Island Special Constabulary Force

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Island Constabulary Force
Serve, Protect and Reassure
Established 1904
Jurisdiction Jamaica
Sworn about 2,000 officers
Stations about 20 (J.C.F Head Stations Only).
Chief Mr. Osmond Bromfield
Website [1]

The Island Special Constabulary Force (ISCF) is the first reserve to the Jamaica Constabulary Forrce. Approximately fifty eight percent (58%) of the personnel are deployed in Kingston and St. Andrew. Establishment of the ISCF is 2,091 members, but the current strength is 1,446. The current commandant is Mr. Osmond Bromfield.


[edit] Role

The ISCF members supplement the regular force in all facets of policing including the detection and investigation of major breaches of the Road Traffic Act.

Some of their other roles include:

Security Keeping public security. Maintaining public order. Securing public events, rallies and holidays. Traffic control Coordinating emergency services Police and community Handling civilian complaints. Handling the local command of the Home Guard. Providing ceremonial escorts to the President, the Prime minister and foreign ambassadors on state functions.

[edit] History

The history of the Special Constabulary dates back as far as 1904. At that time, under the power and authority of the Constables (Special) Law of 1904, two Justices of the Peace could appoint "so many as they may think fit of the householders or other persons residing in such parish and are willing to be appointed Special Constables, to act as Special Constables for such time, and in such manner as to the said Justice".

Special Constables then were given minimal tasks to assist the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF), also called the Regular Force, in the preservation of peace and good order. Special Constables received no formal training and there was no hierarchical structure. They operated under the orders of the Justice of Peace who appointed them, unless or until an officer or sub-officer of the JCF was present to take command.

[edit] Organisational Units

There are only a few organisational units within the ISCF. However ISCF members are allowed to work in sections of the JCF.

Here are a few of ISCF Units:

Commandant Office

Administration and Support

Credit Uniom

[edit] The Ranks

There are 9 ranks in the ISCF. They are (In order of highest to lowest):

  • Commandant (Mr. Osmond Bromfield, since June 1, 2004: one crown and two stars on each shoulder strap)
  • Deputy Commandant (one crown and one star on each shoulder strap)
  • Asst. Commandant (one crown on each shoulder strap)
  • Commanders (three stars on each shoulder strap)
  • Asst. Commanders (two stars on each shoulder strap)
  • Inspectors (two metal bars on each shoulder strap)
  • Sergeants (three chevrons on right sleeve)
  • Corporals (two chevrons on right sleeve)
  • Constables (no badge assigned)

[edit] Badges of Ranks


Title Insignia
Commandant to be updated
Deputy Commandant to be updated
Assistant Commandant to be updated
Commander to be updated
Assistant Commander to be updated


Title Insignia
Inspector to be updated
Sergeant to be updated
Corporal to be updated
Constable No Badges Assigned

[edit] Uniform

The uniform for the ranks of Constables to Sergeant is:

Blue striped serge trousers with blue seams down each side and a white and blue striped shirt.

The uniform for the ranks of Inspector to Commandant is:

Khaki Shirt and Pants, with shoulder straps.

[edit] Hat

The hat for the ranks of Constables to Inspector is:

Black Hat, with blue stripes around the top.

The hat for the ranks of Assistant Commander to Commandant is:

Black Hat, with black stripes around the top.

[edit] Training


Coming soon... to be up by June 11, 2008 @ 3:30 pm.

[edit] Contact

Harman Barracks

Kingston 5

Jamaica, West Indies

General Office: 1 (876) 928-5284

Commandant's Office: 1 (876) 928 - 1434

[edit] See also

[edit] External links
