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Coordinates: 25°24′30.42″S 54°35′21.13″W / -25.40845, -54.5892028

The Itaipu Dam
Official name Usina Hidrelétrica Itaipu Binacional
Impounds Paraná River
Locale Foz do Iguaçu, Flag of Brazil Brazil
Ciudad del EsteFlag of Paraguay Paraguay
Maintained by Itaipu Binacional
Length 7 700 m
Height 196 m
Construction began February, 1971
Opening date May 5, 1984

Itaipu (Guarani: Itaipu, Portuguese: Itaipu, Spanish: Itaipú; pronounced [itaiˈpu]) is a hydroelectric dam on the Paraná River located on the border between Brazil and Paraguay.

The name "Itaipu" was taken from an isle that existed near the construction site. In the Guarani language, Itaipu means "the sound of a stone". The American composer Philip Glass has also written a symphonic cantata named Itaipu in honour of the structure.

Itaipu Binacional is a company that runs the largest operational hydroelectric power plant in the world.[1] It is a binational undertaking run by Brazil and Paraguay at the Paraná River on the border section between the two countries, 15 km north of the Friendship Bridge. The project ranges from Foz do Iguaçu, in Brazil, and Ciudad del Este in Paraguay, in the south to Guaíra and Salto del Guaíra in the north. The installed generation capacity of the plant is 14 GW, with 20 generating units of 700 MW each. In the year 2000, it achieved its generating record of 93.4 billion kilowatt-hours (kWh), which supplied 93% of the energy consumed by Paraguay and 20% of that consumed by Brazil as of 2005.


[edit] History

The Itaipu Dam at night
The Itaipu Dam at night
Close-up view of the dam
Close-up view of the dam
Panorama of the Generator hall
Panorama of the Generator hall
Downstream view from the top of the dam. The concrete structure in front of the dam is the generator hall
Downstream view from the top of the dam. The concrete structure in front of the dam is the generator hall

[edit] Negotiations between Brazil and Paraguay

The concept behind Itaipu Power Plant is the result of heavy negotiations between the two countries during the 1960s. The "Ata do Iguaçu" (Iguaçu Act) was signed on July 22, 1966, by the Brazilian and Paraguayan Ministers of Foreign Affairs, Juracy Magalhães and Sapena Pastor, respectively. This was a joint declaration of the mutual interest in studying the exploitation of the hydric resources that the two countries shared in the section of the Paraná River starting from and including the Salto de Sete Quedas to the Iguaçu River's watershed. The Treaty that gave origin to the power plant was signed in 1973.

[edit] Construction starts

In 1970, the consortium formed by the companies IECO (from the United States of America) and ELC (from Italy) won the international competition for the realization of the viability studies and for the elaboration of the construction project. Work began in February 1971. On April 26, 1973, Brazil and Paraguay signed the Itaipu Treaty, the legal instrument for the hydroelectric exploitation of the Paraná River by the two countries. On May 17, 1974, the Itaipu Binacional entity was created to administer the plant's construction. The works began in January of the following year

[edit] Paraná River rerouted

On October 14, 1978, the Paraná River had its route changed, which allowed a section of the riverbed to dry so the dam could be built there.

[edit] Agreement by Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina

An important diplomatic settlement was reached with the signing of the Acordo Tripartite by Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina, on October 19, 1979. This agreement established the allowed river levels and how much they could change as a result of the various hydroelectrical undertakings in the watershed that was shared by the three countries. At that time, the three countries were ruled by military dictatorships. Argentina was concerned that, in the event of a conflict, Brazil could open the floodgates, raising the water level in de la Plata River and consequently flooding the capital city of Buenos Aires.

[edit] Formation of the lake

The plant's reservoir began its formation on October 13, 1982, when the dam works were completed and the side canal's gates were closed. Throughout this period, water rose 100 meters (330 ft) and reached the gates of the spillway at 10:00 AM on October 27 due to the heavy rains and flooding that took place at the time.

[edit] Start of operations

On May 5, 1984, the first generation unit started running in Itaipu. The first 18 units were installed at the rate of two to three a year; the last two of these started running in the year 1991.

Construction on the dam in September 2003
Construction on the dam in September 2003

[edit] Capacity expansion in 2007

The last two of the 20 units started operations in September 2006 and in March 2007, thus raising the installed capacity to 14,000 MW and completing the power plant. This increase in capacity will allow for 18 generation units to remain running all of the time while two stay down for maintenance. Due to a clause in the treaty signed between Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina, the maximum number of generating units allowed to operate simultaneously can not exceed 18 (see the agreement section for more information).

The rated nominal power of each generating unit (turbine and generator) is 700 MW. However, because the head (difference between reservoir level and the river level at the foot of the dam) that actually occurs is higher than the design head, the power available exceeds 750 MW half of the time.

Each turbine generates around 700 megawatts; for comparison, all the water from the Iguaçu Falls would have capacity to feed only two generators.

[edit] Power transmission

Of the currently 18 generator units installed, 9 of them generate in 50 Hz, the grid frequency of Paraguay and 9 generate in 60 Hz, the Brazilian grid frequency. There's also a power converter on the Brazilian side that allows the transformation of 50 Hz into 60 Hz energy that is not used in Paraguay.

[edit] "Wonder of the Modern World"

In 1994, the American Society of Civil Engineers elected the Itaipu Dam as one of the Seven Wonders of the Modern World. In 1995, the American magazine Popular Mechanics published the results.

Panoramic view of the Itaipu Dam, with the spillways (closed at the time of the photo) on the left
Panoramic view of the Itaipu Dam, with the spillways (closed at the time of the photo) on the left
Itaipú Dam. Stamp is Scott C363
Itaipú Dam. Stamp is Scott C363

[edit] Social Impact

When construction of the dam began, approximately 10,000 families living beside the Paraná River were dislodged from their plots in order to make way for the dam. Many of these families sought refuge in the town of Medianeira, a town not far from the confluence of the Iguaçu and Paraná rivers. Some of these families eventually came to be members of one of Brazil's largest social movements, the MST, or Landless Workers Movement.[2]

East half of the generator hall
East half of the generator hall

[edit] Statistics

[edit] Construction

  • The course of the seventh biggest river in the world was shifted; as was 50 million tonnes of earth and rock.
  • The amount of concrete used to build the Itaipu Power Plant would be enough to build 210 football stadiums the size of the Estádio do Maracanã.
  • The iron and steel used would allow for the construction of 380 Eiffel Towers.
  • The volume of excavation of earth and rock in Itaipu is 8.5 times greater than that of the Channel Tunnel and the volume of concrete is 15 times greater.
  • Around forty thousand people worked in the construction[citation needed].
Spillways in action
Spillways in action

[edit] Generating station and dam

  • The total length of the dam is 7235 m, with the crest elevation of 225 m. It is actually several dams joined together - from the far left, an earthfill dam, a rockfill dam, a concrete main dam, and a concrete wing dam to the right.
  • The maximum flow of Itaipu's fourteen segmented spillways is 62.2 thousand cubic metres per second. It is equivalent to 40 times the average flow of the Iguaçu Falls.
  • The flow of two generators (700 m³·s−1 each) is roughly equivalent to the average flow of the Falls (1500 m³·s−1).
  • If Brazil were to use Thermal Power Generation to produce the electric power of Itaipu, 434,000 barrels (69,000 m³) of petroleum would have to be burned every day.
  • The dam is 196 metres high, equivalent to a 65-story building.[3]
  • Though it is the seventh largest reservoir in size in Brazil, the Itaipu's reservoir has the best relation between production and flooded area. For the 14,000 MW installed power, 1350 square kilometres were flooded. The reservoirs for the hydroelectric power plants of Sobradinho, Tucuruí, Porto Primavera, Balbina, Serra da Mesa and Furnas are all larger than the one for Itaipu, but have a smaller installed capacity. The one with the largest energy production, Tucuruí, has an installed capacity of 4,240 MW, but it had to flood 2,430 square kilometres of land.

[edit] Generation

Hollow space in the dam structure
Hollow space in the dam structure
Annual Production of Energy
Year Number of
installed units
1984 0–2 277
1985 2–3 6,327
1986 3–6 21,853
1987 6–9 35,807
1988 9–12 38,508
1989 12–15 47,230
1990 15–16 53,090
1991 16–18 57,517
1992 18 52,268
1993 18 59,997
1994 18 69,394
1995 18 77,212
1996 18 81,654
1997 18 89,237
1998 18 87,845
1999 18 90,001
2000 18 93,428
2001 18 79,307
2002 18 82,914
2003 18 89,151
2004 18 89,911
2005 18 87,971
2006 19 92,690
2007 20 90,620
Total 20 1,574,211

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

[edit] References

  1. ^ Power: World's biggest hydroelectric facility. USGS. Retrieved on May 18, 2006.
  2. ^ Branford, Sue and Jan Rocha. Cutting the Wire: The Story of the Landless Movement in Brazil. London: Latin American Bureau, 2002.
  3. ^ Itaipu binacional - Technical data - Comparisons. Retrieved on February 16, 2007.