ISO 6438

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ISO 6438, "Documentation - African coded character set for bibliographic information interchange," is an ISO standard for African language 8-bit character encodings for use by computers. Originally adopted in 1983, it has apparently had little use and is now superseded by Unicode.

ISO 6438
  x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 xA xB xC xD xE xF
Ax     Ɓ Ƈ Ɗ Ɖ   Ɛ Ǝ   Ƒ Ɠ Ɣ Ħ   Ɨ
Bx     ɓ ƈ ɗ ɖ   ɛ ə   ƒ ɠ ɣ ħ   ɪ
Cx Ƙ             Ŋ   Ɵ Ɔ Ƥ        
Dx ƙ ɬ ɱ ɳ ɲ     ŋ   ɵ ɔ ƥ   ɽ   ʃ
Ex Ƭ Ʈ   Ʊ Ʋ Χ Ƴ Ʒ                
Fx ƭ ʈ   ʊ ʋ χ ƴ ʒ ʕ ʔ ʘ ǀ ǂ ǃ ǁ  

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[edit] References

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