sustainable Development and Social Responsibility", granted for the Ambient Institute Biosfera, in February of this year.
2005 - Prize "Top of Mind", granted for the Revista Amanhã.

Prize "Zilda Arns of Social Responsibility - Social Top ADVB-PR" (Association of the Controllers of Sales and Marketing of Brazil - Paraná Section), for the Program Cultivating Good Water, granted for the Institute ADVB of Social Responsibility (Ires). II Prize "FAE/FIEP - Social Responsibility", granted for the College of Administration and Economy (FAE) in set with the Federacy of the Industries of the State of the Paraná (FIEP). Homage of the Agrinho Program - 10 years - ISO-9001/2000, received from the Institute of Technology of the Paraná (TECPAR). Honor to the merit in the 10 years of creation of the course of Civil Engineering, of the State University of the West of the Paraná (Unioeste). Special prize granted by the Initiative of the Letter of the Land for the Program Cultivating Good Water, as example of ambiently responsible public company and social. 13º Prize "Expression of Ecology - Ambient Education No-Formal in Microbasin of the Lajeado Xaxim and Sabiá River", granted for the Editora Expressão de Ecologia, for the program of Ambient Education for Sustainable of the Itaipu, one of the actions of the Program Cultivating Good Water.

2004 - Prizes "Periodical of Electronic Itaipu - Better of the South and finalist Region among the three best ones of Brazil, in Internal the E-News category", granted for the Brazilian Association of Enterprise Communication (Aberje).

Homage "Fórum 2004: Itaipu Binacional - Its Contribution for the Development of Brazil ", received from the Tuiuti University of the Paraná. I Prize "FAE/FIEP/2004 - Social Responsibility", granted for the College of Administration and Economy (FAE) in set with the Federacy of the Industries of the State of the Paraná (FIEP). Homage "Friend Company of the Agrinho", received from the Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Rural (SENAR) of the Paraná, in partnership with the Federacy of the Agriculture of the State of the Paraná (FAEP) and National Association of Pestecides (ANDEF). Honrorable mention received from the Committee of Entities in the Combat to the Hunger and for the Life (Coep-PR). Homage "30 years of the Itaipu Binacional", in solemn session, the State Legislature of the Paraná. Homage of the House of Representatives with the exposition "Itaipu 30 years - energy for all", in the Cultural Space Mário Covas, in Brasília. Prize "Ecoturismo and Sustainable Development", for inserted ambient projects in the Program Cultivating Good Water, granted for the Revista Ecoturismo. Plates "Friendship and Cooperation" received, in Brasilia, from the Association of the Military Attached in Brazil.

2003 - Prize "Great Leader - Company with bigger gross income of the Paraná", granted for the Revista Amanhã.

Prize "Great Leader - Company with bigger net profits of the Paraná", granted for the Revista Amanhã. XI Prize "Expression of Ecology - Conservation of Natural Resources - Private Sector", for the project "Studies of Eggs and Jack Rafter of Fish in the Reservoir of Itaipu", granted for the Editora Expressão. Homage received from the formalist of Technology in Electromechanical of the Federal Center of Technological Education of the Paraná (Cefet), of Medianeira city. X Prize "Ambient Education - Trophy Solidary Dignity" for the project "Social Sustainable of the Region of Vila C (Solidary Energy)", granted for the Center Paranaense de Cidadania (Cepac). Plate "Gratefulness" received from the Superior School of War (ESG). Plate "Recognition and Admiration" received by "Military Cooperacion in Paraguay - Agregadura de Defensa y del Ejercito del Brazil". Plate "Friendship and Cooperation" received from the Association of the Military Attaches in Brazil. Plate "Souvenir of the Eceme" received from the School of Command of General Staff of the Army (ECEME), in Rio de Janeiro.

2002 - Homage "Model of Itaipu" received from the Voith Siemens - Hydro Power Generation.

Prize "Better Publication of Enterprise Memory of the South Region" for the "Livro dos Causos" (the book brings little histories published to the long of the years in the Periodical of Itaipu), granted for the Brazilian Association of Enterprise Communication (Aberje). Prizes "Innovation of the South Region and Brazil Innovation" for the Periodical of Itaipu Mural, granted for the Brazilian Association of Enterprise Communication (Aberje). Prize "The Best of the South Region, in category InterNet" for the Site of Itaipu, granted for the Brazilian Association of Enterprise Communication (Aberje). X Prize "Expression of Ecology - Conservation of Natural Resources - Private Sector", for the project "Studies of Migration of Fishes in the River Paraná", granted for the Editora Expressão. Honorable mention for its works in favor of the voluntary donation of blood, received from the Center of Hematology and Hemoterapy of the Paraná (Hemepar). Plate "Gratefulness" received from the Superior School of War (ESG).

2001 - Prize "Company Note 100", granted for theEditora Empreendedor.

Plate of homage "Voluntary of Year 2001", in the category Companies, for the excellent services given in favor of its community through its social action. With the Reviver Program, Group of Affinity in Diabetic, participated as facilitator in the constitution of the Association of the Diabetic ones of Foz do Iguaçu (ADIFI).

2000 - Prize "Better Internal Periodical of Brazil" for the Periodical of Itaipu (printed matter, wich later was substituted by the electronic version), granted for the Brazilian Association of Enterprise Communication (Aberje).
1998 - Procel Prize 1998 - Honrable Mention for the recognition in action of Combat to the Wastefulness of Electric Energy in 1997, the category Companies of the Energy Sector, granted for the National Program of Conservation of Energy (Procel).
1997 - Prize "The Best Internal Periodical of Brazil" to the Periodical of Itaipu, granted for the Brazilian Association of Enterprise Communication (Aberje).

Certifyded "Company Friend of the Child", granted for the Abrinq Foundation by the Rights of the Child, for the development of the Project of Initiation and Incentive to the Work (PIIT). Prize "Ambient Paraná", in the category Formal Ambient Education, for the project "Formation of Multiplying Agents of Ambient Education in the Region of the Lake of Itaipu", granted for the Ambient Institute of the Paraná (IAP).

1996 - Prize "The Best Internal Periodical of Brazil" to the Periodical of Itaipu, granted for the Brazilian Association of Enterprise Communication (Aberje).

Honrable mention for the work developed for Itaipu in the area of Environment, received from the Biosphere Foundation, in Belo Horizonte.

1995 - Publication in the list of the seven wonders of the modern world, made for the North American Association of Civil Engineers (Asce), in the magazine "Popular Mechanics", of the United States.

Publication in the Brazilian edition of the Guiness Book - the Book of the Records, for being the "Bigger Hydroelectric Plant of the World", in operation.

1982 - Publication of news article of cover "The largest hydroelectric station in the world", in the magazine Time, with plate of homage "In appreciation of your courtesy on our visit, May, 21, 1982", granted for Ralph P. Davidson, Chairman of the Board, Time Inc. and Colleagues.

Text without format, not relevant and without sources, copied from article's page. Mariano(t/c) 06:45, 21 June 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Removed text

As a visitor, I noticed that there was a bad edit, the one at 18:25, 14 July 2006 It chopped out the section on 'Formation of the lake' and hacked portions of the section 'Agreement between Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina'.

You are right, I restored the text. Thanks for your help. Mariano(t/c) 09:48, 2 August 2006 (UTC)

[edit] How wide/long?

There is nothing in this article about how wide or long the dam is (or did I miss it?). Does anyone have detailed dimentions than just the height?--Midnight Rider 03:56, 19 October 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Treaty with Argentina - Possibility of flooding Buenos Aires

I restored the following paragraph to the article: "By that time, as the three countries were ruled by military dictatorships, Argentina was concerned that, in the event of a conflict, Brazil could open the floodgates, causing the Plata River water level to rise and consequently flooding the capitol city of Buenos Aires."

The references for this paragraphs are:

Gollerman, Andrey; Picutti, André Lima. "A hidroelétrica de Itaipú e as variações no nivel do Rio da Prata" in Revista de Engenharia da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Março de 1986. Stain, Friederich; Zanonni, Rafael Viera. "Geopolítica do Cone Sul: As Relações Brasil-Uruguai-Paraguai-Argentina durante os anos de chumbo - 1968 à 1988" in Anais do 4º Congresso Sul-americano de Relações Internacionais, Rio De Janeiro, 1992. -- 05:59, 6 November 2006 (UTC)

While no doubt enormous damage could be done to Argentina if the floodgates were opened, I cannot see that it would be possible to flood Buenos Aires as the Rio de la Plata is a very wide estuary. We are not talking of a city standing on the banks of a river. Booshank 22:37, 6 July 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Peanuts? NPOV.

I added the NPOV tag for the "Peanuts" paragraph and the one that follows it. --Noah 21:07, 27 November 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Environmental Effects

This article doesn't seem to contain any mention of the environmental effects of the dam. Given the size of the reservoir, the environmental destruction must have been vast. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk) 20:03, 5 February 2007 (UTC).

[edit] Dam size

it appears that 'Le Grande' Complex in Quebec, Canada, may be the world's largest hydroelectric generating system. The eight generating stations of the complex have a total generating capacity of 16,021 MW. See —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Percy333333 (talk • contribs) 13:46, 27 March 2007 (UTC).

'Le Grande' is a Complex, a collection of generating stations. In a singular dam, Itaipu still is the biggest hydroelectric power station of the world. -- 03:28, 29 March 2007 (UTC)

Please add some kind of (disambiguation?) reference to article Itaipu (composition) and vice versa. 08:14, 17 July 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Cost?

So how much did this project cost, and how was it funded? Charles 04:36, 5 November 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Start Date?

This date must be incorrect... "the last two of these started running in the year 2010." --Chris uvic (talk) 08:22, 7 December 2007 (UTC)