Israel/Palestine Center for Research and Information

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The Israel/Palestine Center for Research and Information (IPCRI) is a joint institution of Israelis and Palestinians dedicated to the resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict on the basis of "two-states for two peoples" solution, which is recognized as the ultimate fulfillment of the national strategic and security interests of the two peoples[original research?]. The IPCRI therefore recognizes the rights of the Jewish and the Palestinian people to fulfill their national interests within the framework of achieving national self-determination within their own states and by establishing peaceful relations between two democratic states living side-by-side.

The IPCRI seeks to serve as an intellectual platform for Israelis and Palestinians (and others) to create and develop new concepts and ideas that enrich the political and public discourse in order to influence decision makers and to challenge the current political reality with the aim of advancing the political solution of two-states for two-peoples.

The organization was launched in 1988 in order to promote dialogue at various levels between the Israeli and Palestinian civil societies. As such it is one of the oldest of the bridge-building initiatives and also one of the very few to survive the onslaught of the Al Aqsa intifada and its associated restrictions placed by both parties on dialogue. IPCRI was founded on the principle that it should be a joint partnership between Israeli and Palestinian intellectuals, academics, professionals, politicians, and others, reflecting a conviction that peace-making and peace-building must similarly be joint and bi-partisan efforts (assisted by the international community).

The IPCRI, with its active information activities and joint Israeli-Palestinian forums, is one of the few Israeli-Palestinian joint public policy think-tanks and "do-tanks" in the region. From the start it was based on what was then, and still is, a premise shared by few: IPCRI should be a truly joint Israeli-Palestinian organization with its governance and management built on co-leadership. Consequently it was set up with a Board having two co-chairmen and a management with two Co-CEOs. In spite of the obvious complications inherent in this system it has been maintained throughout IPCRI’s existence.

IPCRI Home Page

Walk The Green Line, Fundraising Event
