Isobutyl acetate

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Isobutyl acetate
Isobutyl acetate
Other names acetic acid, isobutyl ester
CAS number [110-19-0]
Molecular formula C6H12O2
Molar mass 116.16 g/mol
Appearance Colourless liquid
Density 0.875 g/cm3, liquid
Melting point

-99 °C (174 K, -146 °F)

Boiling point

118 °C (391 K, 244 °F)

Solubility in water Slightly soluble
0.63-0.7g/100g at 20°C
Except where noted otherwise, data are given for
materials in their standard state
(at 25 °C, 100 kPa)

Infobox disclaimer and references

The chemical compound isobutyl acetate, with systematic name 2-methylpropyl ethanoate, is a common solvent. It is produced from the esterification of isobutanol with acetic acid. Used as a solvent for lacquer and nitrocellulose.

Isobutyl acetate has three isomers: n-butyl acetate, tert-butyl acetate, and sec-butyl acetate, which are also common solvents.

[edit] References
