User:It's dot com/ProjectStaticTopText

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

if (!defined('MEDIAWIKI')) die();

/** fnProjectStaticTopText
 *  Adds static text to the top of specified project pages. It particular, it forces the verbiage
 *  about the Sandbox and Introduction instructions to automatically appear at the top of the
 *  respective pages, eliminating the need for a template (and thus preventing vandalism).
 *  The text itself is controlled by corresponding MediaWiki-namespace pages (in the form
 *  "MediaWiki:Header-pagename").
 *  ©2006 by It's dot com; released under the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later version
$wgProjectStaticTopTextPages = array('Sandbox', 'Introduction');  // array of pages to be used in hook

# Call the hook function
$wgHooks['ArticleViewHeader'][] = 'fnProjectStaticTopText';
$wgExtensionFunctions[] = 'exfAddProjectStaticTopTextMessages';

# Extension to enable static-text pages to appear in the list of system messages
function exfAddProjectStaticTopTextMessages() {
    global $wgMessageCache, $wgProjectStaticTopTextPages;
    foreach ($wgProjectStaticTopTextPages as $i) $wgMessageCache->addMessages( array( strtolower( "header-$i" ) => '' ) );  // add to message cache

# The hook function
function fnProjectStaticTopText( &$article, $outputDone, $pcache ) {
    global $wgOut, $wgProjectStaticTopTextPages;

    $title = $article->mTitle->mTextform;
    if ( $article->mTitle->mNamespace == NS_PROJECT &&
        in_array( $title, $wgProjectStaticTopTextPages ) ) {
        $wgOut->addWikiText( wfMsg( strtolower( "header-$title" ) ) );
    return true;
