IT Mill Toolkit

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IT Mill Toolkit architecture
IT Mill Toolkit architecture

IT Mill Toolkit is a open source web application / RIA framework created by company IT Mill.

The framework is based on Java programming language and uses server-side programming concept. Applications are created using object-oriented and event-driven programming techniques and the framework hides the request-response cycle of the HTTP protocol from application developers.

IT Mill Toolkit relies on basic Java EE environment and does not include any JSF (JavaServer Faces) integration.

The client-side widgets are implemented using GWT (Google Web Toolkit) and using similar object-oriented component architecture.


[edit] Features

[edit] History

Development was first started as an adapter on top of Millstone open source web framework. It introduced Ajax based client communication and rendering engine. During 2006 this concept was then developed separately as a commercial product. As consequence this, a large part of the IT Mill Toolkit's server-side API is still compatible with Millstone's Swing-like APIs.

The first version known as IT Mill Toolkit 4 was released as commercial product in early 2007. It used proprietary JavaScript Ajax-implementation for client-side rendering which made rather complicated to implement new widgets.

By the end of year 2007 the proprietary client-side implementation was abandoned and GWT was integrated on top of the server-side components. At the same time the product license was changed to open source Apache License 2.0.

[edit] Competitors

Historically, IT Mill Toolkit has been compared to Echo/Echo2 and ThinWire frameworks that use same kind of server-side programming model. The server-side APIs are quite similar providing both events and GUI components, but the client-side (i.e. web browser) interaction differs in the way that IT Mill Toolkit uses Java programmed GWT widgets compared to JavaScript implementation of Echo and Thinwire components.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links