ISO/IEC 8859-2
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ISO 8859-2, more formally cited as ISO/IEC 8859-2 or less formally as Latin-2, is part 2 of ISO/IEC 8859, a standard character encoding defined by ISO. It encodes what it refers to as Latin alphabet no. 2, consisting of 191 characters from the Latin script, each encoded as a single 8-bit code value.
ISO_8859-2:1987, more commonly known by its preferred mime name of ISO-8859-2 (note extra hyphen), is the IANA charset name for this standard used together with the control codes from ISO/IEC 6429 for the C0 (0x00-0x1F) and C1 (0x80-0x9F) parts. Escape sequences (from ISO/IEC 6429 or ISO/IEC 2022) are not to be interpreted. This character set also has the aliases ISO_8859-2, latin2, l2 and csISOLatin2.
This encoding shares a lot of assignments with windows-1250 but is not a strict subset of it (unlike the case with windows-1252 and ISO 8859-1).
These code values can be used in almost any data interchange system to communicate in the following European languages: Bosnian, Croatian, Czech, Hungarian, Polish, Romanian (also, see next paragraph), Serbian (in Latin transcription), Serbo-Croatian, Slovak, Slovenian, Upper Sorbian and Lower Sorbian. Furthermore it is suitable to represent some western European languages like Finnish (with the exception of å used in Swedish and Finnish) or German. When used alone, these latter languages are nominally using ISO 8859-1 encoding, but the needed codepoints are shared with ISO 8859-2, which is an important aspect for multi-lingual documents.
It may be argued that ISO 8859-2 is not really suitable for Romanian because of lack of letters s and t with commas below, containing s and t with cedillas instead. These letters were unified in the first versions of the Unicode standard, meaning that the appearance with cedilla or with comma was treated as a glyph choice rather than as separate characters; fonts intended for use with Romanian should, therefore, have characters with comma below at those code points.
[edit] Code page layout
In the following table characters are shown together with their corresponding Unicode code points. Note that code values 00-1F, 7F, and 80-9F are not assigned to characters by ISO/IEC 8859-2. Code 20 is the regular SPACE character, and A0 is the NON-BREAKING SPACE. Code AD is a SOFT HYPHEN, which should not appear at all in compliant web browsers.
ISO/IEC 8859-2 (Latin-2) | ||||||||||||||||
—0 | —1 | —2 | —3 | —4 | —5 | —6 | —7 | —8 | —9 | —A | —B | —C | —D | —E | —F | |
0− |
NUL 0000 0 |
SOH 0001 1 |
STX 0002 2 |
ETX 0003 3 |
EOT 0004 4 |
ENQ 0005 5 |
ACK 0006 6 |
BEL 0007 7 |
BS 0008 8 |
HT 0009 9 |
LF 000A 10 |
VT 000B 11 |
FF 000C 12 |
CR 000D 13 |
SO 000E 14 |
SI 000F 15 |
1− |
DLE 0010 16 |
DC1 0011 17 |
DC2 0012 18 |
DC3 0013 19 |
DC4 0014 20 |
NAK 0015 21 |
SYN 0016 22 |
ETB 0017 23 |
CAN 0018 24 |
EM 0019 25 |
SUB 001A 26 |
ESC 001B 27 |
FS 001C 28 |
GS 001D 29 |
RS 001E 30 |
US 001F 31 |
2− |
SP 0020 32 |
! 0021 33 |
" 0022 34 |
# 0023 35 |
$ 0024 36 |
% 0025 37 |
& 0026 38 |
' 0027 39 |
( 0028 40 |
) 0029 41 |
* 002A 42 |
+ 002B 43 |
, 002C 44 |
- 002D 45 |
. 002E 46 |
/ 002F 47 |
3− |
0 0030 48 |
1 0031 49 |
2 0032 50 |
3 0033 51 |
4 0034 52 |
5 0035 53 |
6 0036 54 |
7 0037 55 |
8 0038 56 |
9 0039 57 |
: 003A 58 |
; 003B 59 |
< 003C 60 |
= 003D 61 |
> 003E 62 |
? 003F 63 |
4− |
@ 0040 64 |
A 0041 65 |
B 0042 66 |
C 0043 67 |
D 0044 68 |
E 0045 69 |
F 0046 70 |
G 0047 71 |
H 0048 72 |
I 0049 73 |
J 004A 74 |
K 004B 75 |
L 004C 76 |
M 004D 77 |
N 004E 78 |
O 004F 79 |
5− |
P 0050 80 |
Q 0051 81 |
R 0052 82 |
S 0053 83 |
T 0054 84 |
U 0055 85 |
V 0056 86 |
W 0057 87 |
X 0058 88 |
Y 0059 89 |
Z 005A 90 |
[ 005B 91 |
\ 005C 92 |
] 005D 93 |
^ 005E 94 |
_ 005F 95 |
6− |
` 0060 96 |
a 0061 97 |
b 0062 98 |
c 0063 99 |
d 0064 100 |
e 0065 101 |
f 0066 102 |
g 0067 103 |
h 0068 104 |
i 0069 105 |
j 006A 106 |
k 006B 107 |
l 006C 108 |
m 006D 109 |
n 006E 110 |
o 006F 111 |
7− |
p 0070 112 |
q 0071 113 |
r 0072 114 |
s 0073 115 |
t 0074 116 |
u 0075 117 |
v 0076 118 |
w 0077 119 |
x 0078 120 |
y 0079 121 |
z 007A 122 |
{ 007B 123 |
| 007C 124 |
} 007D 125 |
~ 007E 126 |
DEL 007F 127 |
8− |
PAD 0080 128 |
HOP 0081 129 |
BPH 0082 130 |
NBH 0083 131 |
IND 0084 132 |
NEL 0085 133 |
SSA 0086 134 |
ESA 0087 135 |
HTS 0088 136 |
HTJ 0089 137 |
VTS 008A 138 |
PLD 008B 139 |
PLU 008C 140 |
RI 008D 141 |
SS2 008E 142 |
SS3 008F 143 |
9− |
DCS 0090 144 |
PU1 0091 145 |
PU2 0092 146 |
STS 0093 147 |
CCH 0094 148 |
MW 0095 149 |
SPA 0096 150 |
EPA 0097 151 |
SOS 0098 152 |
SGCI 0099 153 |
SCI 009A 154 |
CSI 009B 155 |
ST 009C 156 |
OSC 009D 157 |
PM 009E 158 |
APC 009F 159 |
A− |
NBSP 00A0 160 |
Ą 0104 161 |
˘ 02D8 162 |
Ł 0141 163 |
¤ 00A4 164 |
Ľ 013D 165 |
Ś 015A 166 |
§ 00A7 167 |
¨ 00A8 168 |
Š 0160 169 |
Ş 015E 170 |
Ť 0164 171 |
Ź 0179 172 |
SHY 00AD 173 |
Ž 017D 174 |
Ż 017B 175 |
B− |
° 00B0 176 |
ą 0105 177 |
˛ 02DB 178 |
ł 0142 179 |
´ 00B4 180 |
ľ 013E 181 |
ś 015B 182 |
ˇ 02C7 183 |
¸ 00B8 184 |
š 0161 185 |
ş 015F 186 |
ť 0165 187 |
ź 017A 188 |
˝ 02DD 189 |
ž 017E 190 |
ż 017C 191 |
C− |
Ŕ 0154 192 |
Á 00C1 193 |
 00C2 194 |
Ă 0102 195 |
Ä 00C4 196 |
Ĺ 0139 197 |
Ć 0106 198 |
Ç 00C7 199 |
Č 010C 200 |
É 00C9 201 |
Ę 0118 202 |
Ë 00CB 203 |
Ě 011A 204 |
Í 00CD 205 |
Î 00CE 206 |
Ď 010E 207 |
D− |
Đ 0110 208 |
Ń 0143 209 |
Ň 0147 210 |
Ó 00D3 211 |
Ô 00D4 212 |
Ő 0150 213 |
Ö 00D6 214 |
× 00D7 215 |
Ř 0158 216 |
Ů 016E 217 |
Ú 00DA 218 |
Ű 0170 219 |
Ü 00DC 220 |
Ý 00DD 221 |
Ţ 0162 222 |
ß 00DF 223 |
E− |
ŕ 0155 224 |
á 00E1 225 |
â 00E2 226 |
ă 0103 227 |
ä 00E4 228 |
ĺ 013A 229 |
ć 0107 230 |
ç 00E7 231 |
č 010D 232 |
é 00E9 233 |
ę 0119 234 |
ë 00EB 235 |
ě 011B 236 |
í 00ED 237 |
î 00EE 238 |
ď 010F 239 |
F− |
đ 0111 240 |
ń 0144 241 |
ň 0148 242 |
ó 00F3 243 |
ô 00F4 244 |
ő 0151 245 |
ö 00F6 246 |
÷ 00F7 247 |
ř 0159 248 |
ů 016F 249 |
ú 00FA 250 |
ű 0171 251 |
ü 00FC 252 |
ý 00FD 253 |
ţ 0163 254 |
˙ 02D9 255 |
[edit] External links
- ISO 8859-2:1999
- Standard ECMA-94: 8-Bit Single Byte Coded Graphic Character Sets - Latin Alphabets No. 1 to No. 4 2nd edition (June 1986)
- ISO-IR 101 Right-Hand Part of Latin Alphabet No.2 (February 1, 1986)
- ISO 8859-2 (Latin 2) Resources