Italy-USA Foundation

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Italy-USA Foundation (Fondazione Italia-USA) was established on 4 July 2005 to promote the friendship between Italians and Americans and American culture in Italy. The foundation is a non-profit organization based in Rome, Italy. A representative of US Embassy in Italy sits on the Board of Directors, the Embassy of the United States in Rome, in fact is one of the official founders.

The foundation organizes meetings between Italian members of Parliament and US Senators and Representatives to discuss about legislation and cultural issues, also in partnership with the American Legislative Exchange Council. The foundation cooperates with many American universities, first of all Loyola University Chicago through the John Felice Rome Center, for projects, conferences, staging. The foundation works with Sky Italia for the full coverage of the United States presidential election, 2008 with specials and analyses. The scientific committee consists in more than 30 members, including some of the most important Italian scientists, politicians, diplomats, journalists, like for example Paolo Mieli, Fiamma Nirenstein, Aurelio De Laurentiis, Carla Fendi, Paolo Guzzanti.

President is Senator Lucio Malan, Secretary General is Corrado Maria Daclon, President of Scientific Committee is Hon. Valdo Spini.

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