Islands of Indonesia

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Indonesia comprises 17,508 islands according to Indonesian government estimates, with about 6,000 of those inhabited. The country extends from adjacent the Malay Peninsula in its west and into Melanesia in its east. According to a 2002 survey by National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN), Indonesia has 18,306 islands. Counting tidal islands (periodically submerged) doubles the island figure, and many islands with no name or the same names, making it very confusing even to the government of Indonesia.

Management of the islands sometimes includes a Regency (Indonesia) covers a small island chain.

On September 21, 2007, an 8.4 Earthquake struck Sumatra near South Pagai Island, producing a cluster of 6 small new islands, and enlarging others by uplift.[1] A large portion of Indonesia is seismically active, the number, size, shape of islands continues to evolve.

Map of Indonesia
Map of Indonesia


[edit] Main islands

[edit] Other islands

[edit] Java

Province of Banten

  • Deli
  • Manuk
  • Panaitan
  • Panjang
  • Sangiang
  • Tunda
  • Umang

Province of DKI Jakarta

  • Thousand Islands archipelago (Kepulauan Seribu) 105 islands. Only 11 islands are inhabited.
    • Angel (Pulau Bidadari)
    • Ayer
    • Big Bira (Pulau Bira Besar)
    • Big Lancong (Pulau Lancong Besar)
    • Big Umbrella (Pulau Payung Besar)
    • Boy Scouts (Pulau Pramuka)
    • Cipir
    • Coconut (Pulau Kelapa)
    • Edam
    • Great Tiger (Pulau Macan Besar)
    • Hope (Pulau Harapan)
    • Karya
    • Kelor
    • Kotok
    • Lucky Java (Pulau Untung Jawa)
    • Onrust
    • Panggang
    • Pantara
    • Rainbow (Pulau Pelangi)
    • Sebira
    • Sepa
    • Stingray (Pulau Pari)
    • Tidung

Province of West Java

  • Rakit

Province of Central Java

  • Karimun Java
  • Nusa Kambangan - prison island

Province of East Java

  • Bawean archipelago (kepulauan Bawean)
  • Genteng
  • Iyang
  • Kambing Island (East Java)
  • Kangean Islands archipelago (kepulauan Kangean)
  • Madura
  • Masalembu
  • Nusa Barung
  • Puteran
  • Raas
  • Raja
  • Sapudi

[edit] Sumatra

[edit] Province of Aceh, 119 islands

Province of North Sumatra, 419 islands

Province of West Sumatra

Province of Lampung

  • Child of Krakatoa (Pulau Anak Krakatau)

Province of Riau

[edit] Province of Riau Islands, about 3,200 islands

Province of Bangka-Belitung Islands

[edit] Kalimantan

Province of East Kalimantan

Province of South Kalimantan

Province of Central Kalimantan

Province of West Kalimantan

[edit] Sulawesi

Province of North Sulawesi

Province of Central Sulawesi

Province of South Sulawesi

[edit] Province of Southeast Sulawesi

  • Tukangbesi Islands
    • Wakatobi
      • Wangiwangi Island,
      • Kambode
      • Kampenane
      • Timor
      • Kaledupa
      • Hoga
      • Linea Island,
      • Tomea
      • Talondano
      • Lineta
      • Binongko
    • Moromaho
    • Cowocowo
    • Kentiole
    • Runduma
    • Anano
    • Karang Kapota atoll
    • Karang Kaledupa atoll
    • Karang Koromaha atoll
    • Karang Kadupa atoll
    • Langkesi islands
  • Wowoni
  • Buton
  • Muna
  • Siumpu
  • Batuata
  • Kabaena
  • Kakabia
  • Karompa Lompo
  • Kalaotoa
  • Bahulu
  • Labengke
  • Padea Besar

[edit] Lesser Sunda Islands

Province of Bali

Province of West Nusa Tenggara

Province of East Nusa Tenggara

[edit] Maluku

[edit] Province of Maluku

  • Buru, former prison island, with nearby islands:
    • Ambelau
  • Banda archipelago (Kepulauan Banda)
    • Ay
    • Banana (Pulau Pisang)
    • Banda Naira
    • Batukapal
    • Big Banda (Pulau Banda Besar/Lonthoir)
    • Crab (Pulau Karaka)
    • Hatta (formerly Rozengain island)
    • Manuk
    • Manukang
    • Nailaka
    • Run
    • Saaru
  • Tayandu Islands (also Tayahad), 17 islands
    • Kaimeer
    • Kur Island
    • Manggur
    • Taam
    • Tayandu
    • Walir
  • Kai archipelago (Kepulauan Kai)
    • Big kai (Pulau Kai Besar)
    • Small kai (Pulau Kai Kecil)
    • Kaitanimbar
  • Aru archipelago (Kepulauan Aru), 85 islands (the largest are Warilau, Kola, Wokam, Kobroor, Maikoor and Trangan)
  • Tanimbar Islands archipelago (Kepulauan Tanimbar), 66 islands, only 7 inhabited
    • Fordata
    • Larat
    • Maru
    • Molu
    • Nuswotar
    • Selaru
    • Selu
    • Seira
    • Wotap
    • Wuliaru
    • Yamdena
  • Babar Island archipelago (Kepulauan Babar), 6 islands
    • Babar
    • Dai
    • Daweloor
    • Dawera
    • Masela
    • Wetan
  • Sermata archipelago (Kepulauan Sermata)
    • Sermata
    • Coconut (Pulau Kelapa)
    • Luang
  • Leti Islands archipelago (Kepulauan Leti)
    • Kisar
    • Lakor
    • Leti
    • Moa

Small volcanic islands in the Banda Sea

  • Nila
  • Serua
  • Teun

[edit] The province of North Maluku

  • Bacan, with nearby islands:
    • Kasiruta
    • Kayoa
    • Latalata
    • Mandioli
    • Taneti
  • Morotai, with nearby islands:
  • Rau
  • Gebe Umera, with nearby islands:
    • Yu
  • North Loloda archipelago (Kepulauan Loloda Utara)
    • Dagasuli
    • Doi
  • Widi archipelago (Kepulauan Widi)
  • Obi Islands, with nearby islands:
    • Bisa
    • Gomumu
    • Obilatu
    • Tapat
    • Tobalai
  • Sula archipelago (Kepulauan Sula)
    • Lifamatola
    • Mangole
    • Seho
    • Sulabesi
    • Taliabu

Small volcanic islands in North Maluku

  • Mayu
  • Pisang (North Maluku)
  • Tifore
  • Lawin
  • Boo Islands

[edit] New Guinea

Islands on the west of the main New Guinea island

[edit] Province of West Papua

610 islands, 35 inhabited

North of New Guinea Island:

  • Asia Islands archipelago (kepulauan Asia)
    • Fani
    • Igin
    • Miarin
  • Ayu Islands archipelago (kepulauan Ayu)
  • Mapia Islands north of Cenderawasih Bay
    • Bras Island
    • Pegun Island
  • Bantang (Batangpele), with nearby islands:
    • Minyahun
    • Penemu
    • Yar
  • Kabu Islands (kepulauan Kabu)
  • Kalis Islands (kepulauan Kalis)
  • Mansuar, with nearby islands:
    • Kri
  • Raja Ampat archipelago (kepulauan Raja Ampat or Four Kings archipelago): over 1500 islands
    • Batanta
    • Gag
    • Fam Islands (kepulauan Fam)
    • Misool with nearby islands:
      • Babi
      • Daram
      • Ketimkerio
      • Polee
      • Wagmab
      • Walib
      • Warakaraket/Warakaget
    • Nusela Islands (kepulauan Nusela)
    • Rombombo Islands (kepulauan Rombombo) - near Sorong
      • Doom
      • Kabra
      • Tsiof
    • Selawati
    • Waigeo
      • Gam
      • Kawe
      • Me
      • Uranie
      • Wayag
      • Yeben
      • Kofiau
  • Sariga Islands (kepulauan Sariga)
    • Selawati, nearby islands:
    • Batanta
      • Igiem
      • Jefman/Yefman
      • Warir
    • Sayang
    • Su Islands (kepulauan Su)
  • Wai (on the strait of Dampier)
  • Segaf Islands, due south of Misool.
  • Valse Pisang Islands, due east of Misool.

Other islands in West Papua Province:

within Cenderawasih Bay:

  • Auri Islands archipelago (kepulauan Auri)
  • Meos Waar
  • Rumberpon
  • Roon Island
  • Meos Angra

in Sebakor Bay:

in Kamrau Bay:

  • Adi Island (in Kaimana regency)
  • Aduma


  • Sabuda (near Fatagar Tuting cape)

[edit] Province of Papua:

[edit] References

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

"Indonesia counts its islands before it's too late", Antara, May 17, 2007.